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Breaking Math Podcast

96: Can We Survive on Mars? Hot tips with Zach Weinersmith

Tue May 21 2024
ShopifyMars explorationSpace mythsSpace settlementFeasibility of space colonizationAlternatives to launching from EarthBuilding in space


This episode explores topics such as Shopify's platform, Mars exploration, myths and misconceptions about space exploration, wealth and societal issues in space, space settlement and dependence on Earth, feasibility of space settlement and gravity effects, alternatives to launching from Earth, and building in space. It discusses the challenges, misconceptions, and potential drawbacks of space settlement while highlighting the importance of technology, ideas, and people in human wealth. The episode also explores the potential for Mars colonization and the technical challenges of living in space. Alternatives to launching from Earth are discussed, including using the moon or asteroids as launch points. The concept of building in space is explored with a focus on rotating space stations and their potential for artificial gravity.


Shopify's platform is widely used by businesses globally for online shops and marketplace integration.

The podcast transitions to discussing Mars exploration and the challenges of building a society on Mars.

Zach Weinersmith, known for his webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, discusses his new book 'A City on Mars' with a humorous take on Martian society challenges.

Zach and his wife Kelly collaborate on science-related projects, including books and podcasts.

The discussion delves into the feasibility and challenges of space settlement, highlighting misconceptions and potential drawbacks.

Comparisons are made between Earth and Mars in terms of habitability and the difficulty of making Earth as uninhabitable as Mars.

Space exploration has been a topic of interest with various myths and misconceptions surrounding it.

The idea of the 'overview effect' where astronauts become morally better after seeing Earth from space lacks concrete evidence.

Space may not necessarily make individuals rich, even with concepts like space-based solar power or asteroid mining.

Challenges such as high costs of putting objects in space, difficulties in maintaining equipment due to lack of heat dissipation, and practical limitations of asteroid mining make space ventures less lucrative than often portrayed.


  1. Shopify's Platform and Mars Exploration
  2. Myths and Misconceptions about Space Exploration
  3. Wealth, War, and Societal Issues in Space
  4. Space Settlement and Dependence on Earth
  5. Feasibility of Space Settlement and Gravity Effects
  6. Alternatives to Launching from Earth and Building in Space

Shopify's Platform and Mars Exploration

00:00 - 08:11

  • Shopify's platform is widely used by businesses globally for online shops and marketplace integration.
  • The podcast transitions to discussing Mars exploration and the challenges of building a society on Mars.
  • Zach Weinersmith, known for his webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, discusses his new book 'A City on Mars' with a humorous take on Martian society challenges.
  • Zach and his wife Kelly collaborate on science-related projects, including books and podcasts.
  • The discussion delves into the feasibility and challenges of space settlement, highlighting misconceptions and potential drawbacks.
  • Comparisons are made between Earth and Mars in terms of habitability and the difficulty of making Earth as uninhabitable as Mars.

Myths and Misconceptions about Space Exploration

07:49 - 14:00

  • Space exploration has been a topic of interest with various myths and misconceptions surrounding it.
  • The idea of the 'overview effect' where astronauts become morally better after seeing Earth from space lacks concrete evidence.
  • Space may not necessarily make individuals rich, even with concepts like space-based solar power or asteroid mining.
  • Challenges such as high costs of putting objects in space, difficulties in maintaining equipment due to lack of heat dissipation, and practical limitations of asteroid mining make space ventures less lucrative than often portrayed.
  • Human wealth is more reliant on technology, ideas, and people rather than natural resources found in space.

Wealth, War, and Societal Issues in Space

13:34 - 19:55

  • Only 2.5% of all human wealth is in natural resources, with most wealth being about technology, ideas, and people.
  • Wealth from space resources like asteroids is not likely to make humans rich compared to advancements in AI or other technologies.
  • There is no evidence that space activities will mitigate war, as claims about wealth or access to land reducing conflict lack support.
  • Exploring space may not solve human urges or societal issues, despite the desire for economic or philosophical justifications for it.

Space Settlement and Dependence on Earth

19:28 - 25:52

  • There is a desire for space to be different from Earth, with fantasies involving both capitalist and left-wing ideals.
  • Space civilization would likely still be highly dependent on Earth initially.
  • People in space stations are dependent on getting packages.
  • There is a rich history of space food choices, including low-crumb foods like tortillas and engineered bread bites.
  • The main locations for settlement in space are the Moon and Mars, with rotating space stations as additional options.
  • The Moon has challenges like no atmosphere and toxic surface regolith, but benefits from being close and having low gravity for potential rocket launches.

Feasibility of Space Settlement and Gravity Effects

25:36 - 31:47

  • Moon mining is not feasible due to limited resources like water on the moon.
  • Mars has potential for colonization due to its elemental composition and availability of resources like carbon, oxygen, and water.
  • Space settlement on rotating space stations presents technical challenges such as balance issues and mass delivery requirements.
  • Living in rotating space wheels or Venus' atmosphere may be necessary for full gravity effects if health problems arise during long-term space habitation.

Alternatives to Launching from Earth and Building in Space

31:17 - 38:21

  • Launching from Earth is expensive due to the sheer number of launches required and environmental costs
  • Alternatives to launching from Earth include using the moon or asteroids as launch points
  • Moon-based launch system involves a mass driver and utilizing resources like silicon, aluminum, and magnesium
  • Rotating space stations can be created using different structures like cylinders or spheres for artificial gravity
  • The concept of building in space is plausible due to the potential for unlimited energy from the sun