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Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Kaley Cuoco Returns

Mon Feb 05 2024
FriendshipReality TVCOVIDParentingPregnancyActingCollectingTaco BellPetsInsectsChaotic HouseholdExtreme BehaviorClubbingHumble BeginningsHaunted Locations


This episode covers various topics including friendship dynamics, reality TV, COVID experiences, parenting challenges, pregnancy during filming, childhood acting experiences, collecting mugs, Taco Bell cravings, blending drama with comedy in acting roles, pet care, insects crawling on people, chaotic households, extreme behavior, clubbing experiences, humble beginnings, and haunted locations.


The older you get, the smaller your circle of friends becomes.

As people age, their circle of friends tends to shrink as they become more selective about who they consider close friends.

Real friends don't resent you for making new friends.

True friends are supportive and understanding when you make new connections and expand your social circle.

Pregnancy can affect food preferences and interests.

Pregnant individuals may experience changes in their food preferences and develop cravings for foods they previously disliked or had no interest in.

Children's destructive behavior can be entertaining to watch.

Parents may find humor in watching videos of their children engaging in mischievous or destructive behavior.

Supportive parents play a crucial role in a child's acting career.

Having parents who are involved and supportive of a child's acting aspirations can greatly contribute to their success in the industry.

Collecting mugs can become an obsession.

Some individuals develop a strong attachment to collecting coffee mugs from different places they visit, often prioritizing their special mug over other items while traveling.

Food plays a significant role in a pet's health.

Providing high-quality and nutritious food to pets can have a positive impact on their overall health and well-being.

Some people have an all-or-nothing approach to life.

Certain individuals tend to go to extremes in their actions and have a preference for either fully committing to something or completely avoiding it.

Humble beginnings can lead to successful careers.

Starting from modest or challenging circumstances does not necessarily hinder one's potential for achieving success in their chosen field.

Abandoned locations can have rumors of being haunted.

Places that have been left abandoned or unused for extended periods often attract rumors and stories of paranormal activity.


  1. Friendship and Circle of Friends
  2. Reality TV, COVID, and Parenting
  3. Pregnancy and Acting
  4. Childhood Acting and Collecting Mugs
  5. Taco Bell, Acting, and Pets
  6. Insects, Childhood, and Chaotic Household
  7. Clubbing, Humble Beginnings, and Flaky Jakes
  8. Uninhibited Behavior, Technology Terms, and Haunted Locations
  9. Summary and Insights

Friendship and Circle of Friends

00:03 - 05:48

  • Kaylee Quoco feels suspicious about being Conan O'Brien's friend.
  • Conan jokes about it being a sting operation because he hasn't paid his taxes in four years.
  • They discuss the dynamics of friendship and how the older you get, the smaller your circle of friends becomes.
  • Conan mentions that sometimes people express interest in being friends, but he feels like he's already set with his current circle.
  • Kaylee talks about recently making a new friend and going to the Huntington Library together.
  • They joke about whether this new friendship is an affair or just a regular friendship.
  • Conan wonders if his current friends would resent him for taking on a new friend, but Kaylee assures him that real friends don't think like that.
  • They talk about how someone would have to bring something special to the table to become their friend at this point in their lives.
  • They joke about the possibility of having a series finale for the podcast where Conan chooses one person as his official friend.

Reality TV, COVID, and Parenting

05:19 - 17:17

  • The podcast guest talks about a reality TV show where couples have sex on television, although the cameras are not shown.
  • They discuss whether having rose petals or shrubs on the bed is considered sexy.
  • The guest shares a story about putting a shrub and a traffic sign on the bed, which did not turn out to be romantic.
  • They joke about deer crossing signs and deer jelly.
  • The conversation transitions to discussing the guest's previous experiences at the podcast host's facility during the height of COVID.
  • There is mention of parking issues at the facility and how the guest had to park in a nearby parking garage.
  • The podcast host describes their facility as an "evil lair" and mentions that they do editing for an HBO Max TV show there.
  • They joke about running medieval fairs and being doulas at their facility.
  • The speaker drives an 18-wheeler and recently got their license for it.
  • They enjoy driving the 18-wheeler around town and people love it.
  • The speaker mentions someone with a blue Tesla, commenting on its shiny and clean appearance.
  • The studio they are in has poor lighting compared to the lighting on their car.
  • The speaker is excited to be back in the studio after spending two hours laughing during their last visit.
  • The conversation shifts to discussing children, with the speaker mentioning having a 10-month-old child.
  • The other person in the conversation has two children who are two and a half years old.
  • Both speakers talk about the challenges of parenting and lack of sleep.
  • They joke about their children's ages in terms of months, finding it amusing and annoying at times.
  • One speaker mentions how memories of their children's early months start to fade over time, while the other person (presumably their partner) remembers everything vividly.
  • They discuss how people now address them as "mama" since becoming parents, which annoys them both.
  • One person even had to ask their assistant to tell everyone at work to stop calling them "mama."
  • They share stories about strangers touching pregnant bellies without permission, finding it creepy and inappropriate.

