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Retrieval-Augmented Generation for AI-Generated Content: A Survey

Wed May 29 2024
Retrieval Augmented GenerationRAGArtificial IntelligenceInformation RetrievalGenerative ModelsData AugmentationCode GenerationNatural Language ProcessingQuestion AnsweringImage CaptioningVideo Captioning


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a paradigm that enhances artificial intelligence-generated content by incorporating an information retrieval process. This podcast provides a comprehensive survey covering RAG foundations, enhancements, applications, benchmarks, limitations, and future directions. It explores various modalities beyond text generation and discusses the challenges and potential future directions for RAG research.


RAG Enhancements

Researchers have proposed enhancements to improve the quality of RAG systems through specific optimizations for individual components and holistic pipeline enhancements.

Query-based RAG in Different Modalities

Research primarily focuses on query-based RAG in text generation tasks, but other RAG foundations show potential for further development.

Retrieval Methods and Techniques

Retrieval methods involve sparse and dense retrievers using different similarity functions for efficient search. Alternative retrieval methods include edit distance, knowledge graph-based retrieval, and named entity recognition (NER).

RAG Enhancements and Pipeline Optimization

RAG enhancements categorize methods into five groups: Input Enhancement, Retriever Enhancement, Generator Enhancement, Result Enhancement, and Pipeline Enhancement. Query-based RAG, latent representation-based RAG, logit-based RAG, and speculative RAG are discussed.

Data Augmentation and System-level Optimization

Data augmentation techniques, retriever enhancement, recursive retrieval, hybrid retrieval, RAG pipeline enhancement, and adaptive retrieval methods are explored.

Applications in NLP and Code Generation

Knowledge graphs in question-answering models, innovative approaches in NLP, neural machine translation, event extraction, summarization techniques, and code generation tasks are discussed.

Code Summarization and Related Tasks

Different retrieval techniques for code summarization, query-based RAG in code summary generation and completion, models for code summarization, automatic program repair, semantic parsing for Text to SQL tasks, and other code-related tasks are covered.

Knowledge-Based Question Answering and Image/Video Captioning

KBQA models, structured knowledge in Open Domain Question Answering (ODQA), image captioning techniques, video captioning with background knowledge, video QA and Dialog systems are explored.

Text-to-Video and Audio Generation, Benchmarking, Limitations, and Future Directions

Models for text-to-video and audio generation, drug discovery using Rett-Mole model, benchmarking RAG models, limitations of RAG systems, and challenges in bridging the gap between retrievers and generators are discussed.

Future Directions and Conclusion

Research advancements in prompt compression and long context support, potential future directions for RAG research, exploration of more advanced foundations for augmentation, flexible RAG pipelines, and designing domain-specific RAG techniques are highlighted.


  1. RAG Foundations and Enhancements
  2. RAG in Different Modalities
  3. Retrieval Methods and Query-based RAG
  4. Enhancements and Pipeline Optimization
  5. Data Augmentation and System-level Optimization
  6. Applications in NLP and Code Generation
  7. Code Summarization and Related Tasks
  8. Knowledge-Based Question Answering and Image/Video Captioning
  9. Text-to-Video and Audio Generation, Benchmarking, Limitations, and Future Directions
  10. Future Directions and Conclusion

RAG Foundations and Enhancements

00:08 - 08:30

  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a paradigm that addresses challenges in artificial intelligence-generated content by incorporating an information retrieval process.
  • RAG enhances the generation process by retrieving relevant objects from available data stores, leading to higher accuracy and better robustness.
  • The RAG technique integrates retrievers and generators in various ways, such as serving as augmented input, joining at the middle stage of generation, contributing to final results, or influencing generation steps.
  • Researchers have proposed enhancements to improve the quality of RAG systems through specific optimizations for individual components and holistic pipeline enhancements.
  • RAG has applications across different domains including text-to-text generation, codes, audios, images, videos, 3D models, knowledge processing, and AI for science.

RAG in Different Modalities

08:05 - 16:12

  • RAG (Retriever and Generator) processes are consistent across modalities but require adjustments in augmentation techniques and selection of components.
  • A systematic review on RAG foundations, enhancements, and applications is lacking, hindering the field's development.
  • Research primarily focuses on query-based RAG in text generation tasks, but other RAG foundations show potential for further development.
  • Development of RAG in various modalities beyond text generation is gaining traction with distinctive characteristics from retrieval techniques.
  • The podcast aims to provide a comprehensive survey covering RAG foundations, enhancements, applications, benchmarks, limitations, and future directions.
  • Existing surveys on RAG often focus on specific aspects like text-related tasks facilitated by LLMs without delving into other modalities or foundational discussions.

