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The Long Game

Kitchen Side: Eating From a Smaller Plate (or Bloat is Bad, Actually)

Wed Sep 20 2023
MarketingSEOContent CreationLead Generation


The podcast episode discusses the concept of "eating from a smaller plate," which promotes doing less with more. It explores the misapplication of programmatic strategies in SEO and debates the value of gated content. The importance of creating valuable content and using quizzes for lead generation is also discussed. The episode emphasizes the benefits of applying constraints and aligning goals, priorities, and constraints in marketing.


Constraints Lead to Creativity

Constraints are seen as beneficial as they lead to creativity, unconventional thinking, and prioritization.

Debate on Morality and Integrity in SEO

An unhinged LinkedIn post about an SEO heist sparks debate on morality and integrity in SEO tactics.

AI's Impact on SEO

AI may render certain types of content obsolete in the future of SEO.

Marketing Approaches Are Not Black and White

Marketing approaches should consider individual circumstances rather than blindly following a single method.

Gated Content Effectiveness

The effectiveness of gated content is debated, considering convenience and unique value.

Quizzes as Lead Generation Tools

Quizzes can be effective lead qualification tools in B2B marketing.

"Eating from a Smaller Plate" Mental Model

"Eating from a smaller plate" mental model promotes setting constraints and prioritizing goals.

Constraints Lead to Better Long-Term Success

Constraints lead to better long-term success compared to excessive options or resources.

Creativity in SEO

Creativity can lead to great results in SEO, as demonstrated by Brian Dean.

Innovative Solutions through Conversations

Forcing conversations about spending more money can lead to innovative solutions.


  1. Eating from a Smaller Plate
  2. Misapplication of Programmatic Strategies and SEO Debates
  3. Playing the Long Game in Marketing
  4. Value and Effectiveness of Gated Content
  5. Creating Valuable Content and Lead Generation Quizzes
  6. Using Quizzes for Lead Generation and Applying Constraints
  7. Aligning Goals, Priorities, and Constraints

Eating from a Smaller Plate

00:00 - 07:23

  • The concept of "eating from a smaller plate" promotes doing less with more.
  • Constraints lead to creativity, unconventional thinking, and prioritization.
  • An unhinged LinkedIn post about an SEO heist sparks debate on morality and integrity.
  • Effective SEO strategy should go beyond copying competitors and align with business goals.

Misapplication of Programmatic Strategies and SEO Debates

06:57 - 13:22

  • Blindly copying competitors without considering business value is cautioned against.
  • AI may render certain types of content obsolete in the future of SEO.
  • Backlinks and content velocity are debated in the context of SEO strategies.
  • Marketing approaches are not black and white, individual circumstances should be considered.

Playing the Long Game in Marketing

12:54 - 19:34

  • Strategic decisions and avoiding short-term trade-offs are key to playing the long game.
  • Turning down clients when their investment won't yield results based on competitive landscape and maturity.
  • Gated content effectiveness is debated, convenience plays a role in choosing to download or search elsewhere.

Value and Effectiveness of Gated Content

19:09 - 25:53

  • Gated offers directly related to consumed content may have more value.
  • Gated content provides data collection and nurturing opportunities through email newsletters.
  • Behavior tracking on websites can identify potential leads even without contact forms.
  • Original research reports and unique perspectives in guides can drive email collection and links.

Creating Valuable Content and Lead Generation Quizzes

25:25 - 32:12

  • Providing a unique and original perspective builds trust with the audience.
  • Gating content should capture the right people and address their pain points.
  • Quizzes can be effective lead qualification tools in B2B marketing.

Using Quizzes for Lead Generation and Applying Constraints

31:42 - 37:17

  • Quizzes can be used creatively to collect information and engage with audiences.
  • Buzzfeed is mentioned as an example of effectively using quizzes for data gathering.
  • "Eating from a smaller plate" mental model promotes setting constraints and prioritizing goals.
  • Constraints lead to better long-term success compared to excessive options or resources.

Aligning Goals, Priorities, and Constraints

36:58 - 42:54

  • Setting specific goals helps eliminate actions that won't help achieve them.
  • Focusing on high-quality content rather than chasing after a large number of links is advised.
  • Creativity can lead to great results in SEO, as demonstrated by Brian Dean.
  • Forcing conversations about spending more money can lead to innovative solutions.