Pregnancy and Acting

16:54 - 23:25

  • The speaker discusses a creepy experience of feeling where a baby might live in an apartment.
  • The speaker talks about not being the type to touch pregnant stomachs or be overly aware of her own pregnancy.
  • The conversation shifts to discussing a movie the speaker did where she played a mom who is also an assassin.
  • The speaker reveals that she was pregnant while shooting the movie and kept it a secret from everyone on set.
  • Despite being pregnant, the speaker performed physical stunts for the movie and felt better when moving around.
  • The speaker mentions feeling sick throughout the entire filming process due to her pregnancy.
  • There is a humorous discussion about how the baby may now have skills in sword fighting and stunt classes because of being in utero during filming.
  • Another anecdote is shared about how the speaker's wife, who was previously vegetarian, suddenly craved and ate meat during pregnancy.
  • The speaker shares their own similar experience of becoming interested in eating meat again after years of being vegetarian once they became pregnant.
  • A conversation about "the passenger" taking control during pregnancy occurs between the speakers.
  • One of the speakers expresses their fascination with watching videos of children, particularly funny ones involving destructive behavior.

Childhood Acting and Collecting Mugs

22:58 - 29:14

  • The speaker talks about smashing something left by their great grandpa in his will and finds it funny.
  • They mention being in a phase where they can't get enough of something and beg for more.
  • The speaker discusses the joy of watching videos of their child and how entertaining it is.
  • They mention that others may not find the videos as cute as they do.
  • The speaker talks about their daughter's interest in performing and predicts she may pursue a similar career.
  • They share their positive experience growing up as an actor with supportive parents.
  • The speaker mentions doing Barbie commercials at a young age and recalls specific details from their first TV gig at five years old.
  • They discuss the importance of having parents who are supportive and involved in their children's careers, contrasting with stories of parents who live through their kids' successes or disappointments.
  • The speaker expresses that they can't discourage their own child from pursuing acting because they loved it so much themselves.
  • There is a humorous exchange about controlling finances and jokingly being devious.
  • The conversation revolves around the guest's love for mugs and their habit of gifting them to others.
  • The mugs they received had humorous messages on them, such as "drop dead" and "never have children."
  • One of the mugs was sent to a museum in Orlando, Florida, along with other random items.
  • The museum is not well-visited and offers free lubrication services for cars and people.
  • The hosts joke about the eccentricities of Florida and its residents.
  • The guest expresses their obsession with collecting coffee mugs from different places they visit.
  • They prefer larger-sized mugs and dislike small cappuccino cups typically found in hotels.
  • The guest even travels with their own coffee maker to ensure they have the right mug and coffee while away from home.
  • They humorously prioritize their special mug over bringing their daughter on a trip.
  • The guest admits to being particular about traveling arrangements, jokingly referring to themselves as a diva.

Taco Bell, Acting, and Pets

28:47 - 34:03

  • The speaker and Sonah discuss their love for Taco Bell and how they would often crave it while driving around.
  • They joke about "murdering" Taco Bell and the speaker mentions having an incision made in their body to accommodate eating Taco Bell.
  • The conversation shifts to discussing improv and acting. The speaker reveals that they never did improv but took one acting class when they were 10 years old. The acting teacher told them they wouldn't make it as an actor, which affected them deeply.
  • Despite the initial setback, the speaker went on to have a successful career, including starring in Big Bang Theory. They talk about how their career has evolved since then, with roles in different genres allowing them to showcase their range as an actor.
  • The speaker expresses gratitude for their time on Big Bang Theory and acknowledges that being known as Penny is not a problem for them.
  • They discuss finding opportunities to blend drama with comedy in their roles, creating a unique tone for themselves.
  • The speaker initially thought they would only do sitcoms forever, but then found the opportunity to do a drama with some comedy elements.
  • They discuss how shows like Breaking Bad have blended comedy and drama effectively.
  • The speaker reflects on their long career and expresses a desire to work with people they love and have fun.
  • There is a humorous exchange about masculinity and receiving notes to appear more masculine during recordings.
  • The conversation shifts to the topic of pets, with the speaker mentioning their love for dogs and their frustration with their cats not liking them.
  • They talk about their own pet line that offers eco-friendly dog products, including shampoos, snacks, wipes, teeth cleaning products, etc.
  • The importance of food in a pet's life is mentioned, emphasizing how it can make a big difference in their health.
  • The speaker reveals that they have five dogs and jokingly mentions that they talk about their dogs more than their own child.