Retrieval Methods and Query-based RAG

15:43 - 23:43

  • Deep learning models can generate realistic images, audio, and data through adversarial learning with a generator and discriminator.
  • Retrieval methods involve sparse and dense retrievers using different similarity functions for efficient search.
  • Sparse retrievers use metrics like TFIDF and BM25 for document retrieval, while dense retrievers use dense embedding vectors and contrastive learning for various modalities.
  • Alternative retrieval methods include edit distance for natural language texts, knowledge graph-based retrieval, named entity recognition (NER), and others.
  • Query-based RAG foundations categorize into query-based RAG, self-RAG, prompt design importance in utilizing retrieved data effectively.

Enhancements and Pipeline Optimization

23:16 - 31:47

  • Query-based RAG, when paired with LLM generators, allows for quick deployment by integrating pre-trained components swiftly.
  • Latent representation-based RAG incorporates retrieved objects as latent representations into generative models to enhance comprehension and improve output quality.
  • Logit-based RAG integrates retrieval information through logits during decoding, combining probabilities for stepwise generation in various domains like text, code, and image.
  • Speculative RAG aims to save resources and accelerate response speed by using retrieval instead of pure generation, primarily applicable to sequential data.
  • RAG enhancements categorize methods into five groups: Input Enhancement (query transformation and data augmentation), Retriever Enhancement, Generator Enhancement, Result Enhancement, and Pipeline Enhancement.

Data Augmentation and System-level Optimization

31:19 - 39:26

  • Data augmentation techniques include removing irrelevant information and synthesizing new data.
  • Retriever enhancement in RAG systems focuses on improving the quality of retrieved content.
  • Recursive retrieval involves multiple searches for richer information, while chunk optimization adjusts chunk size for better results.
  • Hybrid retrieval combines diverse methodologies to enhance retrieval quality.
  • RAG pipeline enhancement optimizes processes at the system level for better performance.
  • Adaptive retrieval methods help determine when retrieval is necessary based on rule-based or model-based approaches.

Applications in NLP and Code Generation

38:58 - 47:37

  • Using knowledge graphs in place of text corpus improves results in question-answering models.
  • Innovative approaches like non-parametric data distributions and language-generalized encoders enhance model performance.
  • Neural Machine Translation is a key task in NLP, with new techniques challenging traditional methods.
  • Event extraction involves identifying and categorizing events within text for better context understanding.
  • Summarization techniques include extractive and abstractive methods, each with its own challenges and benefits.
  • Code generation tasks aim to convert natural language descriptions into code implementations using various retrieval and generation techniques.

Code Summarization and Related Tasks

47:07 - 55:42

  • Various methods like BASHEXPLAINER and READSUM use different retrieval techniques for code summarization.
  • Query-based RAG is commonly used for code summary generation and completion.
  • Different models like K&N transformer, CMR sum, and Cocoa Mike employ diverse strategies for code summarization.
  • Automatic program repair often utilizes query-based RAG to fix buggy codes.
  • Semantic parsing for tasks like Text to SQL involves using RAG with query-based approaches.
  • Other code-related tasks also leverage query-based RAG paradigm for various purposes.

Knowledge-Based Question Answering and Image/Video Captioning

55:13 - 1:04:10

  • Various KBQA models employ different techniques such as re-ranking entities, conducting relation classification, and entity disambiguation before generation.
  • Structured knowledge is leveraged in Open Domain Question Answering (ODQA) through methods like Augmented ODQA and table QA.
  • Different approaches are used for image captioning, including retrieval-augmented models that utilize historical context and target word training set.
  • Video captioning involves translating visual content into text with the help of background knowledge from related documents.
  • Video QA and Dialog systems generate responses aligned with video content by storing and retrieving information in internal memory or retrieving semantically similar texts.

Text-to-Video and Audio Generation, Benchmarking, Limitations, and Future Directions

1:03:40 - 1:12:00

  • An overview of Animate a story, F-RAG for audio, and Re-Audio LDM models for text-to-video and audio generation.
  • Insights into drug discovery using Rett-Mole model for molecular generation.
  • Introduction of BE ENCH M-A-R-K benchmarking RAG models across various dimensions like noise robustness and information integration.
  • Limitations of RAG systems including retrieval noise impact on generation quality and increased latency due to complex enhancement methods.
  • Challenges in bridging the gap between retrievers and generators, managing system complexity, and handling lengthy context in query-based RAG.

Future Directions and Conclusion

1:11:31 - 1:13:54

  • Research advancements in prompt compression and long context support have helped mitigate challenges in the generation process.
  • Potential future directions for RAG research include novel design of augmentation, flexible RAG pipelines, broader applications, and efficient deployment solutions.
  • Exploration of more advanced foundations for augmentation can enhance the potential of RAG systems.
  • Flexible RAG pipelines with proper tuning hold promise for handling complex tasks and improving overall performance.
  • Designing domain-specific RAG techniques can benefit broader applications by considering unique characteristics of different domains.