My First Million

My First Million

Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.

My First Million

Wed Jul 24 2024

10 AI Business Ideas From The Queen of AI ft. Sarah Guo

AIcompanion appsvideo generationvisual content creatione-commerce

The episode covers various topics related to AI technologies and their applications in different industries. It explores the potential of companion apps, AI-generated videos and visual content, scaling e-commerce businesses, virtual agents, next-gen AI tools, healthcare technology, job automation, the impact and risks of AI, and the positive impacts of AI in San Francisco's innovation hub.

My First Million

Mon Jul 22 2024

Business Brainstorm: SAT Prep Cartoons, The Onion For Millennial Moms & More

Phone addictionControlling inputsParenting hacksSketchy.comDisruptive approaches in media

This episode covers a range of topics including the speaker's phone-free weekend, controlling inputs in life, parenting hacks,'s success, disruptive approaches in media, opportunities in women's products market, assassination attempts on presidents, security measures, and the adventurous life of Teddy Roosevelt. The episode also delves into the manhunt for Lincoln's killers and MLK's assassination.

My First Million

Fri Jul 19 2024

We Bet This App Idea Could Be Bigger Than Reddit

Personalized SolutionsUser-Generated ContentInfluencersAI in Creative ProcessesEntrepreneurial Success

The podcast discusses various topics including creating personalized and community-driven solutions, the power of user-generated content and personalized recommendations, trusting influencers and AI in creative processes, entrepreneurial success stories and growth mindset, building successful platforms and choosing inspirations, embracing diverse career paths and pursuing new ventures, the rejuvenation Olympics and experimentation, and the marketing genius behind Twitter accounts.

My First Million

Wed Jul 17 2024

How to hijack attention: Lessons from jingles, candy crush, and betting sites

AdvertisingJinglesPrediction MarketsEffective AltruismCorporate Slang

The episode discusses the impact of jingles in advertising, the power of prediction markets, effective altruism, corporate slang, innovative meeting strategies, and amusing phrases used in conversations.

My First Million

Fri Jul 12 2024

3 Startup Ideas: Mouse Jigglers, Employee Monitoring Softwares and Photoshop Copycats

Over-EmploymentEthicsInfo DietWriting ContentPeaky Move

During the pandemic, over-employment became a trend as individuals worked multiple jobs remotely. This episode explores the rise of over-employment, its ethical implications, and the power of entertainment in business. It also delves into curating an intentional info diet, writing compelling content, and the future of transportation with self-driving cars. Additionally, it highlights the success of Peaky Move and discusses authentic business strategies.

My First Million

Wed Jul 10 2024

Our buddy sold his app for $200M in just 6 weeks?!


This podcast episode explores the entrepreneurial journey of Dan Porter, the creation and success of the game 'Draw Something', the acquisition of 'Draw Something' by Zynga, leadership styles, the importance of authenticity and human connection, building a cult-like brand identity, strategies for audience engagement and connection, effective communication and storytelling, and embracing uniqueness in pursuing goals.

My First Million

Mon Jul 08 2024

How To Go Beast Mode As A Founder


This episode explores the importance of intensity and focus in achieving entrepreneurial success. It highlights the stories of successful entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Conor McGregor who have achieved great success through their intense dedication. The episode also emphasizes the significance of saying no to distractions and focusing on important tasks. Additionally, it discusses the intense work ethic required in business deals and the importance of execution and hard work in achieving success. The episode concludes by encouraging listeners to strive for level 12 intensity in their pursuits.

My First Million

Fri Jul 05 2024

How I Made My First $1M - The Andrew Wilkinson Story

financial freedomentrepreneurshipinvesting

This episode explores Andrew Wilkinson's journey from being a barista to becoming a successful business owner and investor. It delves into the mindset shift required to prioritize freedom over wealth accumulation, the challenges of angel investing, and the pursuit of financial freedom. The episode also emphasizes the importance of pursuing what you love for greater fulfillment in life.

My First Million

Mon Jul 01 2024

The Simple Newsletter Making $20M+ A Year With 1 Employee


This episode covers various topics related to agriculture, investing, and entrepreneurship. It explores the experiences of individuals in the farming industry, the challenges they face, and the trends shaping the future of agriculture. The episode also delves into wealth building strategies, market share growth, and the potential for entrepreneurial opportunities in related sectors. Overall, it provides valuable insights for those interested in agriculture, investing, and exploring new business ventures.

My First Million

Fri Jun 28 2024

Business Tricks We've Learned From Gamblers, Pickup Artists, & Feynman

Ed ThorpeBlackjackRouletteInvestingHedge Funds

This episode explores the story of Ed Thorpe, a math prodigy who used probability and statistics to beat blackjack in the 60s. It covers his transition to investing, innovations in blackjack card counting and roulette prediction, and his pursuit of fitness and contentment over financial gains. The episode also delves into the importance of pursuing hobbies, finding joy in the present moment, different paths to success, and learning from others' achievements. It concludes with insights on creating new categories for success and boosting belief for action and success.

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