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Elevate Your Mental Game With Better Brain Power

Wed Apr 03 2024
Mental PerformanceInvestingCoffeeGenetic TestingNootropicsDietary ConsiderationsSupplementsSleep OptimizationLight ExposureExercise


This episode covers a wide range of topics related to improving mental performance. It explores the complexities of investing in bonds, the importance of mental performance in trading, the effects of coffee on the brain, genetic testing insights, the use of nootropics for cognitive enhancement, dietary considerations for brain health, the benefits of supplements and sleep optimization, the impact of light exposure on sleep patterns, and the role of exercise in improving mental function.


Optimal coffee consumption varies based on individual genetics

Individuals have different caffeine oxidation speeds, which should be considered when determining the ideal amount of coffee to consume.

Microdosing plant medicines can enhance focus and productivity

Micro doses of substances like psilocybin or LSD can improve cognitive function without causing hallucinogenic effects.

Properly administered micro doses of plant medicines do not impair normal functions

When taken at subperceptual levels, micro doses of plant medicines do not interfere with activities like driving.

Eating clean, whole foods is essential for brain health

A diet rich in nutrient-dense foods supports a healthy blood-brain barrier and improves mental performance.

Supplements like fish oil and creatine can improve brain function

Certain supplements have been shown to enhance cognitive performance and provide cellular protection.

The optimal amount of sleep falls between 7 to 9 hours

Most individuals require 7 to 9 hours of sleep for optimal cognitive function, although individual needs may vary.

Blue light blocking glasses can improve sleep quality

Wearing blue light blocking glasses in the morning and exposing oneself to bright light later in the day can help regulate circadian rhythms and promote better sleep.

Engaging in a variety of exercises benefits brain health

Incorporating different types of exercise, including low-intensity cardio, strength training, high-intensity intervals, and coordination-based sports, can optimize brain function.

Aerobic exercise, cold exposure, and eliminating vegetable oils are key actions for mental performance

Engaging in regular aerobic exercise, exposing oneself to cold temperatures, and avoiding vegetable oils can have a positive impact on cognitive function.


  1. Bonds and Mental Performance
  2. Coffee and Genetic Testing
  3. Nootropics and Brain Health
  4. Nutropics, Supplements, and Sleep
  5. Light Exposure and Exercise

Bonds and Mental Performance

00:00 - 08:10

  • Bonds are becoming popular again, but investing in them can be complex and cumbersome.
  • Mental performance is crucial for successful trading, as it impacts decision-making and strategy execution.
  • The podcast features guest Ben Greenfield, a health and fitness expert with a diverse background in physiology and nutrition.
  • Ben Greenfield shares his journey into the health and fitness field, highlighting his passion for anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry.

Coffee and Genetic Testing

07:46 - 22:37

  • Blood injections with platelet-rich plasma and high-speed video camera analyses are used for metabolic rate analysis.
  • The French philosopher Voltaire reportedly drank up to 60 cups of coffee a day for mental enhancement.
  • Coffee has stimulating and psychotropic effects due to caffeine and other molecules like anthene and cathaic acids.
  • Regular coffee consumption can desensitize caffeine receptors, impacting sleep drive, but a break from coffee can resensitize the body to adenosine.
  • Optimal coffee consumption varies based on individual genetics in terms of caffeine oxidation speed.
  • Genetic testing companies like 23andMe and Self-Decode can provide insights into health and dietary needs based on DNA analysis.
  • DNA testing can reveal information about histamine sensitivity, detoxification abilities, nitric oxide pathways, and optimal coffee consumption.

Nootropics and Brain Health

22:21 - 35:54

  • Various companies offer nootropic products that can enhance cognitive functions without needing a prescription, such as Nutopia and Neurohacker.
  • Nootropic products like Qualia by Neurohacker and Wookieo provide benefits similar to the 'limitless pill' for improved focus and brain support.
  • L-theanine can help reduce jitteriness caused by nootropics or smart drugs when taken alongside them.
  • Nicotine, when combined with caffeine, can act as a mental aid, and options like nicotine toothpicks or patches offer cleaner alternatives to smoking or gum chewing.
  • Modafinil, also known as Provigil, is a pharmaceutical agent that boosts dopamine levels and aids in productivity but may cause prolonged wakefulness.
  • Modafinil is an off-label anti-narcoleptic agent that can keep a person awake and alert for long periods, but it comes with a biological cost.
  • There is no specific recommended reset time for taking new tropics, but cycling through different agents can be beneficial for optimal performance.
  • Microdosing plant medicines like psilocybin or LSD can enhance focus, creativity, and productivity without causing hallucinogenic effects.
  • Properly administering micro doses of plant medicines or smart drugs during cognitively demanding activities can lead to improved neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.
  • The effects of properly administered micro doses of plant medicines are subperceptual and do not impair normal functions like driving.

Nutropics, Supplements, and Sleep

35:28 - 56:00

  • Nutropics are substances harnessed from the natural plant kingdom, while smart drugs like modafinil and adorol are chemically synthesized and more powerful.
  • There are various categories of nutropics and smart drugs that serve different functions such as amplifying choline release or clearing inflammation from the brain.
  • Eating clean, whole foods is essential for maintaining a healthy blood-brain barrier and improving mental performance.
  • Dietary changes can be personalized based on genetic testing and blood work to determine the most suitable diet for an individual.
  • Incorporating DHA from fish and oleic acid from sources like extra virgin olive oil is crucial for brain health.
  • Salt, when consumed in the form of full-spectrum minerals, is beneficial for brain function.
  • Consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices rich in polyphenols and flavonols can enhance neural function.
  • Plants produce chemicals as a defense mechanism, but proper preparation methods like soaking and fermentation can make them more digestible.
  • Supplements such as fish oil, creatine, and NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) can improve brain function and cellular protection.
  • NAD combined with creatine can help mitigate the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance.
  • Key supplements mentioned include fish oil, creatine, and niacinamide for NAD
  • The optimal amount of sleep varies but generally falls between 7 to 9 hours for most people
  • Exceeding nine hours of sleep may increase the risk of mortality according to some data
  • Using sleep trackers like the OURA ring or Whoop can help monitor sleep quality and readiness
  • Taking a nap in the afternoon can provide benefits equivalent to a full 90-minute sleep cycle in just 20 to 30 minutes

Light Exposure and Exercise

55:42 - 1:09:05

  • Blue light blocking glasses can help reduce eye strain and improve sleep by blocking out bright lights that affect melatonin production.
  • Adjusting exposure to light, such as using blue light blocking glasses in the morning and exposing oneself to bright light later in the day, can help shift circadian rhythms for better sleep patterns.
  • Apps like CNS tap test and end back can be used at home to measure reaction time and memory performance, while brain games like Lumosity may also help assess cognitive function.
  • Medical imaging tests like spec scan and QEEG can provide professional quantification of brain health by measuring blood flow and electrical brainwave activity.
  • Different types of exercise can benefit mental health and brain function.
  • Low-intensity aerobic cardiovascular exercise is good for mental focus and brain health.
  • Strength training and high-intensity interval training can stimulate brain growth factors.
  • Blood flow restriction training can mimic heavy weightlifting without actual weights, benefiting the brain.
  • Temperature dysregulation like sauna or cold exposure can improve blood flow to the brain and cognitive function.
  • Engaging in a variety of exercises including low-intensity cardio, strength training, high-intensity intervals, sauna, and cold exposure is recommended for overall brain health.
  • Sports that involve coordination like racket sports and swimming are beneficial for optimized brain function with age.
  • Top three actions to improve mental performance include aerobic exercise, cold exposure, and eliminating vegetable oils from the diet.