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Selects: The Legends of Lost Nazi Gold

Sat May 04 2024
Nazi GoldWorld War IITreasure Hunting


During World War II, the Nazis resorted to looting and robbing neighboring countries due to financial constraints. The dire state of the German economy contributed to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. Efforts to locate Nazi gold continue today, with treasure hunters searching for billions of dollars' worth of lost Nazi gold scattered after the war. There are claims of Nazi gold being used to fund a fourth Reich in South America.


Nazis resorted to looting and robbing neighboring countries due to financial constraints during World War II.

The Nazis' hyperinflation in 1923 led to extreme economic instability in Germany, with the price of a loaf of bread skyrocketing from 250 marks to 80 billion marks within a year. The dire state of the German economy contributed to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, enabling them to seize power and fuel their war efforts.

Germany turned to looting gold from various sources, including citizens and countries like Austria, to fund their war efforts.

The Nazis orchestrated the largest physical transfer of wealth during World War II by looting gold from occupied countries. Countries like the US and Canada helped store gold for allies during the war, with large shipments sent for safekeeping. The Nazis stole millions of dollars worth of gold from occupied countries and victims, including Jewish people in concentration camps.

Efforts to locate Nazi gold continue today due to large amounts still unaccounted for after the war.

The discovery of the Merkers mine treasure confirmed that Nazis hid substantial amounts of gold in various locations. Treasure hunters are searching for billions of dollars' worth of lost Nazi gold scattered after World War II.

A remote location once used by Nazi officers for missile testing is suspected to hold counterfeit pound notes and possibly the missing Amber Room.

Treasure hunters in an eastern German town believe the Amber Room panels are buried there, but their search in 2008 had no resolution. In Poland's Owl Mountains, rumors persist about a Nazi ghost train loaded with treasures hidden in tunnels dug by forced labor during World War II.

There are claims of Nazi gold being used to fund a fourth Reich in South America.

The story involves treasure hunters, international gold trade, and the use of gold from Holocaust victims as currency. Switzerland secretly assisted Nazis in laundering gold during World War II and still holds onto Nazi gold reserves. Missing Nazi gold can be traced back in the international gold trade today, raising concerns about its origins.


  1. Nazi Gold and World War II
  2. Search for Nazi Gold
  3. Controversies and Legends

Nazi Gold and World War II

00:00 - 21:24

  • The Nazis' hyperinflation in 1923 led to extreme economic instability in Germany.
  • Hitler and the Nazis rose to power by exploiting a terrible economy and lack of natural resources in Germany.
  • Germany turned to looting gold from various sources, including citizens and countries like Austria, to fund their war efforts.
  • The Nazis orchestrated the largest physical transfer of wealth during World War II by looting gold from occupied countries.
  • During World War II, a significant amount of gold was stolen from occupied countries and stored in Germany's central bank, the Reichstank.

Search for Nazi Gold

20:54 - 41:22

  • Efforts to locate Nazi gold continue today due to large amounts still unaccounted for after the war.
  • The discovery of the Merkers mine treasure confirmed that Nazis hid substantial amounts of gold in various locations.
  • Treasure hunters are searching for billions of dollars' worth of lost Nazi gold scattered after World War II.
  • A remote location once used by Nazi officers for missile testing is suspected to hold counterfeit pound notes and possibly the missing Amber Room.
  • In Poland's Owl Mountains, rumors persist about a Nazi ghost train loaded with treasures hidden in tunnels dug by forced labor during World War II.

Controversies and Legends

48:21 - 54:44

  • There are claims of Nazi gold being used to fund a fourth Reich in South America.
  • The SS Minden, a German merchant vessel sunk off the coast of Iceland in 1939 with suspicious cargo of resin, believed to hold hidden treasures including gold worth hundreds of millions.
  • Despite indications that the SS Minden was found, it has not been salvaged yet, sparking curiosity about potential discoveries like the Amber Room.
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