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Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin

Marianne Williamson

Wed May 01 2024
PrayerConnectionSpiritual Growth'A Course in Miracles'Transformative ExperiencesMystical TraditionsChanging PerspectivesLoveOnenessEnlightenmentForgivenessMiracles


This episode explores the power of prayer, connection, and spiritual growth through 'A Course in Miracles'. The speaker shares insights on living beyond fear, embracing change, and finding support in communities. They discuss their journey with 'A Course in Miracles', the transformative experiences that led to writing a book, and the subsequent career success. The importance of morning spiritual practices, encounters with influential figures, and the impact of global perspective are also highlighted. The episode delves into mystical traditions, changing perspectives, and the concept of miracles tied to love and perception. It explores the significance of Jesus from a mystic perspective and emphasizes the themes of love and oneness with the divine. The episode concludes with discussions on actualizing human potential, miracle-mindedness, forgiveness, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding individuals back to love.


Visualization and Prayer

Visualization of a golden light in the mind leading to a sacred temple is described as a form of prayer and connection with the all-powerful source. Prayer is defined as a state of pure love and oneness, allowing for divine intercession and opening the mind beyond limited thinking based on fear.

Living Beyond Fear

The concept of living in fear and feeling disconnected is attributed to a societal illusion perpetuated by generations, with a shift towards holistic integration in the 21st century mindset.

Embracing Change and Letting Go

The 60s era was characterized by fundamental questioning and embracing change as a creative act of consciousness, emphasizing the importance of letting go of dysfunctional patterns for progress.

Unlocking Spiritual Understanding

Discovering 'A Course in Miracles' was a pivotal moment for the speaker in unlocking spiritual understanding and peace.

'Return to Love' Book Journey

The story of 'Return to Love' book involves a serendipitous encounter at a cocktail party leading to a transformative experience with the book.

Support and Encouragement

Initially feeling isolated in their interest, they later found support and encouragement from the gay community, leading to the suggestion of writing a book.

Career Success

With the help of a literary agent, the speaker was able to turn their cassette tapes into a book titled 'A Return to Love'. Oprah featured the book on her show, propelling the speaker's career forward.

Spreading a Message and Project Dental Food

The speaker reflects on their journey of spreading a message and starting Project Dental Food.

Impact of Lectures on A Course in Miracles

The speaker discusses their experience with giving lectures on A Course in Miracles and how it impacted their life.

Practicing What They Preach

The speaker's relationship with the principles of A Course in Miracles remains unchanged, emphasizing the importance of practicing what they preach.

Personal Growth and Awakening

The speaker shares insights on personal growth and awakening in response to challenging experiences.

Encounters with Influential Figures

The speaker reflects on different people in their life, including Judy, Bill, and Ken Wapnik. Bill's response to a group's debate over a text page demonstrates a profound lesson from the course. The speaker discusses their encounters with Manly P. Hall and the impact of reading various metaphysical books.

Morning Spiritual Practices

The importance of morning spiritual practices like 'A Course in Miracles' and Transcendental Meditation is emphasized for setting the tone of the day. The significance of starting the day with light and truth to avoid negativity and foster love and creativity is highlighted.

Global Perspective

The speaker's parents exposed them to global travel at a young age, leading to a broader perspective on people and cultures.

Divine Compensation

The concept of divine compensation is discussed, emphasizing the idea of correcting missteps and aligning with universal support.

Money, Success, and Purpose

The speaker shares insights on money and success, highlighting the importance of staying true to one's purpose.

Inclusive and Mystical Perspective

A new book about Jesus, separate from Christianity, is mentioned, focusing on a more inclusive and mystical perspective.

Mystical Tradition

The podcast discusses the Course of Miracles as a mystical tradition compared to ecclesiastic Christianity. The essence of the book is about the unity with God through practices like meditation, prayer, forgiveness, and love.

Transformative Experiences

A personal story is shared about seeking help during a breakdown and feeling a divine presence during a difficult period. The speaker felt accompanied by a spiritual presence and made a commitment to dedicate her life to God in exchange for help during her struggles. A transformative experience at a cocktail party where the speaker had an encounter that led to profound insights.

Changing Perspectives

A moment of realization about a deal in a dream triggers reflection on life. Discussion on economic anxiety and the need to address systemic injustices in society. Shift from personal growth focus to recognizing the impact of bad public policies on people's lives. Importance of changing perspectives and taking responsibility for one's consciousness in challenging situations. Miracles are seen as natural occurrences tied to love and perception.

