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Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Larry David

Mon Feb 12 2024
Larry DavidConan O'Briencomedyfriendshipfashionsocial eventsunconventional approachespersonal anecdotesactingscript readingscomplimentsrelationship dynamicshistorical relationshipsmiscellaneous topics


Larry David discusses his mixed feelings about being Conan O'Brien's friend, their fashion choices, and their experiences in the comedy industry. They also touch on social events, unconventional approaches to life, and the dynamics of relationships. The episode explores historical relationships and concludes with miscellaneous topics and podcast wrap-up.


Larry David's Fashion Choices

Larry David expresses his mixed feelings about being Conan O'Brien's friend and shares his preference for wearing clothing other than t-shirts and sneakers. They discuss dressing up, finding a monocle store, and their desire for cold weather where people dress in a pub-like style.

Conan O'Brien and Larry David's Friendship

Conan O'Brien interviews Larry David and they discuss their friendship, living close to each other, and their experiences in the comedy industry. They also touch on the preparation and spontaneity of talk shows and Larry confirms that he is similar to his character on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" in real life.

Navigating Social Events

The guest shares an incident where he declined a dinner party invitation because he wanted to know who else would be attending. They discuss the importance of knowing who will be at a party to avoid uncomfortable situations and joke about having a "party sheriff" to oversee conversations.

Comedy Career and Personal Anecdotes

The interviewee shares stories from their comedy career, including working with Mike Sweeney, their time at Saturday Night Live (SNL), and storming off stage multiple times. They also mention declining taking pictures outside and not entertaining ideas pitched to them.

Unconventional Approaches and Personal Stories

The speaker shares stories of pretending to be insane at work, overhearing interesting conversations as a driver, and taking advantage of an old blind woman. They also mention studying history and its influence on their comedy.

Approach to Comedy and Script Readings

The speakers discuss the seriousness of acting and comedy, preferring performing on stage over attending comedy classes. They share their experiences with sitcom table reads, giving constructive criticism, and situations where they have to lie about enjoying a script or film.

Compliments and Reflections on Comedy

The guest recalls funny incidents, compliments the host's style of comedy, and discusses the last season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." They talk about the emphasis on reactions in the show, jokes in traditional sitcoms, and a surprise guest star in the final season.

Relationship Dynamics and Podcast Recommendations

A guest star joins the podcast and compliments are exchanged. Conan's wife, Liza Powell O'Brien, also joins the conversation to discuss their relationship dynamics. They mention a podcast called "Significant Others" and upcoming episodes featuring famous couples.

Exploring Historical Relationships

The podcast host praises the guest's podcast voice and they discuss historical relationships such as Karl Marx and his wife Jenny, Billy Strayhorn and Duke Ellington, and Benedict Arnold and Peggy Shipen. They explore the complexities of these relationships and express interest in learning more about Elizabeth Forster Nietzsche and Friedrich Nietzsche's story.

Miscellaneous Topics and Podcast Wrap-up

The hosts discuss aphorisms, singing their own lyrics to the Game of Thrones theme song, and express gratitude for their team members. They mention Ted Danson as a guest, an intensive karate weekend, potential affairs, and share a story about making homemade mayonnaise.


  1. Larry David's Fashion Choices
  2. Conan O'Brien and Larry David's Friendship
  3. Navigating Social Events
  4. Comedy Career and Personal Anecdotes
  5. Unconventional Approaches and Personal Stories
  6. Approach to Comedy and Script Readings
  7. Compliments and Reflections on Comedy
  8. Relationship Dynamics and Podcast Recommendations
  9. Exploring Historical Relationships
  10. Miscellaneous Topics and Podcast Wrap-up

Larry David's Fashion Choices

00:03 - 06:39

  • Larry David expresses his mixed feelings about being Conan O'Brien's friend.
  • The podcast hosts discuss the recent rain in Los Angeles and how it allows them to dress more formally.
  • They joke about people in Los Angeles dressing casually, regardless of their success or age.
  • Larry David shares his preference for wearing clothing other than t-shirts and sneakers.
  • The hosts talk about dressing up and feeling like characters from a different era.
  • They mention Seattle's tendency to wear fleece and contrast it with their own fashion choices.
  • Larry David talks about finding a monocle store and buying two monocles to use as glasses.
  • They discuss their desire for cold weather where people dress in a pub-like style, not necessarily posh.
  • Larry David jokes about smoking a pipe and doing comedic bits with it.

Conan O'Brien and Larry David's Friendship

06:15 - 13:04

  • Larry David is being interviewed on a podcast.
  • He expresses discomfort with the diversity of the group.
  • Larry David is surprised to learn that he is on TV during the interview.
  • Conan O'Brien and Larry David live close to each other, but Larry complains about the long drive.
  • Conan makes two anti-Semitic statements to Larry as a joke.
  • They discuss whether Larry is a good guy or not, with differing opinions.
  • Conan recalls their first meeting and how Larry was eating a sandwich while giving his honest opinion about Conan's show.
  • Larry credits Conan for helping him through his first talk show appearance.
  • They discuss the preparation and spontaneity of talk shows, including anecdotes and research.
  • Conan mentions that people often ask if Larry is like his character on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," and he confirms that he is similar in real life.

Comedy Career and Personal Anecdotes

19:02 - 25:55

  • The speaker mentions that they didn't worry about the person they were talking to, but they worry about other people.
  • The person being talked about is Mike Sweeney, who worked in comedy clubs with the speaker and has been with them for almost 30 years.
  • Mike Sweeney loves to talk about the person being interviewed and their time as a stand-up comedian.
  • The interviewee used to have a joke at the top of their set to gauge how well the crowd would respond.
  • Other comedians would watch to see what would happen if the crowd didn't go for the joke, and the interviewee would become enraged.
  • The interviewee had a short-lived experience working at Saturday Night Live (SNL) and only got one sketch on air.
  • They quit SNL out of anger but later returned pretending nothing happened.
  • There were multiple instances where the interviewee stormed off but came back as if nothing happened.
  • The interviewer mentions that because of shows like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, people often pitch ideas to the interviewee, but they don't entertain those ideas.
  • The interviewee mentions that they sometimes decline taking pictures outside.

