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How I Write

Addicted to Distraction | Ted Gioia | How I Write Podcast

Wed May 29 2024
writingcreativitytrustmusicpersonal storiesSubstackinspirationcountry musicpublishing industryaspiring writersdeep readingself-educationromanticismFrench Revolution


This episode explores the importance of honesty and directness in writing, the power of vulnerability and personal stories, the impact of writing on Substack, the magic of inspiration in music and poetry, the importance of trust and spontaneity in creative writing, the stagnation of the country music and publishing industries, advice for aspiring writers, the power of deep reading and self-education, the influence of romanticism on writing and society, the impact of the French Revolution on romanticism, tapping into unpredictable and magical experiences for creativity, preserving creativity and learning in the face of obstacles, preserving regional creativity and kindness in a globalized culture, the impact of addictive processes and staying true to values, and the importance of a slow and steady approach to writing.


The Importance of Being Honest and Direct in Writing

Being honest and direct in writing is crucial to combat the lack of trust in media.

The Power of Personal Stories in Building Trust with Readers

By admitting their own limitations and sharing personal stories, writers can build trust with readers for a more intimate conversation.

The Impact of Writing on Substack

Writing on Substack creates a more personal and conversational relationship with readers.

The Magic of Inspiration in Music and Poetry

The magic of music and poetry lies in capturing inspiration and believing in muses or goddesses as sources of creativity.

The Importance of Trust and Spontaneity in Creative Writing

Creative writing requires trust and spontaneity from the writer.

The Stagnation of the Country Music and Publishing Industries

The country music industry is stagnant with songs staying on the radio for longer periods.

Advice for Aspiring Writers

The key advice for aspiring writers is to write brutally honest content daily in private.

The Power of Deep Reading and Self-Education

Diverse reading, including finance books, influenced the understanding of culture, music, writing, and predicting future trends.

The Influence of Romanticism on Writing and Society

Reading different styles of writing can help writers find their own voice.

The Impact of the French Revolution on Romanticism

The speaker has been studying the French Revolution and its impact on society to understand the rise of Romanticism.


  1. The Importance of Honesty and Directness in Writing
  2. The Importance of Being an 'Honest Broker' in Writing
  3. The Power of Vulnerability and Personal Stories in Writing
  4. The Impact of Writing on Substack and the Shift in Music
  5. The Magic of Inspiration in Music and Poetry
  6. The Importance of Trust and Spontaneity in Creative Writing
  7. The Stagnation of the Country Music and Publishing Industries
  8. Advice for Aspiring Writers and the Power of Deep Reading
  9. The Importance of Self-Education and Deep Domain Expertise
  10. The Power of Education and Cross-Pollination of Ideas
  11. The Power of Deep Domain Expertise in Writing
  12. The Influence of Romanticism on Writing and Society
  13. The Impact of the French Revolution on Romanticism
  14. Tapping into Unpredictable and Magical Experiences for Creativity
  15. Preserving Creativity and Learning in the Face of Obstacles
  16. Preserving Regional Creativity and Kindness in a Globalized Culture
  17. The Impact of Addictive Processes and Staying True to Values
  18. The Importance of a Slow and Steady Approach to Writing

The Importance of Honesty and Directness in Writing

00:00 - 06:50

  • Being honest and direct in writing is crucial to combat the lack of trust in media.
  • Ted, an expert in jazz music, built his career by reading the classics for over 50 years.
  • There is a shift towards minimalism in writing, but some admire a return to maximalist style seen in authors like David Foster Wallace.
  • The speaker shares his background as an economist with an MBA from Stanford who worked on solving business problems before focusing on writing.

The Importance of Being an 'Honest Broker' in Writing

06:24 - 13:54

  • Having an 'honest broker' is crucial for business success in China.
  • Being an 'honest broker' in writing means being truthful and fair in critiques.
  • Honesty, fairness, and persuasiveness are important in building trust with readers.
  • Maintaining trust with readers by avoiding biased agendas or propaganda is essential for credibility.

The Power of Vulnerability and Personal Stories in Writing

13:33 - 20:43

  • Music writers often struggle with the desire to appear cool, but the speaker made a conscious decision to be more honest and vulnerable.
  • By admitting their own limitations and sharing personal stories, the speaker aims to build trust with readers for a more intimate conversation.
  • The speaker's writing style evolves based on the subject matter, adopting different prose styles for different topics.
  • Transitioning to writing on Substack led the speaker's prose to become more conversational and personal.

The Impact of Writing on Substack and the Shift in Music

20:13 - 27:24

  • Writing on Substack creates a more personal and conversational relationship with readers.
  • The author adapted his writing style on Substack to be more direct and conversational.
  • Publishing a book on Substack allows for direct reader feedback and engagement.
  • The shift from magical music to mathematical music around 2,500 years ago changed the nature of music.

The Magic of Inspiration in Music and Poetry

27:01 - 33:57

  • The magic of music and poetry lies in capturing inspiration and believing in muses or goddesses as sources of creativity.
  • Some artists believe in the influence of a muse or goddess on their work.
  • Modern music notation has transformed music from magical sound to written notes on paper.
  • Creativity often involves letting inspiration flow without immediately writing it down.

