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Super Data Science: ML & AI Podcast with Jon Krohn

785: Math, Quantum ML and Language Embeddings, with Dr. Luis Serrano

Tue May 21 2024
data sciencemachine learningquantum AI


This episode explores the world of data science, machine learning, and quantum AI. Dr. Luis Serrano shares insights on making complex topics more approachable, while discussing Coheres' focus on enterprise use cases for large-language models (LLMs) and the importance of embeddings. The episode covers challenges in teaching complex topics, the role of visual learning and AI in education, the power of embeddings and semantic search, technological breakthroughs, quantum machine learning, developing courses, and future applications. Key insights include the impact of simplification and relatable examples in distilling complex topics, the potential of generative AI tools in revolutionizing education, and the fusion of quantum revolution with historical significance.


Dr. Luis Serrano's approach to making complex math and machine learning topics approachable

Dr. Luis Serrano is a renowned figure in the data science industry, known for making complex math and machine learning topics approachable through his Serrano Academy YouTube channel.

Coheres' focus on enterprise use cases for large-language models (LLMs) and embeddings

Coheres focuses on enterprise use cases for large-language models (LLMs) and specializes in embeddings, which are crucial components of LLMs.

Promising application areas for quantum machine learning

Quantum machine learning shows promise in various application areas, including multimodality, agents, real-world interaction through robots and autonomous vehicles.

The importance of breaking down complex concepts and the concept of 'grokking'

Breaking down complex concepts into their fundamental parts and deeply understanding them is crucial in making them easier to comprehend. The concept of 'grokking' highlights this method of knowledge application.

Challenges in distilling complex topics into beginner-friendly content

Simplification and finding relatable examples are key challenges in distilling complex topics like machine learning and quantum AI into beginner-friendly content.

The role of hands-on learning and different approaches to learning

Hands-on learning through Python-based exercises and mini projects is considered critical for mastering machine learning. Different approaches to learning, such as auditory math learners or synesthetes who associate colors with numbers, can impact understanding and retention of information.

The potential of generative AI tools in revolutionizing education

Generative AI tools have the potential to revolutionize education by providing personalized learning experiences globally. Personalization in education through AI can significantly enhance the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods.

The power of embeddings in machine learning and semantic search

Embeddings play a fundamental role in machine learning, improving the performance of large language models (LLMs) and enabling tasks like semantic search. Semantic search differs from traditional keyword search by using embeddings to locate words and sentences in space for more accurate results.

Technological breakthroughs and the importance of foundational concepts

Technological advancements are accelerating, requiring continuous learning and adaptability. While cutting-edge technologies evolve rapidly, foundational concepts like linear algebra and calculus remain essential in machine learning.

The potential of quantum machine learning and quantum neural networks

Quantum machine learning leverages true randomness for potential efficiencies, and quantum neural networks have shown promise in supervised learning tasks. Research in quantum machine learning involves exploring the possibilities with existing quantum computers and preparing for future advancements in computing power.


  1. Introduction
  2. Teaching Complex Topics
  3. Challenges in Distilling Complex Topics
  4. Visual Learning and AI in Education
  5. Embeddings and Semantic Search
  6. Enhancing User Experience with Embeddings
  7. Applications and Technological Breakthroughs
  8. Quantum Machine Learning
  9. Developing Courses and Insights
  10. Catering to Different Learners and Future Applications


00:00 - 07:33

  • Dr. Luis Serrano is a renowned figure in the data science industry, known for making complex math and machine learning topics approachable through his Serrano Academy YouTube channel.
  • Luis discusses how Coheres focuses on enterprise use cases for large-language models (LLMs) and specializes in embeddings, which are crucial components of LLMs.
  • He also shares insights on promising application areas for quantum machine learning and predicts the next big advancements in AI.
  • Luis emphasizes the importance of breaking down complex concepts to make them easier to understand, criticizing unnecessary layers of abstraction that make AI and math seem harder than they are.
  • The concept of 'grokking' is highlighted as a method to deeply understand and apply knowledge by breaking it down into its fundamental parts.

Teaching Complex Topics

07:03 - 14:07

  • The use of high-level language in teaching can create barriers for learners who need to understand concepts at a basic level.
  • Analogies, like using music, can help bridge the gap between beginner and expert understanding of complex topics like math and machine learning.
  • A personal experience of excelling in a national math contest transformed the speaker's perception of math from dislike to passion.
  • The speaker aims to make complex topics like machine learning and quantum AI more beginner-friendly through their pedagogical approach on their YouTube channel.