Unconventional Approaches and Personal Stories

25:31 - 32:33

  • The speaker tried a new approach where they pretended they couldn't take pictures outside and used it as an excuse.
  • The speaker was in the US Army Reserve to avoid going to Vietnam.
  • They had a letter from a psychiatrist stating that they were crazy, which they used to act insane at work.
  • The speaker's performance of acting insane impressed others.
  • The speaker worked as a driver and sometimes overheard interesting conversations from passengers.
  • The speaker took advantage of an old blind woman by pretending their car was spotless when it wasn't.
  • They got fired when one of the woman's friends revealed the truth about the car's condition.
  • Both the speaker and the host studied history, which has influenced their comedy.

Approach to Comedy and Script Readings

32:09 - 38:31

  • The speakers discuss the seriousness with which people take acting and comedy, suggesting that either you have the talent or you don't.
  • They acknowledge that improvement and skill development are possible through practice.
  • The speakers share their preference for performing on stage rather than attending comedy classes, as they find forced laughter in those settings unappealing.
  • One of the speakers mentions their experience with sitcom table reads and how they found it upsetting when people laughed just to be polite.
  • They highlight their own approach to script readings, where they would fix any issues after one read-through instead of having multiple sessions.
  • The conversation touches on giving constructive criticism without outright saying something isn't funny, as it wouldn't be helpful to the person receiving feedback.
  • They mention situations where they have to lie about enjoying a script or film when there's nothing they can do to change it.
  • One speaker recalls an incident at a movie screening where the other speaker quickly asked a question before leaving, leaving them behind for another 45 minutes.

Compliments and Reflections on Comedy

38:04 - 44:50

  • The speaker recalls a funny incident where they left the studio early and received a text from someone praising their genius.
  • They express pride in their actions and how it made them feel superior to someone else.
  • The conversation shifts to the topic of the last season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and jokingly suggests doing another season after claiming it's the last one.
  • The host compliments the guest on their style of comedy, mentioning that younger people appreciate its realism and spontaneity.
  • They discuss how sitcoms used to have applause for certain characters entering or delivering important information, but they found it unnecessary on "Curb Your Enthusiasm."
  • The guest appreciates the emphasis on reactions rather than just jokes in the show, comparing it to Jack Benny's style.
  • The host jokingly mentions that this is the first compliment he has received from the guest in their relationship.
  • They discuss how jokes in traditional sitcoms rarely elicit laughter from characters, which seems odd if they are supposed to be funny.
  • The guest mentions that laughing convincingly is difficult for actors, along with portraying drunkenness realistically.
  • There is mention of a surprise guest star in the final season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," with some playful banter about their presence.

Relationship Dynamics and Podcast Recommendations

44:36 - 51:15

  • A guest star is present in the show and compliments were exchanged.
  • Larry David was mentioned in a conversation with a fan who thought he was too old for her.
  • The host expresses his admiration for the guest and hopes to have him on the show again.
  • Conan's wife, Liza Powell O'Brien, joins the podcast and they discuss their relationship dynamics.
  • They mention a podcast called "Significant Others" that explores different types of relationships.
  • The host praises his wife's podcast and mentions that it is not focused on romance but rather complicated partnerships.
  • The host admires his wife's podcast voice and mentions upcoming episodes featuring famous couples like Jenny and Karl Marx.

Exploring Historical Relationships

50:47 - 57:53

  • The podcast host praises the guest's podcast voice and mentions their excitement for season two.
  • They discuss the relationship between Karl Marx and his wife, Jenny, highlighting how they worked together as a couple.
  • The story of Billy Strayhorn and Duke Ellington is shared, emphasizing Strayhorn's musical talents and his collaboration with Ellington.
  • Strayhorn's determination to live openly as a gay man is mentioned, despite the challenges he faced in the industry at that time.
  • The conversation shifts to Benedict Arnold and Peggy Shipen, noting their complex working relationship.
  • The podcast explores the idea that people can both help and hinder each other in various ways.
  • It is mentioned that oversimplification is common nowadays but these stories allow for a more complicated narrative.
  • The host expresses interest in learning more about Elizabeth Forster Nietzsche and Friedrich Nietzsche's story.
  • The ambitious nature of Elizabeth Forster Nietzsche is highlighted, along with Friedrich Nietzsche's anti-nationalist beliefs.
  • The podcast briefly touches on Friedrich Nietzsche's sister marrying an anti-semite and her association with fascists like Hitler.
  • There is playful banter between the host and guest about future episodes involving incapacitation and promoting nationalism.

Miscellaneous Topics and Podcast Wrap-up

57:29 - 1:03:17

  • The podcast episode features a discussion about aphorisms and nonsense words.
  • The hosts talk about singing their own lyrics to the Game of Thrones theme song.
  • They express gratitude for the team members who have contributed to the podcast.
  • Ted Danson is mentioned as a guest on the show and is praised for being nice.
  • The hosts discuss an intensive karate weekend that one of them attended, including sleeping in their car.
  • There is mention of potential affairs, but it's unclear if they are serious or joking.
  • The hosts talk about the logistics of having an affair and joke about their own struggles with basic responsibilities.
  • A story is shared about making homemade mayonnaise, which turned out better than store-bought mayo.