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The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka

The Truth About Skincare, Inflammatory Ingredients to Avoid with Dr. Barbara Sturm

Tue May 21 2024
skincareingredientsroutineprocedureshydrationsun exposurebiohackspersonal health


The episode covers various topics related to skincare, including concerns about harmful ingredients, the importance of understanding skincare products, recommended skincare routines and procedures, essential skincare products and ingredients, the sourcing of skincare ingredients, sun exposure and skin health, comprehensive skincare routines, and empowering personal health through education.


Retinol can cause inflammation and damage the skin barrier

Retinol is a skincare ingredient that can cause inflammation and damage the skin barrier.

Concerns about harmful chemicals in skincare products

There are concerns about harmful chemicals and hormone disruptors in skincare products, especially lip balms used by young girls.

Importance of being cautious about skincare choices

Sunscreen has been pulled from the market due to cancer-causing properties, highlighting the importance of being cautious about skincare choices.

Using anti-inflammatory ingredients in skincare products

Dr. Barbara Sturm emphasizes the significance of using anti-inflammatory ingredients in skincare products to slow down the aging process.

Understanding skincare ingredients and their effects

The podcast discussion touches on the importance of understanding skincare ingredients and their effects on the skin's health and immune system.

Harmful chemicals and hormone disruptors in skincare products

Young girls are exposed to harmful chemicals and hormone disruptors in skincare products, leading to early menstrual cycles and skin issues.

Ingredients to avoid in skincare products

Many skincare products contain ingredients that can be harmful, such as parabens, mineral oils, glycolic acid, retinoids, hydroquinone, and acid peels.

Importance of using modern filters in sunscreen

Using sunscreen with outdated filters can damage the skin and increase the risk of cancer; modern filters in European sunscreens are recommended.

Hydrating the skin for a healthy skin barrier

Hydrating the skin is crucial for maintaining a healthy skin barrier and preventing aging and skin issues.

Impact of alcohol consumption on sleep quality and overall health

Avoiding alcohol consumption can improve sleep quality and have a positive impact on heart rate variability and overall health.

Benefits of zero alcohol consumption on resting heart rate and sleep quality

Resting heart rate and sleep quality improve with zero alcohol consumption.

Importance of hyaluronic serum for hydration

A good skincare routine includes hydrating with hyaluronic serum for deep and superficial hydration.

Avoiding intense treatments unless necessary

Avoid intense treatments like chemical peels and lasers unless necessary to prevent skin damage.

Combining radio frequency and microneedling for skin rejuvenation

Facial procedures like Morpheus 8 combine radio frequency and microneedling for skin rejuvenation.

Accelerating skin healing and rejuvenation with PRP and hyaluronic acid

Using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) mixed with hyaluronic acid can accelerate skin healing and rejuvenation.

Benefits of red light therapy, PMF, and oxygen in healing

Red light therapy, PMF, and oxygen have helped in healing.

Essential products for a basic skincare routine

A basic skincare routine involves hyaluronic acid serum, face cream based on skin type, and enzyme cleanser for exfoliation.

Power of serums in skincare routine

Serums are considered power tools in skincare routine for targeted benefits like hydration or anti-aging.

Avoiding trendy ingredients that can harm the skin barrier

Avoid trendy ingredients like high concentrations of vitamin C which can harm the skin barrier.

Encapsulated vitamin C for better efficacy

Vitamin C in skincare can be encapsulated for better efficacy, like caca du plum which is rich in vitamin C

Biopharmented ingredients for retaining benefits without viruses

Ingredients like Perslane are biopharmented to retain benefits without viruses

Plant-based skincare products sourced from plants and marine sources

Skincare products are plant-based, with ingredients sourced from plants and marine sources

Skincare beyond face products to include lifestyle choices

Skincare goes beyond face products to include lifestyle choices like diet and stress management

Hair growth promotion through ingredient science

Hair care products can promote hair growth using ingredient science, such as millet extract

Respecting skin pH and microbiome for intimate care

Respecting skin pH and microbiome is crucial for intimate care to prevent infections

Chemical-free living extends to skincare in laundry detergents

Chemical-free living extends to laundry detergents with skincare ingredients for skin benefits

Importance of sun exposure for vitamin D production and skin health

Sunlight exposure is important for vitamin D production and skin health.

Balancing sun exposure with sunscreen use based on individual factors

Balancing sun exposure with sunscreen use based on individual skin type and lifestyle is crucial.

Possible correlation between sunscreen use and rise in skin cancers

There may be a correlation between the increase in sunscreen use and the rise in skin cancers due to chemical ingredients in sunscreens.

Maintaining a healthy skin barrier for protection against environmental assaults

Maintaining a healthy skin barrier is essential for protection against environmental assaults.

Highly absorbable amino acid supplement for fasting

Perfect Amino by Body Health is a highly absorbable amino acid supplement with minimal calories that can be taken during fasting.

Comprehensive skincare routine for skin health and hydration

For a comprehensive skincare routine, incorporating hyaluronic serum and anti-aging products can help maintain skin health and hydration.

Telomeres activation in combating aging at a cellular level

Telomeres activation plays a role in skin care to combat aging at a cellular level.

Gentle exfoliation and circulation improvement techniques

Gentle massages, dry brushing, and low-intensity microneedling are recommended for skin exfoliation and circulation improvement.

Effective tool against cellulite and overall skin health

Dry brushing is highlighted as an effective tool against cellulite and for overall skin health.

