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Plain English with Derek Thompson

The Five Superstars Who Invented the Modern NBA

Tue May 21 2024
basketballNBAstrategythree-point shootingheliocentrismMoneyballEuropean coachingskilled big mendepth in NBA


The episode explores the evolution of basketball strategy, focusing on key players like Michael Jordan, Alan Iverson, Manu Genobly, Steph Curry, and Nicole Yochich. It discusses the impact of three-point shooting, the modernization of basketball offenses, the evolution of skills in modern NBA stars, the concept of heliocentrism, the influence of Moneyball and European coaching, the rise of skilled big men and European players, and the importance of depth in NBA teams.


Key Insight 1

The history of the invention of modern NBA is explored with a focus on how superstars have influenced and shaped the game.

Key Insight 2

The late 1990s to mid-2000s marked a dark age of offensive efficiency in NBA history before the rise of hero ball and increased emphasis on three-point shooting.

Key Insight 3

Manu Ginobili, despite not being commonly listed among the top players, has had a significant impact on the game through innovations like popularizing the Eurostep and winning at a high level internationally and in the NBA.

Key Insight 4

Steph Curry's innovative and dedicated approach to practice, including using technology like a sensor to improve his shooting accuracy, has been key to his success in basketball.

Key Insight 5

The concept of heliocentrism in basketball has evolved over time, with players like Kobe Bryant being seen as the father of modern heliocentrism.

Key Insight 6

The rise of three-point shots in basketball raises questions about whether it makes the game more interesting or boring, similar to the impact of Moneyball in baseball.

Key Insight 7

The modern NBA prioritizes efficiency over greatness, leading to a shift in how stars are valued in the sport.

Key Insight 8

European coaching practices involve more focused practice sessions and less gameplay for young players, leading to better skill development.

Key Insight 9

There is a shift towards the era of 'do it all' big men born in Europe, with teams like the Celtics and Timberwolves prioritizing depth and size in their rosters for success.


  1. Evolution of Basketball Strategy
  2. Three-Point Shooting in Basketball
  3. Modernization of Basketball Offenses
  4. Skills Evolution in Modern NBA
  5. Impact of Heliocentrism and Three-Point Shots
  6. Influence of Moneyball and European Coaching
  7. Rise of Skilled Big Men and European Players
  8. Success Through Depth in NBA

Evolution of Basketball Strategy

00:02 - 07:38

  • The podcast discusses the evolution of basketball strategy over the years, focusing on key players like Michael Jordan, Alan Iverson, Manu Genobly, Steph Curry, and Nicole Yochich.
  • There is a comparison between the analytics revolution in baseball (Moneyball) and potential changes happening in the NBA due to factors like the three-point revolution.
  • The history of the invention of modern NBA is explored with a focus on how superstars have influenced and shaped the game.
  • Michael Jordan's impact on jump shooting and three-point shots is highlighted as a significant moment in modern basketball history.

Three-Point Shooting in Basketball

07:13 - 14:43

  • Michael Jordan, despite being a basketball legend, did not prioritize excelling at three-point shooting in his career.
  • Historically, the concept of three-point shooting was initially seen as unnecessary and even a gimmick in basketball.
  • The evolution of the corner three-point shot specialist began with Bruce Bowen and the defensive strategies of the San Antonio Spurs.
  • The late 1990s to mid-2000s marked a dark age of offensive efficiency in NBA history before the rise of hero ball and increased emphasis on three-point shooting.

Modernization of Basketball Offenses

14:17 - 21:31

  • The modernization of basketball offenses was influenced by the rule changes post-2004 and teams like the Phoenix Suns with Steve Nash played a significant role in speeding up the game.
  • Allen Iverson's legacy is debated in terms of efficiency statistics, but his cultural impact on making ball handling cool and influencing future players cannot be denied.
  • Manu Ginobili, despite not being commonly listed among the top players, has had a significant impact on the game through innovations like popularizing the Eurostep and winning at a high level internationally and in the NBA.
  • Steph Curry's evolution from an excellent shooter to a highly influential player was highlighted by his ability to overcome defensive challenges and become one of the most tactically influential players of the century.

Skills Evolution in Modern NBA

21:08 - 27:55

  • Steph Curry's innovative and dedicated approach to practice, including using technology like a sensor to improve his shooting accuracy, has been key to his success in basketball.
  • Curry's collaboration with his trainer Brandon Payne led to the development of moves like the step back three, which transformed him into one of the greatest shooters in NBA history.
  • The evolution of skills in modern NBA stars, such as handles, Eurostep, drive and dish, and gather and step back, has been influenced by players like Manu Ginobili, LeBron James, and Steph Curry.
  • The concept of heliocentrism in the NBA refers to stars who dominate ball possession to distribute plays efficiently among their team, with players like Russell Westbrook and James Harden embodying this style.

Impact of Heliocentrism and Three-Point Shots

27:30 - 34:58

  • The concept of heliocentrism in basketball has evolved over time, with players like Kobe Bryant being seen as the father of modern heliocentrism.
  • There is a debate on whether a ball-dominant style maximizes regular season wins but sacrifices post-season success in basketball.
  • The rise of three-point shots in basketball raises questions about whether it makes the game more interesting or boring, similar to the impact of Moneyball in baseball.
  • The modern NBA prioritizes efficiency over greatness, leading to a shift in how stars are valued in the sport.

Influence of Moneyball and European Coaching

34:29 - 41:27

  • Moneyball has influenced sports like baseball and basketball by emphasizing efficiency over greatness.
  • Financial reasoning has infiltrated front offices in sports, leading to changes in gameplay strategies.
  • The use of data and analytics in Major League Baseball has optimized the product for fans, which could be a model for other sports.
  • There is a call to regulate and optimize the NBA product by potentially adjusting the three-point line to increase diversity in scoring strategies.
  • The evolution of basketball positions from American centers to versatile non-American centers like Nikola Jokic reflects changing trends in the sport.

Rise of Skilled Big Men and European Players

41:08 - 47:56

  • The NBA is seeing a rise in skilled big men like Jokic and Wemba Yama who possess perimeter skills traditionally associated with guards.
  • International players, especially from Europe, are excelling as well-rounded big men compared to American players due to differences in coaching methods and emphasis on skill development over gameplay.
  • European coaching practices involve more focused practice sessions and less gameplay for young players, leading to better skill development.
  • There is a shift towards the era of 'do it all' big men born in Europe, with teams like the Celtics and Timberwolves prioritizing depth and size in their rosters for success.

Success Through Depth in NBA

47:38 - 49:16

  • Minnesota beat Denver due to their depth in the roster.
  • Boston Celtics' strength lies in the depth of their team.
  • Players like Nas Reed, Nicole Leoka, Jade McDaniel, Nikki Alexander Walker, and Mike Conley contribute significantly to the team's success.
  • Building a deep roster is crucial in today's NBA environment where super teams are being discouraged.
  • The book discussed in the podcast is 'Hoop Atlas'.