Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain

Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jul 22 2024

How To Be Alone

solitudepsychological impactssocietyCOVID lockdownsage groups

The episode explores the concept of solitude and its psychological impacts. It challenges the assumption that being alone leads to loneliness and highlights the positive aspects of solitude. The chapters discuss society's detachment from nature, the effects of COVID lockdowns, different age groups' experiences with solitude, the definition and challenges of solitude, attitudes towards solitude, benefits and creativity in solitude, reshaping our relationship with solitude, and communication and embracing solitude.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jul 15 2024

Changing Our Mental Maps

Default Mode NetworkMental HabitsDepressionSensory ProcessingRelationships

This episode explores the impact of default mode network on our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. It delves into the challenges faced by two German tourists who followed Google Maps into trouble, and shares personal stories about struggles with unexpected life changes and depression. The role of default mode network in forming mental habits and hindering adaptability is discussed, along with its connection to depression and sensory processing. The episode also highlights the impact of default mode network on relationships and offers insights on building connections through sensations and presence. The importance of 'ministry of presence' and unsung heroes is emphasized.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jul 08 2024

Out of the Rabbit Hole


The episode explores the journey of Nafis Hamid, an actor turned researcher, as he delves into the psychology of radicalized Islamic groups. Through his experiences and studies, Nafis uncovers the factors that contribute to radicalization and offers insights on how to shift individuals' willingness to fight for sacred values without changing their beliefs.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jul 01 2024

Befriending Your Inner Voice

inner voiceself-doubtanxietyruminationintrospection

The episode explores the concept of the negative inner voice that torments individuals, causing self-doubt and anxiety. Psychologist Ethan Cross shares personal experiences and discusses how negative inner voices can consume our attention and impact our behavior. The inner voice can take different forms and is associated with rumination and negative thought patterns. Managing the inner voice is more beneficial than trying to eliminate it, and various techniques can help gain distance from negative thoughts and improve objectivity. Adopting a third person perspective, creating temporal distance, and engaging in rituals are effective tools for managing chatter and anxiety.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jun 24 2024

Making the World Sparkle Again


The episode explores the concept of habituation and its impact on our experiences, emotions, behavior, and perception. It discusses how habituation affects our happiness levels, mental health, and ability to appreciate and enjoy life. The importance of dis-habituation and variety in countering the effects of habituation is highlighted. The episode also delves into the consequences of habituation on risk-taking behavior, lying, misinformation, corruption, and societal acceptance. Finally, it examines how habituation can lead to a lack of reaction and action towards important issues like climate change, pollution, racism, and sexism.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jun 17 2024

Our God-Shaped Brains

religious beliefsreligious practicesdiversityLebanonanthropomorphism

The podcast explores the diversity of religious beliefs and practices around the world, highlighting ancient cultures like those in Mexico City and Lebanon. The episode delves into how religious traditions can shape individuals' upbringing and worldview, as seen through the experiences of Ara Noranzayan growing up in Lebanon. Religious rituals and festivals play a significant role in shaping communities and identities, as illustrated by the dramatic Easter displays in Beirut. The civil war in Lebanon led to a breakdown of multicultural bonds, dividing the city along religious lines and impacting daily life with dangers like snipers and bombings. Ara's personal experiences during the conflict shed light on how religion can be both a unifying force and a source of division, influencing perceptions of others.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jun 10 2024

Why You Feel Empty

languishingmental healthwell-beingpurposeflourishing

This episode explores the concept of languishing, a condition characterized by an unsettling void in the soul despite external markers of success. It delves into the causes, effects, and interplay between languishing and flourishing. The episode emphasizes the importance of purpose, personal growth, warm relationships, and seeking help for mental health issues.

Hidden Brain

Mon Jun 03 2024

Why Trying Too Hard Can Backfire On You


Effortlessness can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of life, from social interactions to sports performance. This episode explores the importance of relaxation and the detrimental effects of overthinking. It also delves into the role of authenticity and spontaneity in politics and the concept of unthinking generosity in Chinese philosophy. Additionally, insights on entering an Uway state and a story of overcoming poverty are shared.

Hidden Brain

Mon May 27 2024

Innovation 2.0: Do Less


This episode explores the power of subtraction in problem-solving, innovation, design, and construction. It delves into the cultural bias towards addition in architecture and construction, psychological obstacles to embracing subtraction, and the benefits of recognizing and implementing subtraction. The episode also highlights the role of subtraction in various fields and provides historical examples and advocacy for subtraction as a key principle for success.

Hidden Brain

Mon May 20 2024

Innovation 2.0: Shortcuts and Speed Bumps

frictioninnovationchange managementorganizational behaviorleadership

The episode explores the role of friction in organizations and how it can hinder or drive innovation and change. It highlights the importance of execution in innovation, the impact of disrespectful behavior, the origins of frustrations within organizations, the benefits of friction and diverse teams, driving change through friction, streamlining processes and effective leadership, and clear decision-making and building relationships. The insights gained from these topics provide valuable lessons for individuals and organizations seeking to navigate complex systems and improve their performance.

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