The Importance of Trust and Spontaneity in Creative Writing

33:36 - 40:34

  • Creative writing requires trust and spontaneity from the writer.
  • In jazz music, improvisation is valued over repetition.
  • The speaker despises formulas in movies and storytelling.
  • Overreliance on formulas in Hollywood has led to a lack of excitement among audiences.

The Stagnation of the Country Music and Publishing Industries

40:28 - 47:24

  • The country music industry is stagnant with songs staying on the radio for longer periods.
  • Lack of creativity in the music industry is driven by economic and commercial reasons.
  • The publishing industry in the US is criticized for limiting creativity and promoting formulaic content.
  • There is a need for risk-taking and fresh ideas to create a new counterculture in art and entertainment.

Advice for Aspiring Writers and the Power of Deep Reading

46:58 - 54:25

  • The key advice for aspiring writers is to write brutally honest content daily in private.
  • Evolutionary tendencies push people to fit in rather than be honest, hindering creativity and originality.
  • To excel as a writer, one must un-teach themselves conformity and give permission to speak honestly from the heart.
  • Experience and confidence over time enable individuals to speak with honesty and authenticity in creative pursuits.

The Importance of Self-Education and Deep Domain Expertise

53:56 - 1:01:16

  • The speaker focused on understanding the tradition by reading classic novels and consuming music from different eras.
  • By incorporating a wide range of literary and musical influences, the speaker developed a perspective that connects contemporary culture to historical works.
  • The speaker's extreme dedication to reading and self-education contributed to their deep knowledge and authority in later years.

The Power of Education and Cross-Pollination of Ideas

1:00:49 - 1:07:53

  • Education and self-imposed learning led to authority and vocational skills in speaking engagements and project opportunities.
  • Diverse reading, including finance books, influenced the understanding of culture, music, writing, and predicting future trends.
  • Analytical techniques from business were applied to studying music and culture to predict outcomes.
  • Deep domain expertise is crucial for becoming a good writer and allows for cross-pollination of ideas.

The Power of Deep Domain Expertise in Writing

1:07:28 - 1:14:29

  • Becoming a good writer can start with deep domain expertise rather than just focusing on craft.
  • Having expertise in a specific area can make you a more powerful and effective writer.
  • Constant intake of new ideas through reading is essential for writing at a high level.
  • Input in the form of reading and learning is crucial to enhance output in any field of endeavor.

The Influence of Romanticism on Writing and Society

1:14:06 - 1:21:26

  • Some readers appreciate books for their writing style rather than content.
  • Reading different styles of writing can help writers find their own voice.
  • The speaker is researching the shift from rationalism to romanticism and its impact on society.
  • The speaker believes in the importance of humanistic sensibility and creativity over technology-driven progress.

The Impact of the French Revolution on Romanticism

1:20:57 - 1:28:11

  • The speaker has been studying the French Revolution and its impact on society to understand the rise of Romanticism.
  • The speaker is motivated by a desire to learn from history and create impactful writing for the future.
  • The speaker discusses the shift from rationalism to mysticism in their personal beliefs.
  • Historical writers like William Blake drew inspiration from mystical experiences and visions.

Tapping into Unpredictable and Magical Experiences for Creativity

1:27:43 - 1:35:00

  • Many musicians have received musical inspiration in dreams, but often feel hesitant to talk about it due to fear of losing the source of inspiration.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of tapping into unpredictable and magical experiences like dreams for creativity.
  • The speaker starts his day by trying to remember his dreams to tap into the deeper parts of his unconsciousness and expose himself to unpredictability.
  • Exposing oneself to visionary writers or musicians can broaden horizons and provide new perspectives for creativity.

Preserving Creativity and Learning in the Face of Obstacles

1:34:31 - 1:41:35

  • The speaker prefers older hymns over newer ones, finding them more appealing.
  • The speaker admires Taylor Swift for creating transformative experiences for her audience.
  • The speaker discusses the importance of maintaining creativity and learning while facing obstacles like earning a living or aging.
  • The speaker emphasizes the need for writers to have marketable skills in addition to following their passion.

Preserving Regional Creativity and Kindness in a Globalized Culture

1:41:07 - 1:48:26

  • The speaker is passionate about preserving local styles and perspectives in a globalized culture.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting regional creativity to combat cultural homogenization.
  • The speaker discusses the challenges of maintaining kindness and compassion in a culture that rewards anger and intolerance.
  • There is hope for a shift towards a kinder and more compassionate culture in the future.

The Impact of Addictive Processes and Staying True to Values

1:48:09 - 1:54:47

  • Companies use addictive processes to maximize sales, such as making products like potato chips addictive.
  • Silicon Valley companies have made research to make social media platforms addictive through features like scrolling interfaces.
  • The speaker values creating work that is helpful to culture and society over chasing trends like the dopamine culture.
  • Building trust with readers through honesty and integrity is crucial for a long-term successful writing career.

The Importance of a Slow and Steady Approach to Writing

1:54:22 - 1:55:00

  • Building a career as a writer requires a long-term approach and dedication.
  • Embracing slowness in the writing process is essential for long-term success.
  • The speaker has been writing for publication for 50 years and advocates for a slow and steady approach to writing.
  • The guest, Ted Jolla, endorses the summarized approach to writing.