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Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science

International integration: The path from the Moon to Mars

Wed May 29 2024
International CollaborationUAE National Space ProgramArtemis AccordsSpace ExplorationGateway ProgramTechnological AdvancementsPartnershipsLunar ExplorationRescue MissionsMars Settlement


International collaboration is crucial for advancing human exploration of Mars. The UAE National Space Program started in 2006 with the Applied Development Program and has since expanded to include missions like Hope exploring Mars and a human space flight program. The Artemis Accords aim to create a global coalition for human spaceflight with norms of behavior promoting peaceful cooperation and interoperability. The difficulty of space exploration brings humanity together to conquer challenges, as seen in the Artemis program. Artemis Accords offer opportunities for nations with fledgling space programs to participate in various missions and research collaborations. Bringing new voices into space exploration conversations can lead to innovative ideas and approaches. The success of the Artemis Accords is evident as other nations are discussing how to implement the Outer Space Treaty, aiming for transparency and cooperation. The Artemis Accords focus on the rescue of astronauts and interoperability among signatories. Benefits of having a permanent settlement off Earth include the ability to conduct more science with humans in the loop and explore sociology and psychology aspects.


International collaboration is crucial for advancing human exploration of Mars.

Collaboration among different countries and organizations is essential for successful space exploration missions.

The UAE is contributing significantly to the Gateway program by providing an airlock module and supporting operations, aiming to go beyond just the airlock material towards sending humans to Mars.

Collaboration between countries like Japan, ESA, and member nations of the European Space Agency is crucial for successful space missions such as Artemis, requiring years of preparation and discussions.

Technological advancements such as rollout solar arrays, biotechnological solutions like printing human tissue in space, and innovative programs like Mason are crucial for successful Mars exploration.

Challenges in international collaborations, like the reconsideration of the Mars sample return mission, require frameworks for problem-solving and working together with partners to find solutions.

Partnerships with various nations, universities, industries, and organizations are essential for achieving common goals in space exploration.

NASA's strategy includes lunar exploration programs, human life sciences research, and plans for Mars settlement by 2117.

Artemis Accords offer opportunities for nations with fledgling space programs to participate in various missions and research collaborations.

Creating study agreements enables conversations with countries interested in playing a role in long-term space plans without the need for extensive legal frameworks upfront.

Bringing new voices into space exploration conversations can lead to innovative ideas and approaches.

Transparency, openness, and freedom of science are key values promoted by the Artemis Accords, even though not all countries have signed them.

The success of the Artemis Accords is evident as other nations are discussing how to implement the Outer Space Treaty, aiming for transparency and cooperation.

Competition, particularly with China, can drive progress and collaboration in space exploration.

The Artemis Accords focus on the rescue of astronauts and interoperability among signatories.

The Artemis Accords serve as a catalyst for international dialogue and collaboration in space exploration.

Challenges of establishing a settlement on Mars include the difficulty of landing due to its thin atmosphere and the need for extensive systems to sustain human life during descent.

Mars is one of the most challenging places to land in the solar system due to its unique atmospheric conditions, making landing techniques complex and innovative.

The surface area of Earth is approximately equal to the combined surface area of Venus and the Moon, with Venus being slightly smaller than Earth.


  1. International Collaboration for Mars Exploration
  2. UAE's Contributions to Space Programs
  3. Norms of Behavior and Technological Advancements for Mars Exploration
  4. International Collaboration and Common Goals in Space Exploration
  5. Opportunities for Nations in Space Exploration
  6. Engaging International Partners and Implementing the Outer Space Treaty
  7. Rescue Missions, Preservation, and Challenges of Mars Settlement
  8. Challenges and Landing Techniques for Mars Exploration

International Collaboration for Mars Exploration

00:02 - 07:26

  • International collaboration is crucial for advancing human exploration of Mars.
  • The Humans to Mars Summit brings together people from around the world to discuss creating a sustainable presence on Mars.
  • NASA and its partners are working towards integrating efforts for space exploration, despite budget cuts.
  • The Artemis Accords serve as principles for international cooperation in space.
  • Representatives from NASA, JAXA, ESA, UAE Space Agency, and commercial space industry are involved in discussions on international collaboration.
  • Collaboration among different countries and organizations is essential for successful space exploration missions.