Impact of a Book on Mystical Experiences

The guest discusses the impact of a book on their childhood and adulthood, particularly in relation to mystical experiences.

Profound Experience with Leonardo's Painting

The guest shares a profound experience viewing Leonardo's painting of Jesus, feeling transported and experiencing tenderness and power.

Mystic Perspective of Jesus

The guest reflects on the significance of Jesus in their book, emphasizing a mystic perspective rather than a historical or Christian one.

Themes of Love and Oneness

The guest highlights the concept of love and oneness with the divine as central themes in their understanding of Jesus.

Actualizing Human Potential

The transcript discusses the concept of actualizing full human potential and oneness with the divine through symbols like the Christian cross and Jewish star of David.

Importance of Spiritual Exercise

The importance of spiritual exercise, similar to physical exercise, in strengthening internal muscles for stillness and non-reactivity is highlighted.

Journey to Enlightenment

The Course in Miracles emphasizes that enlightenment involves a journey from abstract understanding to heart application through a 365-day workbook focusing on dismantling fear-based thoughts and cultivating love-based thoughts.

External Changes through Internal Work

Internal work leads to external changes as perception shifts, impacting behavior and interactions with others.

Miracle-Mindedness and Love

Miracle-mindedness is described as perceiving with love, recognizing that all communication can be seen as either an expression of love or a call for love.

Staying Awake to Truth

Miracle-mindedness involves staying awake to the truth of who others are, even when they have fallen asleep to it.

Practicing Forgiveness and Openness

Practicing forgiveness and openness can lead to profound shifts in perception and compassion towards others.

Recognizing and Receiving Miracles

Miracles are always happening, but being open and loving allows us to recognize and receive them.

Miracles through Forgiveness and Love

According to the Course in Miracles, miracles are held in trust until we are ready to receive them through forgiveness and love.

Guidance of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit serves as the eternal connecting link between individuals and God, guiding them back to love.


  1. Insights on Prayer and Connection
  2. Spiritual Journey and Transformative Experiences
  3. 'A Course in Miracles' Journey and Career Success
  4. Personal Growth and Awakening
  5. Encounters and Morning Spiritual Practices
  6. Global Perspective and Divine Compensation
  7. Mystical Tradition and Transformative Experiences
  8. Changing Perspectives and Miracles
  9. Mystical Experiences and Love
  10. Actualizing Human Potential and Miracle-Mindedness
  11. Forgiveness, Miracles, and the Holy Spirit
  12. Christian Scholars and Spiritual Growth

Insights on Prayer and Connection

00:02 - 09:30

  • Visualization of a golden light in the mind leading to a sacred temple is described as a form of prayer and connection with the all-powerful source.
  • Prayer is defined as a state of pure love and oneness, allowing for divine intercession and opening the mind beyond limited thinking based on fear.
  • The concept of living in fear and feeling disconnected is attributed to a societal illusion perpetuated by generations, with a shift towards holistic integration in the 21st century mindset.
  • The 60s era was characterized by fundamental questioning and embracing change as a creative act of consciousness, emphasizing the importance of letting go of dysfunctional patterns for progress.

Spiritual Journey and Transformative Experiences

09:02 - 16:35

  • The speaker discusses the potential outcomes for society, either towards positive change or towards chaos and authoritarianism.
  • The speaker shares their spiritual journey, influenced by their grandfather's religious practices and a lifelong interest in higher consciousness.
  • Discovering 'A Course in Miracles' was a pivotal moment for the speaker in unlocking spiritual understanding and peace.
  • The story of 'Return to Love' book involves a serendipitous encounter at a cocktail party leading to a transformative experience with the book.

'A Course in Miracles' Journey and Career Success

16:19 - 23:26

  • The speaker discusses their journey with 'A Course in Miracles', finding it to be a Christ-centered philosophy with nontraditional psychotherapeutic elements.
  • Initially feeling isolated in their interest, they later found support and encouragement from the gay community, leading to the suggestion of writing a book.
  • With the help of a literary agent, the speaker was able to turn their cassette tapes into a book titled 'A Return to Love'.
  • Oprah featured the book on her show, propelling the speaker's career forward.

Personal Growth and Awakening

22:58 - 30:27

  • The Squarespace app helps run businesses by creating websites, managing inventory, and connecting with customers.
  • The speaker reflects on their journey of spreading a message and starting Project Dental Food.
  • The speaker discusses their experience with giving lectures on A Course in Miracles and how it impacted their life.
  • The speaker's relationship with the principles of A Course in Miracles remains unchanged, emphasizing the importance of practicing what they preach.
  • The speaker shares insights on personal growth and awakening in response to challenging experiences.