Cost-effective biohacks for skincare

Natural remedies like mineral salts are suggested as cost-effective biohacks for skincare.

Educational resources for personal health

The podcast focuses on educating the audience through master classes, YouTube videos, Instagram content, and an informative website.

Staying in top shape through regular use of health tools

The host asks guests what it means to be an ultimate human, with one guest emphasizing staying in top shape by using various health tools regularly.

Increasing interest in health practices post-pandemic

There is a discussion about the increasing interest in health practices post-pandemic and the importance of being informed and proactive about personal health.

Power of self-education and being a 'citizen scientist'

The guest emphasizes the power of self-education and being one's own 'citizen scientist' by researching and understanding health information available online.


  1. Skincare Ingredients and Concerns
  2. Harmful Chemicals in Skincare Products
  3. Skincare Routine and Procedures
  4. Essential Skincare Products and Ingredients
  5. Skincare Ingredients and Product Sourcing
  6. Sun Exposure and Skin Health
  7. Comprehensive Skincare Routine and Biohacks
  8. Educating and Empowering Personal Health

Skincare Ingredients and Concerns

00:00 - 07:32

  • Retinol is a skincare ingredient that can cause inflammation and damage the skin barrier.
  • There are concerns about harmful chemicals and hormone disruptors in skincare products, especially lip balms used by young girls.
  • Sunscreen has been pulled from the market due to cancer-causing properties, highlighting the importance of being cautious about skincare choices.
  • Dr. Barbara Sturm, a renowned aesthetics doctor, emphasizes the significance of using anti-inflammatory ingredients in skincare products to slow down the aging process.
  • The podcast discussion touches on the importance of understanding skincare ingredients and their effects on the skin's health and immune system.

Harmful Chemicals in Skincare Products

07:11 - 14:21

  • Young girls are exposed to harmful chemicals and hormone disruptors in skincare products, leading to early menstrual cycles and skin issues.
  • Many skincare products contain ingredients that can be harmful, such as parabens, mineral oils, glycolic acid, retinoids, hydroquinone, and acid peels.
  • Using sunscreen with outdated filters can damage the skin and increase the risk of cancer; modern filters in European sunscreens are recommended.
  • Hydrating the skin is crucial for maintaining a healthy skin barrier and preventing aging and skin issues.
  • Avoiding alcohol consumption can improve sleep quality and have a positive impact on heart rate variability and overall health.

Skincare Routine and Procedures

14:01 - 20:26

  • Resting heart rate and sleep quality improve with zero alcohol consumption.
  • A good skincare routine includes hydrating with hyaluronic serum for deep and superficial hydration.
  • Avoid intense treatments like chemical peels and lasers unless necessary to prevent skin damage.
  • Facial procedures like Morpheus 8 combine radio frequency and microneedling for skin rejuvenation.
  • Using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) mixed with hyaluronic acid can accelerate skin healing and rejuvenation.

Essential Skincare Products and Ingredients

20:00 - 26:14

  • Red light therapy, PMF, and oxygen have helped in healing.
  • A basic skincare routine involves hyaluronic acid serum, face cream based on skin type, and enzyme cleanser for exfoliation.
  • Serums are considered power tools in skincare routine for targeted benefits like hydration or anti-aging.
  • Avoid trendy ingredients like high concentrations of vitamin C which can harm the skin barrier.

Skincare Ingredients and Product Sourcing

25:51 - 32:20

  • Vitamin C in skincare can be encapsulated for better efficacy, like caca du plum which is rich in vitamin C
  • Ingredients like Perslane are biopharmented to retain benefits without viruses
  • Skincare products are plant-based, with ingredients sourced from plants and marine sources
  • Skincare goes beyond face products to include lifestyle choices like diet and stress management
  • Hair care products can promote hair growth using ingredient science, such as millet extract
  • Respecting skin pH and microbiome is crucial for intimate care to prevent infections
  • Chemical-free living extends to laundry detergents with skincare ingredients for skin benefits

Sun Exposure and Skin Health

31:52 - 38:46

  • Sunlight exposure is important for vitamin D production and skin health.
  • Balancing sun exposure with sunscreen use based on individual skin type and lifestyle is crucial.
  • There may be a correlation between the increase in sunscreen use and the rise in skin cancers due to chemical ingredients in sunscreens.
  • Maintaining a healthy skin barrier is essential for protection against environmental assaults.

Comprehensive Skincare Routine and Biohacks

38:17 - 45:05

  • Perfect Amino by Body Health is a highly absorbable amino acid supplement with minimal calories that can be taken during fasting.
  • For a comprehensive skincare routine, incorporating hyaluronic serum and anti-aging products can help maintain skin health and hydration.
  • Telomeres activation plays a role in skin care to combat aging at a cellular level.
  • Gentle massages, dry brushing, and low-intensity microneedling are recommended for skin exfoliation and circulation improvement.
  • Dry brushing is highlighted as an effective tool against cellulite and for overall skin health.
  • Natural remedies like mineral salts are suggested as cost-effective biohacks for skincare.

Educating and Empowering Personal Health

44:49 - 49:53

  • The podcast focuses on educating the audience through master classes, YouTube videos, Instagram content, and an informative website.
  • The host asks guests what it means to be an ultimate human, with one guest emphasizing staying in top shape by using various health tools regularly.
  • There is a discussion about the increasing interest in health practices post-pandemic and the importance of being informed and proactive about personal health.
  • The guest emphasizes the power of self-education and being one's own 'citizen scientist' by researching and understanding health information available online.