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Founded in FoCo

Wen Zhang - Founder and CEO for INNW Institute - Founded in FoCo Podcast

Mon Feb 19 2024


This episode explores the importance of storytelling for founders and entrepreneurs. The speaker discusses how to craft a compelling story that resonates with investors and customers, understanding the audience's needs, appealing to fundamental human drivers, and taking the audience on a journey. She shares her personal journey as a dreamer and entrepreneur, emphasizing the role of technical entrepreneurs and providing practical pitching and storytelling techniques. The episode concludes with a call to action for entrepreneurs to focus on serving a larger purpose and making a positive impact.


Crafting a compelling story is crucial for success

Founders and entrepreneurs need to communicate the value of their product or service in a way that resonates with investors and customers.

Understanding the audience's needs is essential

Investors are primarily interested in the return on investment, so entrepreneurs should focus on articulating how their offering can generate a positive ROI.

Appealing to fundamental human drivers

People say yes to things that help them make more money, become healthier, feel more connected, or find peace and freedom. Entrepreneurs should position their offerings accordingly.

Taking the audience on a journey

Entrepreneurs need to guide their audience from the initial problem-solving phase to the vision of a better world through storytelling.

The importance of following one's passion

The speaker shares her personal journey as a dreamer and entrepreneur, highlighting the significance of being driven by a larger vision and purpose.

Bridging the gap for technical entrepreneurs

Technical entrepreneurs often struggle with storytelling and presenting their ideas effectively. It is crucial to bridge the gap between technical expertise and effective communication.

Techniques for crafting a compelling pitch

The speaker provides insights and techniques for crafting a compelling pitch and telling a captivating story, emphasizing the importance of connecting with the audience and conveying value.

Practical application and workshop

Attendees are invited to participate in a pitch workshop to apply the discussed techniques. Resources and guidance are provided for refining pitches and improving storytelling skills.

Focus on serving a larger purpose

Entrepreneurs should focus on making a positive impact in the world and telling the right story to attract investors, build lasting relationships, and achieve success.


  1. The Importance of Telling the Right Story
  2. Understanding the Audience's Needs
  3. Appealing to Human Drivers
  4. Taking the Audience on a Journey
  5. The Journey of a Dreamer
  6. The Role of Technical Entrepreneurs
  7. Pitching and Storytelling Techniques
  8. Practical Application and Workshop
  9. Key Takeaways and Call to Action

The Importance of Telling the Right Story

00:00 - 04:41

  • Founders and entrepreneurs often struggle to communicate the value of their product or service to investors and customers
  • Crafting a compelling story that resonates with the audience is crucial for success

Understanding the Audience's Needs

04:41 - 07:47

  • Investors are primarily interested in the return on investment and potential for financial gain
  • Entrepreneurs should focus on articulating how their product or service can generate a positive ROI

Appealing to Human Drivers

07:47 - 09:21

  • People say yes to things that help them make more money, become healthier, feel more connected, or find peace and freedom
  • Entrepreneurs should position their offerings in a way that aligns with these fundamental human needs

Taking the Audience on a Journey

09:21 - 10:22

  • Entrepreneurs need to take their audience on a journey from the initial problem-solving phase to the vision of a better world
  • Crafting a compelling story that resonates with investors and customers is essential for success

The Journey of a Dreamer

10:22 - 12:59

  • The speaker shares her personal journey as a dreamer and entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of following one's passion
  • Entrepreneurs who are driven by a larger vision and purpose are more likely to succeed

The Role of Technical Entrepreneurs

12:59 - 16:42

  • Technical entrepreneurs often struggle with storytelling and presenting their ideas to investors
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between technical expertise and effective communication

Pitching and Storytelling Techniques

16:42 - 19:50

  • The speaker offers insights and techniques for crafting a compelling pitch and telling a captivating story
  • She emphasizes the importance of connecting with the audience and conveying the value of the product or service

Practical Application and Workshop

19:50 - 22:23

  • The speaker invites attendees to participate in a pitch workshop where they can apply the techniques discussed
  • She provides resources and guidance for refining pitches and improving storytelling skills

Key Takeaways and Call to Action

22:23 - 24:58

  • Entrepreneurs should focus on serving a larger purpose and making a positive impact in the world
  • By telling the right story, entrepreneurs can attract investors, build lasting relationships, and achieve success