"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

A biweekly podcast where hosts Nathan Labenz and Erik Torenberg interview the builders on the edge of AI and explore the dramatic shift it will unlock in the coming years. The Cognitive Revolution is part of the Turpentine podcast network. To learn more: turpentine.co

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Wed Jul 24 2024

From Poetry to Programming: The Evolution of Prompt Engineering with Riley Goodside of Scale AI

language modelsprompt engineeringfine-tuningmodel limitationscreativity

This podcast episode explores various aspects of language models, including advancements, prompt engineering, fine-tuning, limitations, creativity, and future developments. The speakers discuss the importance of refining prompts and providing high-quality examples for effective AI training. They also delve into the challenges of language model understanding and the potential of synthetic data augmentation. The episode highlights the need for careful model selection and post-training strategies to optimize performance. Additionally, it explores the future possibilities of AI models, including multi-step reasoning and training on diverse data sets. The conversation touches on the risks and defenses associated with language models, as well as the complexities of assessing intelligence in AI systems. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights into the current state and future directions of language models.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Fri Jul 19 2024

Long-Term Memory for LLMs, with HippoRAG author Bernal Jiménez Gutierrez

Complex SystemsHipporagLanguage ModelsInformation RetrievalMemory Indexing

Patrick McKenzie hosts a podcast called Complex Systems, focusing on systems, software, and financial infrastructure. Bernal Jimenez Gutierrez discusses Hipporag, a system inspired by the human hippocampus for retrieval augmented generation. Hipporag uses LLM-powered entity recognition and embedding clustering to handle complex queries requiring multi-hop reasoning efficiently. The development of Hipporag was influenced by the limitations of current models like RAG and the concept of associative memory in humans. Hipporag aims to consolidate knowledge through pathfinding multi-hop questions to improve information retrieval efficiency.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Wed Jul 17 2024

Guaranteed Safe AI? World Models, Safety Specs, & Verifiers, with Nora Ammann & Ben Goldhaber

AI SafetyGuaranteed Safe AI FrameworkWorld ModelsSafety SpecificationsAuditable AI

The episode discusses the Guaranteed Safe AI Framework, which aims to provide high-assurance safety guarantees for AI systems. It explores the three components of the framework: a world model, safety specifications, and a verifier. The podcast highlights the challenges of applying the framework to general purpose systems and emphasizes the importance of auditable world models and explicit safety specifications. It also delves into the role of AI in decision-making, ethical considerations, and the need for pluralism and diverse sources of information in AI systems.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Sat Jul 13 2024

The ARC Prize: Efficiency, Intuition, and AGI, with Mike Knoop, co-founder of Zapier

Complex SystemsARC PrizeAI ArchitecturesAGI BenchmarkGeneral Intelligence

Patrick McKenzie hosts a podcast called Complex Systems, focusing on systems, software, and financial infrastructure. Mike Knoop discusses the ARC Prize, a $1 million competition for AI architectures that can solve the ARC AGI benchmark at a human level. The ARC benchmark tests general intelligence by presenting input and output pairs of two-dimensional grids with specific transformations. Current AI systems struggle with intuitive insights needed for solving ARC puzzles compared to humans. Efficiency requirements in nature may have led to the rise of intelligence, but breakthrough AI architectures could raise safety concerns regarding human values and ethics. A hybrid system combining language model-like components understanding human values with algorithmic search and reasoning modules might be a promising approach for tackling ARC. Creating functional general intelligence does not necessarily need to align with human intuitions or preferences about how intelligence should work.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Thu Jul 11 2024

A Foundation Model for Food, with Chef Robotics CEO Rajat Bhageria

Complex SystemsAI-enabled RobotsFood IndustryAutomationRobotics

Patrick McKenzie hosts a podcast called Complex Systems, focusing on understanding complex systems and financial infrastructure. Rajat Bagheria, CEO of Chef Robotics, discusses using AI-enabled robots in the food industry to reduce labor costs and increase efficiency. Chef Robotics focuses on high-mix food manufacturing, where manual processes are prevalent, aiming to automate meal assembly with mobile manipulator robots.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Tue Jul 09 2024

Delving into The Prompt Report, with Sander Schulhoff of LearnPrompting.org

Prompt HackingAI AnalysisAdvanced PromptingEffective PromptsFine-tuning

This episode covers various aspects of prompt hacking and techniques, analyzing social media posts using AI, advanced prompting techniques, designing effective prompts, fine-tuning and multilingual tasks, and prompt engineering and automated techniques. Key insights include the importance of careful editing in research papers, the challenges of prompt hacking, and the potential for automated prompting techniques in businesses.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Sat Jul 06 2024

Building an Intelligent Business OS, with Runway CEO Siqi Chen

TurpentineRunwayAI IntegrationFinanceAmbient Intelligence

Turpentine is building a network product for tech founders and executives, offering benefits like tactical advice and hiring referrals. The Cognitive Revolution podcast interviews Siqi Chen, founder of Runway, a finance platform integrating AI to help businesses understand financial data. The evolution of syntax in representing data for AI models has shifted towards richer representations as models improve. Using AI to describe sub-models and provide context enhances the AI's ability to make accurate predictions. The mission of Runway has always been to make business accessible and understandable, with AI playing a key role in achieving this goal. Runway's Universal Primer, based on GPT, simplifies complicated topics for users. The value to users in AI models comes from a combination of scaffolding, orchestration, and raw scaling. The vision for the platform is to create an overall business management system, not just a finance platform. The podcast discusses the implementation of intelligence in products through design rather than complex AI models. The speaker discusses using chatGBT and Zapier automation to build tools like leaving feedback on documents in different personas. Investments in AI focus on productivity and context, looking for companies driving new product expressions like AI Chief of Staff and AI STR platform. Discussion on the potential unintended consequences of AI regulation and its impact on different actors.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Thu Jul 04 2024

The State Space Model Revolution, with Albert Gu

AIState-Space ModelsMambaSequence ModelsEfficiency

Turpentine is building a media outlet for tech people and a network product for founders and executives. The Cognitive Revolution podcast interviews researchers, entrepreneurs, and builders in artificial intelligence. Albert Gu introduced the selective state space mechanism in the Mamba paper, outperforming Transformers. There are now 267 papers and projects downstream of Mamba, exploring various innovations. Future directions for research include training models on super long-context datasets and designing multi-state systems. The podcast discusses commercial applications of Albert's work at Cartesia AI towards the end of the conversation.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Fri Jun 28 2024

AI Safety Regulations: Prudent or Paranoid? with a16z's Martin Casado

AItechnologyregulationscaling lawsresponsibility

This episode covers various topics related to AI, including its potential, limitations, challenges, and implications. The discussions touch on subjects such as AI models' ability to understand and predict complex systems, the role of language models in processing text data, the challenges of regulating AI, and the impact of scaling laws on the industry. The episode also explores the responsibility of companies in AI development, the potential risks and benefits of AI models, and the need for principled discussions and safeguards. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and future directions of AI.

"The Cognitive Revolution" | AI Builders, Researchers, and Live Player Analysis

Wed Jun 26 2024

Fluid Intelligence: Simulating Solutions with Tim Duignan

neural network potentialscomputational chemistrymachine learningscientific discovery

This episode explores the use of neural network potentials in simulating complex systems, particularly in the field of computational chemistry. The guests discuss topics such as predicting electrolyte solution behaviors, machine learning in battery production, simulating quantum chemistry, and the implications and concerns of advanced models. They also touch on interdisciplinary approaches, ethical considerations, and the future of scientific discovery.

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