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Quanta Science Podcast

Meet Strange Metals: Where Electricity May Flow Without Electrons

Wed May 29 2024
physicsmaterials scienceelectric currentstrange metalsFermi-liquid theory


Physicists have discovered a strange material that defies the conventional understanding of electric current. This material, along with other strange metals, exhibits unusual behavior and challenges the widely accepted Fermi-liquid theory. Researchers conducted experiments to investigate the charge movement in strange metals and found evidence that quasi-particles may not exist in these materials. The breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory has sparked the search for a new theoretical framework to explain the behavior of charge in strange metals.


Conventional understanding of electric current challenged

Physicists have found that the conventional understanding of electric current as a flow of charged particles breaks down in certain strange materials.

Linear rise in resistance in strange metals

Strange metals exhibit a linear rise in resistance, which contradicts the quadratic rise observed in normal metals.

Quasi-particles may not exist in strange metals

The linear rise in resistance suggests that quasi-particles, introduced by Fermi-liquid theory, may not exist in strange metals.

Evidence of lost quasi-particles in strange metals

An experiment measuring shot noise in a strange metal's current provides strong evidence that quasi-particles are lost in these materials.

Search for a new theoretical framework

The breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory has prompted physicists to search for a new theoretical framework to explain the behavior of charge in strange metals.


  1. Physicists Discover Strange Material with Unconventional Electric Current
  2. The Mystery of Strange Metals
  3. The Quasi-Particle Conundrum
  4. Unveiling the Anatomy of Strange Metals
  5. The Quest for a New Theory

Physicists Discover Strange Material with Unconventional Electric Current

00:05 - 02:35

  • Physicists have found that the conventional understanding of electric current as a flow of charged particles breaks down in certain strange materials.
  • A recent experiment with a microscopic metallic wire showed that the electric current flowed smoothly and evenly, defying physicists' standard conception of electricity.
  • This observation suggests the presence of a new quantum phenomenon in these strange metals.

The Mystery of Strange Metals

03:03 - 07:55

  • Strange metals, including high-temperature superconductors, exhibit unusual behavior that challenges the conventional understanding of metals.
  • In normal metals, resistance increases quadratically with temperature, but in strange metals, it rises linearly.
  • This linear rise in resistance has led to the breakdown of the widely accepted Fermi-liquid theory.

The Quasi-Particle Conundrum

07:55 - 09:31

  • Fermi-liquid theory introduced the concept of quasi-particles to explain the behavior of electrons in metals.
  • Quasi-particles are electron-like clumps that behave similarly to individual electrons but with different masses.
  • However, the linear rise in resistance observed in strange metals suggests that quasi-particles may not exist in these materials.

Unveiling the Anatomy of Strange Metals

09:31 - 14:38

  • Researchers conducted an experiment to directly scrutinize the charge moving through a strange metal.
  • By measuring shot noise, which indicates the chunks of charge in an electric current, they found that the strange metal's current did not flow in electron-sized chunks.
  • This provides strong evidence that quasi-particles are lost in strange metals.

The Quest for a New Theory

14:38 - 19:41

  • The breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory in strange metals has prompted physicists to search for a new theoretical framework.
  • Various theories, such as emergent electromagnetism and entangled quantum soup, have been proposed to explain the behavior of charge in strange metals.
  • However, a precise mathematical description is still lacking.