UAE's Contributions to Space Programs

07:01 - 14:22

  • The UAE National Space Program started in 2006 with the Applied Development Program and has since expanded to include missions like Hope exploring Mars and a human space flight program.
  • International collaboration is integral to the UAE's space programs, with partnerships formed for every project to advance science and technology for humanity.
  • The UAE is contributing significantly to the Gateway program by providing an airlock module and supporting operations, aiming to go beyond just the airlock material towards sending humans to Mars.
  • Collaboration between countries like Japan, ESA, and member nations of the European Space Agency is crucial for successful space missions such as Artemis, requiring years of preparation and discussions.
  • The Artemis Accords aim to create a diverse global human spaceflight coalition, with inclusivity being driven by countries like Japan and the UAE.

Norms of Behavior and Technological Advancements for Mars Exploration

14:02 - 21:22

  • The Artemis Accords aim to create a global coalition for human spaceflight with norms of behavior promoting peaceful cooperation and interoperability.
  • Technological advancements such as rollout solar arrays, biotechnological solutions like printing human tissue in space, and innovative programs like Mason are crucial for successful Mars exploration.
  • Challenges in international collaborations, like the reconsideration of the Mars sample return mission, require frameworks for problem-solving and working together with partners to find solutions.
  • Collaborations involving multiple countries, like ESA's involvement in space missions, require careful coordination and stability among partners to address challenges and ensure success.

International Collaboration and Common Goals in Space Exploration

20:58 - 29:05

  • The difficulty of space exploration brings humanity together to conquer challenges, as seen in the Artemis program.
  • International collaboration is crucial for the success and sustainability of space missions like Mars sample return and planetary science endeavors.
  • Partnerships with various nations, universities, industries, and organizations are essential for achieving common goals in space exploration.
  • NASA's strategy includes lunar exploration programs, human life sciences research, and plans for Mars settlement by 2117.

Opportunities for Nations in Space Exploration

28:38 - 35:27

  • Artemis Accords offer opportunities for nations with fledgling space programs to participate in various missions and research collaborations.
  • The Accords aim to be inclusive and provide a place for countries of all sizes and levels of development within the Artemis program.
  • Initiatives like the Payload Hosting Initiative allow smaller nations to propose payloads and instruments for satellite launches, promoting international collaboration in space exploration.
  • Creating study agreements enables conversations with countries interested in playing a role in long-term space plans without the need for extensive legal frameworks upfront.

Engaging International Partners and Implementing the Outer Space Treaty

35:10 - 42:18

  • Bringing new voices into space exploration conversations can lead to innovative ideas and approaches.
  • NASA is being proactive and intentional in engaging with international partners and the private sector for feedback on Moon to Mars architecture.
  • The success of the Artemis Accords is evident as other nations are discussing how to implement the Outer Space Treaty, aiming for transparency and cooperation.
  • Transparency, openness, and freedom of science are key values promoted by the Artemis Accords, even though not all countries have signed them.
  • Competition, particularly with China, can drive progress and collaboration in space exploration.
  • The Artemis Accords incorporate elements from various agreements and treaties beyond the Outer Space Treaty to ensure conflict prevention and life preservation.

Rescue Missions, Preservation, and Challenges of Mars Settlement

42:01 - 49:21

  • The Artemis Accords focus on the rescue of astronauts and interoperability among signatories.
  • The accords reference other treaties like the registration convention and the outer space treaty.
  • Signatories of the Artemis Accords work together regularly on issues like noninterference and interoperability.
  • There is a discussion about preserving heritage sites on the moon and creating a solar system historic landmark registry.
  • The Artemis Accords serve as a catalyst for international dialogue and collaboration in space exploration.

Challenges and Landing Techniques for Mars Exploration

49:09 - 56:11

  • Benefits of having a permanent settlement off Earth include the ability to conduct more science with humans in the loop and explore sociology and psychology aspects.
  • Challenges of establishing a settlement on Mars include the difficulty of landing due to its thin atmosphere and the need for extensive systems to sustain human life during descent.
  • Mars is one of the most challenging places to land in the solar system due to its unique atmospheric conditions, making landing techniques complex and innovative.
  • The surface area of Earth is approximately equal to the combined surface area of Venus and the Moon, with Venus being slightly smaller than Earth.