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Nature Podcast

How AI could improve robotics, the cockroach’s origins, and promethium spills its secrets

Wed May 29 2024
RoboticsAIHumanoid RobotsEmbodied AICockroachesPermethium


The episode explores the potential of using foundation models in robots to make them more adaptable and capable of learning. Efforts are being made to create internet robotic data by pooling data from various robotics labs and using simulation. Safety implications of physical robots interacting with humans are a major concern. There is excitement about humanoid robots and chatbots, but some caution that people may be anthropomorphizing these models. Cockroaches have become successful due to their adaptability and opportunistic nature in human environments. Researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding the element Permethium through chemical complex analysis.


Training robots with large language model strategies

By training robots with large language model strategies, they can gain common sense knowledge and reduce the need for extensive training in different scenarios.

Building dexterity in robots

Building dexterity in robots is challenging due to the lack of diverse training data. Efforts are being made to create internet robotic data by pooling data from various robotics labs and using simulation.

Safety implications of physical robots interacting with humans

Safety implications of physical robots interacting with humans are a major concern, especially in scenarios like rescuing people from disaster zones. AI safety measures, such as Isaac Asimov's laws of robotics, are being considered to prevent harm caused by robots.

Embodied AI and humanoid robots

The concept of embodied AI suggests that physical interaction with the real world could enhance artificial intelligence's capabilities and potentially lead to genuine intelligence.

Evolutionary history of German cockroaches

Research on the origin and spread of German cockroaches reveals their evolutionary history linked with human trade routes and colonization.

Breakthrough in understanding Permethium

Researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding the element Permethium through chemical complex analysis, potentially leading to better control and applications of this rare element.


  1. Robotics and AI
  2. Embodied AI and Humanoid Robots
  3. Cockroaches and Permethium

Robotics and AI

00:00 - 25:04

  • The podcast episode features a deep dive into stories from the Nature Briefing, focusing on robotics and AI.
  • The discussion revolves around the potential of using foundation models in robots to make them more adaptable and capable of learning.
  • By training robots with large language model strategies, they can gain common sense knowledge and reduce the need for extensive training in different scenarios.
  • The aim is to create robots that can perform everyday tasks that are currently challenging for them due to lack of dexterity and adaptability.
  • Building dexterity in robots is challenging due to the lack of diverse training data.
  • Efforts are being made to create internet robotic data by pooling data from various robotics labs and using simulation.
  • Simulation environments are being used to train robots faster before applying skills in the real world.
  • Safety implications of physical robots interacting with humans are a major concern, especially in scenarios like rescuing people from disaster zones.
  • AI safety measures, such as Isaac Asimov's laws of robotics, are being considered to prevent harm caused by robots.
  • Current robot models are mainly used in controlled environments like factories, and there is still a long way to go before widespread deployment.

Embodied AI and Humanoid Robots

12:48 - 19:23

  • There is excitement about humanoid robots and chatbots, but some caution that people may be anthropomorphizing these models.
  • Concerns exist about the use of autonomous or AI-controlled weapons of war, though researchers in robotics may not currently prioritize this issue.
  • The concept of embodied AI suggests that physical interaction with the real world could enhance artificial intelligence's capabilities and potentially lead to genuine intelligence.
  • Research on the origin and spread of German cockroaches reveals their evolutionary history linked with human trade routes and colonization.

Cockroaches and Permethium

19:00 - 25:04

  • Cockroaches have become successful due to their adaptability and opportunistic nature in human environments.
  • Researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding the element Permethium through chemical complex analysis, potentially leading to better control and applications of this rare element.
  • The discovery of Permethium in a chemical complex is considered a significant achievement by chemists, with potential implications for various fields including nuclear waste management.