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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

424. Common Ground on Climate and Nuclear Energy | Dr. Dennis Whyte

Mon Feb 19 2024
fusion energynuclear fusionplasma physicsmagnetic confinementdecarbonizationrenewable energyAIsuperconductors


This episode explores the potential of fusion energy as a clean and virtually limitless source of power. Dr. Dennis White, an expert on nuclear fusion, discusses the advantages of fusion over other energy sources and the challenges involved in replicating fusion conditions on Earth. The episode covers the fundamentals of fusion reactions, plasma physics, and engineering fusion systems using magnetic confinement. It also delves into the applications and future prospects of fusion energy, including its role in decarbonization efforts and the advancements in technology that are driving progress towards commercialization. The episode concludes by highlighting the need for cost-effective fusion energy and the synergies between new technologies like AI and superconductors.


Fusion energy involves fusing hydrogen into heavier elements, releasing significant energy per reaction.

Fusion is the primary energy source of stars and has vast advantages over standard nuclear and chemical reactions.

Advances in materials and computational technology are making fusion energy more viable for commercial use.

Fusion reactions have been induced on Earth with particle accelerators, but maintaining the necessary temperature for sustained fusion is a challenge.

Magnetic confinement is primarily used on Earth for fusion experiments instead of relying solely on gravity like stars do.

Fusion systems on Earth are inherently safe due to the low number of particles in the fuel, preventing dangerous energy levels.

Fusion power calculations are based on the density of the fuel and the energy released during fusion reactions.

Different approaches to fusion, such as magnetic fusion, vary in fuel density and energy confinement time requirements.

Fusion technology offers the potential for inexhaustible fuel source and minimal raw material requirements.

Technologists believe fusion energy systems have demonstrated viability but face challenges in self-sustainability and engineering efficiency.


  1. Introduction to Fusion Energy
  2. Fundamentals of Fusion Reactions
  3. Engineering Fusion Systems
  4. Applications and Future of Fusion Energy

Introduction to Fusion Energy

00:03 - 14:59

  • Dr. Dennis White is an expert on nuclear fusion and its potential for unlimited energy at a low cost.
  • Fusion energy involves fusing hydrogen into heavier elements, releasing significant energy per reaction.
  • Fusion is the primary energy source of stars and has vast advantages over standard nuclear and chemical reactions.
  • Conditions for fusion on Earth need to replicate those in the sun, with extremely high temperatures and pressures.
  • Advances in materials and computational technology are making fusion energy more viable for commercial use.
  • The temperature and pressure increase as you move towards the center of the sun, reaching approximately 20 million degrees where fusion reactions occur.
  • Jupiter has a similar composition to the sun but didn't get big or hot enough to trigger fusion reactions and become a star.
  • Fusion naturally occurs in the center of stars due to specific conditions of temperature and pressure.
  • High energy is needed to overcome electromagnetic forces for fusion reactions to happen.
  • Fusion reactions have been induced on Earth with particle accelerators, but maintaining the necessary temperature for sustained fusion is a challenge.
  • Stars like the sun maintain their high core temperatures due to gravity containing the hot core and preventing heat escape.
  • Gravity is much weaker than other fundamental forces, making it challenging to replicate star-like fusion processes on Earth without something as large as a star.
  • Magnetic confinement is primarily used on Earth for fusion experiments instead of relying solely on gravity like stars do.
  • Fusion systems on Earth are inherently safe due to the low number of particles in the fuel, preventing dangerous energy levels.

Fundamentals of Fusion Reactions

14:35 - 29:05

  • Stars aggregate hydrogen primarily due to gravity, leading to fusion reactions.
  • Fusion in stars is a thermal process, not a chain reaction like fission in nuclear power plants.
  • Fusion releases heat that triggers more fusion reactions by heating the fuel.
  • Higher temperatures increase the likelihood of fusion reactions by providing particles with higher energy and velocity.
  • In stars, fusion occurs in a contained thermal system where particles have a distribution of energies based on thermodynamics.
  • Plasmas disintegrate atoms, breaking atomic bonds at high temperatures above 5,000 degrees.
  • Plasma consists of freely moving charged particles, unlike stable atoms.
  • Plasma physics studies the collective behaviors of charged particles interacting through electrostatic forces.
  • Statistical approaches are used to predict fusion probabilities in plasmas based on temperature and density.
  • Temperature and density are key parameters for achieving fusion reactions in plasmas.