Challenges in Distilling Complex Topics

13:40 - 21:18

  • Challenges in distilling complex topics like machine learning and quantum AI into beginner-friendly content include the need for simplification and finding relatable examples.
  • Hands-on learning through Python-based exercises and mini projects is considered critical for mastering machine learning, catering to different types of learners such as theoretical, visual, and builder.
  • Different approaches to learning, including auditory math learners or synesthetes who associate colors with numbers, can impact understanding and retention of information.

Visual Learning and AI in Education

20:48 - 27:58

  • Visual learning is key for many people and can enhance both learning and teaching experiences.
  • Generative AI tools have the potential to revolutionize education by providing personalized learning experiences globally.
  • Personalization in education through AI can significantly enhance the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods.
  • Language models like GPT-4 show promising capabilities in understanding and anticipating user needs, leading to optimism about the future of AGI.
  • Cohere focuses on developing AI models as tools to assist users in various tasks, emphasizing their practical applications in enterprise settings.

Embeddings and Semantic Search

27:38 - 34:42

  • Embeddings are fundamental in machine learning and play a key role in various applications like summarization and clustering.
  • Semantic search differs from traditional keyword search by using embeddings to locate words and sentences in space for more accurate results.
  • Embeddings translate language into numerical representations, making it easier for models to process text data effectively.
  • Strong embeddings improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) and make tasks like classification easier.
  • Semantic search is enhanced by tools like re-rank, which help identify the most relevant answers based on proximity in the embedding space.

Enhancing User Experience with Embeddings

34:14 - 41:34

  • Semantic search is an improvement over keyword search and re-rank helps locate accurate answers
  • Embeddings convert natural language into numeric format for machine understanding
  • High-dimensional embeddings allow for detailed representation of language, code, math, etc.
  • Generative AI applications benefit from semantic search and re-rank for accurate answers
  • Better embeddings enhance user experience by simplifying tasks like classification and clustering
  • Cohere's technology makes large language models accessible to end users without backend complexities

Applications and Technological Breakthroughs

41:05 - 48:33

  • Different levels of users interact with LLM technology, from power plant builders to end users who must use it responsibly.
  • Co-hero offers various LLM options catering to different needs like accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
  • The next big technological breakthroughs are predicted to involve multimodal interactions, agent use in apps, and AI integration into hardware for real-world applications.
  • Technological advancements are accelerating, requiring continuous learning and adaptability.
  • While cutting-edge technologies evolve rapidly, foundational concepts like linear algebra and calculus remain essential in machine learning.

Quantum Machine Learning

48:06 - 56:13

  • Transformer architectures and neural networks are fundamental in machine learning, with linear regression and basic concepts likely to persist for a long time.
  • Quantum machine learning is an emerging technology that leverages true randomness for potential efficiencies, although current practical applications are limited by the current capabilities of quantum computers.
  • Research in quantum machine learning involves exploring the possibilities with existing quantum computers and preparing for future advancements in computing power.
  • Quantum neural networks have shown promise in supervised learning tasks, benefiting from the inherent randomness available in quantum computing compared to classical computers.
  • Zapata Computing's name has an interesting etymology related to the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, chosen to symbolize the fusion of quantum revolution with historical significance.

Developing Courses and Insights

55:49 - 1:02:56

  • Words and their origins can help make connections and provide insights into language etymology.
  • The time it takes to develop a course varies based on the complexity and resources available, ranging from a few weeks to over two years.
  • Advice for those wanting to develop courses includes starting by sharing content in a format they enjoy and building an audience before creating more structured courses.
  • Book recommendations provided include 'Sapiens' for gaining perspective on humanity and 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' for influencing teaching philosophy towards fostering creative thinking.

Catering to Different Learners and Future Applications

1:02:27 - 1:05:58

  • The guest, Louise, discussed the three major categories of learners: formulaic, visual, and builder, and how catering to all three can make complex topics like math and AI more approachable.
  • Louise talked about how Cohear focuses on embeddings for generative AI, semantic search, retrieval-opt-bit generation, and clustering.
  • Exciting emerging application areas for AI were mentioned, including multimodality, agents, real-world interaction through robots and autonomous vehicles.
  • The potential of quantum computing in machine learning applications was highlighted as the number of qubits quantum computers can handle increases exponentially.