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Big Questions with Cal Fussman

John Mackey: From LSD trip to The Whole Story

Tue May 21 2024
TransformationPurposeCultural EvolutionAdvancements in ScienceOvercoming FearBuilding Whole FoodsTrust and Human ConnectionConstructive DialogueCaitlyn ClarkWomen's Sports


This episode explores the transformative experiences of John Mackey, co-founder of Whole Foods, and his journey towards seeking deeper purpose and making the world a better place. It delves into the cultural evolution from the 1970s to present times, advancements in science, overcoming fear, building Whole Foods, trust and human connection, constructive dialogue, and the impact of Caitlyn Clark in women's sports.


Timing plays a significant role in success

Timing plays a significant role in success, like the release of 'Forrest Gump' at the right cultural moment.

Evolution and growth are ongoing processes

Evolution and growth are ongoing processes, akin to an acorn growing into an oak tree.

Advancements in science and capitalism have significantly improved living conditions over time

Advancements in science and capitalism have significantly improved living conditions over time.

Love is emphasized as the most important aspect of life

Love is emphasized as the most important aspect of life, while fear separates individuals from this reality.

Challenges in business can be fulfilling

Challenges in business can be fulfilling as they provide opportunities for growth, teamwork, and bonding.

In-person interactions are crucial for building trust and deep relationships

In-person interactions are crucial for building trust and deep relationships, while technology can be a tool for maintaining existing connections.

The concept of 'anti-debate' is introduced as a way to understand opposing viewpoints

The concept of 'anti-debate' is introduced as a way to understand and articulate opposing viewpoints to foster mutual understanding.

Humor is seen as a tool to address painful topics and move forward

Humor, particularly through comedians, is seen as a tool to address painful topics and move forward.

Caitlyn Clark is praised as the next Michael Jordan in women's basketball

Caitlyn Clark is praised as the next Michael Jordan in women's basketball, seen as a catalytic figure in women's sports.


  1. John Mackey's Transformative Experience
  2. Reflections on Deeper Purpose and Cultural Evolution
  3. Introduction to Psychedelics and Shaping Influences
  4. Advancements in Science and Optimism for the Future
  5. Profound Realizations and Overcoming Fear
  6. Building Whole Foods and Overcoming Challenges
  7. Trust, Human Connection, and Generational Impact
  8. Constructive Dialogue and Progress
  9. Caitlyn Clark and the Joy of Podcasting

John Mackey's Transformative Experience

00:05 - 08:13

  • John Mackey, co-founder of Whole Foods, had a transformative experience after taking LSD in 1975 which led to a profound epiphany and set him on a new life journey.
  • Mackey felt disconnected and alienated from societal expectations and norms, leading him to embark on a hero's journey in search of deeper purpose and adventure.
  • The experience of ego death and merging into the one during his LSD trip made Mackey realize there was more to life than he had previously understood.

Reflections on Deeper Purpose and Cultural Evolution

07:57 - 15:54

  • The speaker reflects on a deeper purpose in life and the importance of love, play, and creativity.
  • The speaker discusses the cultural evolution and differences between generations, particularly highlighting the shift in consciousness from the 1970s to present times.
  • Growing up in a different era influenced the speaker's journey towards seeking deeper meaning and making the world a better place.
  • The speaker's journey involved breaking away from traditional expectations, such as dietary choices, to pursue a path aligned with personal beliefs.
  • Writing a book about his life provided closure and self-reflection for the speaker, allowing him to remember forgotten experiences and learn more about himself.

Introduction to Psychedelics and Shaping Influences

15:26 - 22:44

  • Introduction to psychedelics as a teenager led to a different life path and seeking deeper meaning
  • Timing plays a significant role in success, like the release of 'Forrest Gump' at the right cultural moment
  • Individuals are shaped by the era they are born into and societal influences
  • Circumstances impact who we become, influenced by parents, friends, and society
  • Evolution and growth are ongoing processes, akin to an acorn growing into an oak tree

Advancements in Science and Optimism for the Future

22:29 - 30:01

  • 200 years ago, the majority of people lived in extreme poverty with low life expectancy and high illiteracy rates.
  • Advancements in science and capitalism have significantly improved living conditions over time.
  • Access to music, travel, knowledge, and diverse foods has greatly expanded compared to previous centuries.
  • AI is seen as a transformative technology that will enhance human capabilities and improve daily life.
  • Despite challenges like plastic pollution, there is optimism that technological solutions will be developed to address environmental issues.

Profound Realizations and Overcoming Fear

29:36 - 36:48

  • The speaker recounts a significant experience with a large dose that led to ego death and a profound realization of oneness.
  • The experience taught the speaker that fear is an illusion and understanding one's true essence eliminates fear of death or life.
  • Love is emphasized as the most important aspect of life, while fear separates individuals from this reality.
  • The speaker's journey includes starting a store to provide nutritious food, facing challenges with government paperwork, and highlighting the need to overcome fear to fulfill one's purpose.

Building Whole Foods and Overcoming Challenges

36:30 - 44:06

  • Facing fear and choosing love in challenging moments was a key lesson learned throughout the journey.
  • The concept of an infinite game, emphasizing love, play, and creativity, was central to the creation of Whole Foods.
  • Overcoming obstacles and setbacks through creativity and teamwork led to growth and evolution in leadership.
  • Investing fully in building Whole Foods involved facing challenges like surviving a flood and coup attempts, leading to personal growth as a leader.
  • Challenges in business can be fulfilling as they provide opportunities for growth, teamwork, and bonding.

Trust, Human Connection, and Generational Impact

43:46 - 51:30

  • Engaging in challenges and adventures with a team fosters love and togetherness.
  • Choosing to expand into love during stressful times can lead to personal growth and satisfaction.
  • The digital world, including remote work and AI, poses challenges to trust and human connection.
  • In-person interactions are crucial for building trust and deep relationships, while technology can be a tool for maintaining existing connections.
  • Some corporations are recognizing the importance of in-person meetings for fostering relationships and productivity.

Constructive Dialogue and Progress

51:01 - 58:52

  • Some employees prefer working in the office for the connection with people that they can't have remotely.
  • The speaker believes that America has had a history of political conflict and diverse viewpoints, emphasizing the importance of developing strategies for constructive dialogue.
  • The concept of 'anti-debate' is introduced as a way to understand and articulate opposing viewpoints to foster mutual understanding.
  • The podcast discusses how previous generations have solved some problems but also created new ones, such as microplastics, and highlights progress in reducing racism and patriarchy.
  • Humor, particularly through comedians, is seen as a tool to address painful topics and move forward.
  • There's a reflection on generational impact, with mention of women's sports gaining popularity and recognition.

Caitlyn Clark and the Joy of Podcasting

58:23 - 1:00:21

  • Caitlyn Clark is praised as the next Michael Jordan in women's basketball.
  • The speaker enjoyed watching women's basketball games because of Caitlyn Clark and plans to continue watching in the future.
  • Caitlyn Clark is seen as a catalytic figure in women's sports.
  • The conversation ends with a positive note about starting conversations with women and the joy of podcasting.