Engineering Fusion Systems

28:40 - 50:03

  • Fusion power calculations are based on the density of the fuel and the energy released during fusion reactions.
  • Creating fusion conditions on Earth involves using electromagnetic containers and laser beams to achieve high temperatures and pressures.
  • Energy confinement time is crucial for maintaining thermalized fuel and allowing fusion reactions to occur.
  • The product of fuel density and energy confinement time determines the net energy output in a fusion system.
  • Different approaches to fusion, such as magnetic fusion, vary in fuel density and energy confinement time requirements.
  • Magnetic fusion and laser fusion are two approaches to achieving nuclear fusion with different methods of confinement and energy densities.
  • Magnetic fusion uses powerful magnetic fields to confine particles by exerting the Lorentz force on charged particles in movement.
  • The magnetic field in fusion holds charged particles in circular orbits, preventing them from escaping unless they collide with another particle.
  • The strength of the magnetic field required for confinement is proportionate to the average speed of the particles, which increases with temperature.
  • Increasing the strength of the magnetic field in fusion reactors decreases the size of the orbit, making engineering systems smaller.
  • An optimized temperature of about 100 million degrees is used for fusion to access net energy gain.
  • Controlling the strength of the magnetic field increases fuel density and allows for lower energy confinement time.
  • Magnetic confinement is used to harness fusion heat without physical contact with the fuel.
  • Fusion energy is generated when heavy forms of hydrogen collide and rearrange into new particles, releasing energy in their kinetic energy.

Applications and Future of Fusion Energy

49:33 - 1:37:01

  • Deuterium tritium fusion is the most prevalent approach, releasing helium and a neutron as byproducts.
  • Helium produced in fusion reactions is stable and acts as the ash product of fusion.
  • Fusion energy is converted into heat, with 20% of the energy in the form of helium and 80% in neutrons.
  • Neutrons, which escape magnetic fields, interact with a blanket to transfer their energy into heating up atoms for practical use.
  • Fusion power plants essentially provide a heat source that can be used for various applications like generating electricity or producing synthetic fuels.
  • Fission energy could be scaled up with political will and is considered a safe and reliable alternative to renewables.
  • Decarbonization is a serious challenge that requires sustainable energy sources like fusion or fission.
  • Fusion has advantages over fission in terms of safety, waste products, and proliferation control.
  • Fusion technology offers the potential for inexhaustible fuel source and minimal raw material requirements.
  • Fusion technology has been a long-standing challenge with announcements of viability being made for decades.
  • Decarbonization efforts are driving the need for massive amounts of carbon-free energy, making fusion an attractive option.
  • Renewables have limitations that hinder their ability to fully replace fossil fuels for certain applications.
  • Advances in computational power and technological innovations have significantly advanced fusion research in the last decade.
  • Breakthroughs in fusion experiments, such as laser fusion achieving dominant heat source from fusion reactions, demonstrate significant progress.
  • Teams are close to producing a reaction that generates more energy than it consumes, with plans for commercialization in a few years.
  • Plasma physics involves challenges due to the differences in mass and behavior between electrons and other particles.
  • In a fusion system, energetic particles give most of their energy to electrons, leading to the fuel's fusion.
  • Proponents of fusion power argue for its environmental sustainability and economic benefits over decarbonization.
  • Technologists believe fusion energy systems have demonstrated viability but face challenges in self-sustainability and engineering efficiency.
  • The focus in fusion development is shifting towards cost-effectiveness and market viability rather than feasibility.
  • New energy sources need to become competitive with existing ones to be widely adopted
  • Fusion energy has the potential to be disruptive and dominant if made cost-effective
  • Challenges exist in transitioning from scientific concepts to integrated engineering energy products
  • AI is being explored for running power plants and enhancing educational systems
  • Technological advancements like AI and superconductors are creating synergies for progress
  • Technologists benefit from synergies between new technologies like superconductors, magnets, and AI.
  • Building AI systems based on deep themes analysis can lead to insightful breakthroughs.
  • Interactions with students have been instrumental in fostering innovations in fusion technology.
  • Additive manufacturing enables the design of complex physical objects with biological functions mimicking capabilities.
  • The podcast host appreciates the engineering optimism and problem-solving spirit at MIT.