Insects, Childhood, and Chaotic Household

33:42 - 39:26

  • The speaker discusses a person who is oblivious to insects crawling on them, suggesting they may be a sociopath.
  • The speaker's child refuses to stand or crawl but is active in a walker.
  • The speaker shares a humorous story about their own late development in standing and talking.
  • They joke about comparing themselves to Einstein and aging poorly.
  • The conversation shifts to discussing the host's pet line named after their late dog Norman.
  • They mention a friend who is knowledgeable about dogs and has a website dedicated to them.
  • The host talks about wanting more animals in their household due to growing up in a chaotic environment with many siblings and pets.
  • They describe their house as crazy but feel uncomfortable when things are too quiet and sane.
  • The host shares an amusing anecdote about their mother throwing a potato through the kitchen window during an argument.
  • They contrast their mother's desire for proper behavior with the calmness of their spouse, who enjoys making herbal remedies for skincare.
  • The speaker talks about living with someone who is always in the corner, making a broth with basil leaves for their skin.
  • The speaker and the other person have different eating habits, with the speaker wanting to eat meat and jump through a window.
  • Both speakers admit to having an all-or-nothing approach to things, where they go to extremes in their actions.
  • One of the speakers enjoys working and has no maternal feelings, preferring to go to work instead of spending time with their child.
  • They joke about child services waiting for one of them due to their behavior.
  • There is mention of hiding a car and joking about it being a sting operation.
  • One of the speakers compliments the other on being able to save moments during talk shows by saying something funny or doing something unexpected.
  • They discuss hanging out together, but one of them quickly changes their mind when asked.

Clubbing, Humble Beginnings, and Flaky Jakes

38:57 - 45:01

  • The conversation starts with a discussion about the age of someone's child and their dogs.
  • The hosts express their admiration for the guest and mention that they had a good experience working together on a show.
  • The guest mentions creating tension on her own set after experiencing a relaxed atmosphere on the set of the number one show on television.
  • They joke about sending the guest off with a sandwich and discuss not having an idea for the third act segment.
  • They talk about their kids and how they have nothing else going on to talk about.
  • The hosts ask the guest about her clubbing experiences, but she reveals that she never went clubbing due to anxiety and preferring conversations over loud music.
  • The guest shares stories of her humble past, driving an old car and wearing clothes stolen from her brother.
  • They mention a restaurant called Flaky Jake's where they would create cheap sandwiches using items from the salad bar.

Uninhibited Behavior, Technology Terms, and Haunted Locations

44:35 - 50:56

  • The speaker enjoys going out and having drinks with friends.
  • The speaker is not afraid of being uninhibited and engaging in public displays of affection.
  • The speaker jokes about being unfamiliar with technology terms like PDF, Microsoft X, Pages.core, Adobe Photoshop JPEG, and GIF.
  • The conversation reveals that the speaker used to come back with interesting stories from their outings.
  • The other person in the conversation describes the speaker as more buttoned up than themselves.
  • There is mention of a period of time when the speaker had it together during the first George Bush administration and early Clinton administration.
  • The conversation briefly touches on nicknames, including one that the person jokingly suggests for themselves.
  • They mention an abandoned Flaky Jakes location off the 60 freeway which is rumored to be haunted.

Summary and Insights


  • The episode covers various topics including friendship dynamics, reality TV, COVID experiences, parenting challenges, pregnancy during filming, childhood acting experiences, collecting mugs, Taco Bell cravings, blending drama with comedy in acting roles, pet care, insects crawling on people, chaotic households, extreme behavior, clubbing experiences, humble beginnings, and haunted locations.
  • Insight: The older you get, the smaller your circle of friends becomes.
  • Insight: Real friends don't resent you for making new friends.
  • Insight: Pregnancy can affect food preferences and interests.
  • Insight: Children's destructive behavior can be entertaining to watch.
  • Insight: Supportive parents play a crucial role in a child's acting career.
  • Insight: Collecting mugs can become an obsession.
  • Insight: Food plays a significant role in a pet's health.
  • Insight: Some people have an all-or-nothing approach to life.
  • Insight: Humble beginnings can lead to successful careers.
  • Insight: Some people prefer conversations over loud music in social settings.
  • Insight: Abandoned locations can have rumors of being haunted.