Encounters and Morning Spiritual Practices

29:57 - 36:49

  • The speaker reflects on different people in their life, including Judy, Bill, and Ken Wapnik.
  • Bill's response to a group's debate over a text page demonstrates a profound lesson from the course.
  • The speaker discusses their encounters with Manly P. Hall and the impact of reading various metaphysical books.
  • The importance of morning spiritual practices like 'A Course in Miracles' and Transcendental Meditation is emphasized for setting the tone of the day.
  • The significance of starting the day with light and truth to avoid negativity and foster love and creativity is highlighted.

Global Perspective and Divine Compensation

36:19 - 44:33

  • The speaker's parents exposed them to global travel at a young age, leading to a broader perspective on people and cultures.
  • The concept of divine compensation is discussed, emphasizing the idea of correcting missteps and aligning with universal support.
  • The speaker shares insights on money and success, highlighting the importance of staying true to one's purpose.
  • A new book about Jesus, separate from Christianity, is mentioned, focusing on a more inclusive and mystical perspective.

Mystical Tradition and Transformative Experiences

44:11 - 51:26

  • The podcast discusses the Course of Miracles as a mystical tradition compared to ecclesiastic Christianity.
  • The essence of the book is about the unity with God through practices like meditation, prayer, forgiveness, and love.
  • A personal story is shared about seeking help during a breakdown and feeling a divine presence during a difficult period.
  • The speaker felt accompanied by a spiritual presence and made a commitment to dedicate her life to God in exchange for help during her struggles.
  • A transformative experience at a cocktail party where the speaker had an encounter that led to profound insights.

Changing Perspectives and Miracles

51:01 - 59:06

  • A moment of realization about a deal in a dream triggers reflection on life
  • Discussion on economic anxiety and the need to address systemic injustices in society
  • Shift from personal growth focus to recognizing the impact of bad public policies on people's lives
  • Importance of changing perspectives and taking responsibility for one's consciousness in challenging situations
  • Miracles are seen as natural occurrences tied to love and perception

Mystical Experiences and Love

58:38 - 1:05:44

  • The guest discusses the impact of a book on their childhood and adulthood, particularly in relation to mystical experiences.
  • The guest shares a profound experience viewing Leonardo's painting of Jesus, feeling transported and experiencing tenderness and power.
  • The guest reflects on the significance of Jesus in their book, emphasizing a mystic perspective rather than a historical or Christian one.
  • The guest highlights the concept of love and oneness with the divine as central themes in their understanding of Jesus.

Actualizing Human Potential and Miracle-Mindedness

1:05:16 - 1:13:28

  • The transcript discusses the concept of actualizing full human potential and oneness with the divine through symbols like the Christian cross and Jewish star of David.
  • The importance of spiritual exercise, similar to physical exercise, in strengthening internal muscles for stillness and non-reactivity is highlighted.
  • The Course in Miracles emphasizes that enlightenment involves a journey from abstract understanding to heart application through a 365-day workbook focusing on dismantling fear-based thoughts and cultivating love-based thoughts.
  • Internal work leads to external changes as perception shifts, impacting behavior and interactions with others.
  • Miracle-mindedness is described as perceiving with love, recognizing that all communication can be seen as either an expression of love or a call for love.

Forgiveness, Miracles, and the Holy Spirit

1:13:04 - 1:21:01

  • Miracle-mindedness involves staying awake to the truth of who others are, even when they have fallen asleep to it.
  • Practicing forgiveness and openness can lead to profound shifts in perception and compassion towards others.
  • Miracles are always happening, but being open and loving allows us to recognize and receive them.
  • According to the Course in Miracles, miracles are held in trust until we are ready to receive them through forgiveness and love.
  • The Holy Spirit serves as the eternal connecting link between individuals and God, guiding them back to love.

Christian Scholars and Spiritual Growth

1:20:41 - 1:23:42

  • Christian scholars have varying opinions on the Course in Miracles, with some being resistant to new ideas.
  • The Course in Miracles recommends morning and Transcendental Meditation suggests late afternoon for meditation.
  • There are specific times during the day and night when different cultures recommend being awake or asleep for optimal creativity and well-being.
  • Engaging in meditation, prayer, and finding one's unique path is essential for spiritual growth and self-discovery.