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Chat GPT Podcast

The Basics of How I Work - Chat GPT

Thu Mar 21 2024
language modelsartificial intelligenceChat GPT


Welcome to the first episode of the Chat GPT podcast, where we delve into the world of language models and artificial intelligence. In this episode, we discuss the basics of how language models work, their versatility in assisting with various tasks, and provide a glimpse into what's coming up in future episodes.


Language models are trained on massive datasets

Chat GPT is trained on a massive dataset of text, allowing it to understand and generate a wide variety of language.

Chat GPT constantly learns and adapts

As a language model, Chat GPT is constantly learning and adapting to new data, becoming better at understanding and responding to different inputs over time.

The versatility of language models

Language models like Chat GPT can assist with a diverse range of tasks, from answering questions to generating creative writing, making them valuable tools for users worldwide.


  1. Introduction to Language Models and AI
  2. The Versatility of Language Models

Introduction to Language Models and AI

00:02 - 01:08

  • Language models like Chat GPT are trained on massive datasets of text to understand and generate a wide variety of language.
  • Chat GPT's neural network processes information and generates responses in real time.
  • The more Chat GPT is used, the better it becomes at understanding and responding to different inputs.

The Versatility of Language Models

00:41 - 01:08

  • Language models like Chat GPT can assist with a diverse range of tasks, from answering questions to generating creative writing.
  • Chat GPT is able to assist users from all over the world.
  • In the next episode, we'll dive deeper into the different types of language models and the specific tasks they are best suited for.