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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

My Clinical License Is as Good as Gone

Tue Jan 23 2024
Free SpeechWoke IdeologyBiological SexRegulatory BoardsCanadaUncertainty


The episode discusses the College of Psychologists of Ontario taking away the license of a person due to complaints about their tweets and comments. It explores the threat to free speech and free thought in Canada posed by regulatory boards and woke ideology. The importance of upholding biological sex and confronting woke ideology is emphasized. Personal reflections, hope, optimism, challenges ahead, opportunities, and uncertainty in Peterson's life are also discussed. The episode concludes with facing uncertainty with confidence and support.


The College of Psychologists of Ontario is taking away licenses based on complaints about tweets and comments.

The regulatory board has been after them for years due to complaints from random people online about their tweets and comments made on Joe Rogan's show.

Regulatory boards and colleges pose a threat to Canadians' ability to think for themselves.

The speaker believes that regulatory boards and colleges are a major threat to Canadians' ability to think for themselves and receive honest professional consultation.

Upholding biological sex is important in confronting woke ideology.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of not compromising on the reality of biological sex. The woke ideology promotes gender fluidity and if it is accepted, there will be no limit to what can be promoted.

Personal reflections and uncertain future.

The speaker discusses personal reflections, including changes in their career and the uncertainty of the future.

Opportunities and challenges in Peterson's life.

The episode explores opportunities and challenges in Peterson's personal life, including the launch of Peterson Academy and the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship.

Facing uncertainty with confidence and support.

The speaker encourages facing uncertainty with confidence, caution on social media, and being guided by a relationship with God and the truth.


  1. The College of Psychologists of Ontario and the Threat to Free Speech
  2. The Importance of Upholding Biological Sex and Confronting Woke Ideology
  3. Personal Reflections and Uncertain Future
  4. Hope, Optimism, and Challenges Ahead
  5. Opportunities and Uncertainty in Peterson's Life
  6. Facing Uncertainty with Confidence and Support

The College of Psychologists of Ontario and the Threat to Free Speech

00:01 - 15:19

  • The College of Psychologists of Ontario is taking away the license of the person being discussed. The regulatory board has been after them for three or four years due to complaints from random people online about their tweets and comments made on Joe Rogan's show. The complaints include tweets criticizing the government, making sarcastic remarks, and suggesting someone should consider depopulation. The college believes these tweets undermine public trust in the profession of psychology and their ability to regulate it.
  • The person has fought back against the decision but lost in court. They are now faced with a choice between undergoing reeducation or losing their license. They feel that Canada's charter of rights is not being upheld and professionals are losing their right to express themselves politically or professionally. Some of the criticized tweets were seen as political opinions, while others were regarded as professional obligations to point out dangers in celebrities' behavior.
  • The speaker mentions the machinations of the radical left narcissistic resentful woke mob and believes that they pose a threat to free speech and free thought in Canada. The speaker expresses concern about the consequences of losing their professional license, but also states that they are not dependent on it anymore and have other options. The speaker believes that regulatory boards and colleges are a major threat to Canadians' ability to think for themselves and receive honest professional consultation. The speaker gives an example of a psychologist who may lie to a distressed patient due to fear of repercussions from regulatory boards.

The Importance of Upholding Biological Sex and Confronting Woke Ideology

14:55 - 22:53

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of not compromising on the reality of biological sex. The woke ideology promotes gender fluidity and if it is accepted, there will be no limit to what can be promoted. People are tempted to go along with the woke mob to protect their financial security and professional license. The speaker prefers to confront the issues now rather than wait for more trouble later.
  • There is a dark and amusing element to the situation in Canada, where deep-rooted problems are being exposed. Legacy news services like CBC are no longer reliable sources of information in Canada since 2015. The speaker had to hold their tongue during a legal action but now has nothing to lose. Disgracing the speaker as a psychologist will undermine public trust in that designation. The popularity of the speaker's book and YouTube videos shows that people find them psychologically helpful.

Personal Reflections and Uncertain Future

22:25 - 29:11

  • The speaker acknowledges that if his claims are rejected, it may be seen as an inappropriate response and could undermine his credibility. The federal court has announced that individuals have the right and obligation to reveal their pronouns when addressing the court, along with an indigenous land acknowledgement. Moving to Arizona is considered a favorable option by the speaker, although there are personal considerations involved.
  • The speaker expresses confidence in stating what he believes and emphasizes the importance of truth, regardless of the outcome or appearance. The speaker discusses the changes in his career, including no longer having a research career or clinical practice but still being active on a global stage and building a university. Stress is seen as an inevitable part of life, and people's desire for a stress-free existence is deemed unreasonable.

Hope, Optimism, and Challenges Ahead

28:57 - 36:42

  • The speaker had clients who they were very close to, but had to end the relationships due to ethical reasons. The speaker is currently feeling tired and angry because their time is being wasted by people promoting ignorant ideologies. There are concerns about the future of Canada if Trudeau remains in power and if Pierre Polia becomes the next Prime Minister.
  • The speaker believes that Canadians may earn less compared to Americans in the future. The speaker compares themselves to Cassandra, a seer who accurately predicted events but was not listened to. Despite some pessimism, the speaker believes that humanity has the potential for prosperity and hopes people make wise choices.

Opportunities and Uncertainty in Peterson's Life

36:18 - 43:52

  • Peterson Academy is launching in February, offering high-level education at a lower cost. The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship promotes decentralized responsibility as an alternative to top-down centralization. The last conference was successful, with 15,000 people attending a public event afterward.
  • Despite the challenges, there are reasons to be optimistic in Peterson's personal life. The college situation is seen as both a bump in the road and an opportunity. Problems can present opportunities if approached with the right mindset. Peterson is tired due to working at full capacity and burning energy he doesn't have.

Facing Uncertainty with Confidence and Support

43:31 - 45:20

  • The speaker believes they are well-prepared and don't need to worry. They advise caution on Twitter or X platform. The speaker suggests not getting too upset or angry because it's out of one's control. Life is compared to being swept along, and the speaker encourages being guided by a relationship with God and the truth.
  • Being influenced by falsehoods and lies leads to something unimaginably terrible. The speaker is willing to express their thoughts, face consequences, and have confidence in the process. They have support from their partner and others who have been through worse situations before. The outcome is uncertain but not boring.