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The AI in Business Podcast

The Market and Tech Forces Shaping the Future of Software Development - with Tsavo Knott of Pieces

Sat May 11 2024
AIbusinesssoftware developmentgenerative AImachine learningcontext windowaugmentationcompute efficiency


This episode explores the challenges for software developers as generative AI drives greater heights in computing power. It discusses recent developments in AI, the role of developers in the rapid evolution of machine learning, and the future of work and business implications. The episode concludes with a summary of key insights.


AI is driving greater heights in computing power

Generative AI is enabling fully autonomous agents and video generation on demand. Google's Gemini Ultra with a one million token context window and the evolution of machine learning with device models are also significant developments.

The role of developers is changing

Developers need to adapt to the rapid evolution of machine learning capabilities. The concept of context window and its importance in grounding models is discussed, along with the benefits of larger context windows. Augmentation rather than replacement is emphasized.

Implications for businesses

AI has the potential to augment every type of role in businesses, leading to cross-functional behavior and a flattening of organizational layers. Keeping up with compute needs and personalized experiences are key challenges.


  1. Introduction
  2. Recent Developments in AI
  3. The Role of Developers in the Rapid Evolution of Machine Learning
  4. The Future of Work and Business Implications
  5. Conclusion


00:15 - 00:56

  • Welcome everyone to the AI and business podcast. I'm Matthew DeMello, senior editor here at Emerge Technology Research. Today's guest is Savo Naut, co-founder and CEO of Pieces. Pieces is an AI-driven software company that builds a platform to enable software developers to work more efficiently.
  • Savo returns to the program with eMERGE CEO and head of research Daniel Fajella on today's show for the second in a special two part conversation on the challenges for software developers as generative AI drives greater heights and computing power and enterprise infrastructure.

Recent Developments in AI

01:03 - 02:49

  • Savo discusses recent developments in the AI ecosystem, such as the launch of Devin Little and Sora, and highlights the exciting phases of AI.
  • He mentions fully autonomous agents like Devon that can autonomously solve problems in the code base, and Sora which generates videos on demand.
  • He also mentions Google's Gemini Ultra with a one million token context window, as well as the evolution of machine learning with device models like Mistral and Claude.

The Role of Developers in the Rapid Evolution of Machine Learning

02:49 - 11:34

  • Savo discusses how the role of developers is changing due to the rapid evolution of machine learning capabilities.
  • He explains the concept of context window and its importance in grounding models.
  • He mentions the challenges of small context windows and the potential benefits of larger context windows.
  • He highlights the implications for businesses and the need for augmentation rather than replacement.
  • He also mentions the need for improvements in compute efficiency and the future of server farms.

The Future of Work and Business Implications

11:34 - 15:37

  • Savo discusses the future of work and the implications for businesses.
  • He mentions the potential for AI to augment every type of role, from finance to marketing to design.
  • He emphasizes the importance of augmenting existing workforce to help them move faster and become more efficient.
  • He predicts a shift towards cross-functional behavior and a flattening of organizational layers.
  • He also mentions the challenges of keeping up with the compute needs and the potential for personalized Netflix experiences.


16:34 - 17:09

  • Savo wraps up the episode by mentioning the previous episode on automation and augmentation in development tools.
  • He thanks the audience on behalf of Daniel Fajella and the rest of the team at EMERGE Technology Research.