The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Over the course of nearly four decades, he has been a pioneer in the development and application of computational thinking—and has been responsible for many discoveries, inventions and innovations in science, technology and business. On his podcast, Stephen discusses topics ranging from the history of science to the future of civilization and ethics of AI.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 26 2024

History of Science & Technology Q&A (February 28, 2024)

History of ScienceTechnologyAristotleArchimedesCharles Babbage

This episode explores the history of science and technology, focusing on figures like Aristotle, Archimedes, Charles Babbage, and Ada Lovelace. It delves into their contributions to logic, structured thinking, mechanical calculators, and the vision of universal computation. The episode also examines Lovelace's background, relationships, controversies, recognition, and misconceptions surrounding her life. Key insights shed light on Lovelace's character, interactions with others, and the potential interests of Plato in computational philosophy.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 26 2024

Future of Science & Technology Q&A (February 23, 2024)

science and technologybusiness evolutionAI advancementsuniversitiescomputational thinking

This episode explores the future of science and technology, the impact of the internet and e-commerce on business, advancements in AI and information acquisition, AI communication and the role of universities, teaching computational thinking and university curricula, exploring space and technological accessibility, computational capabilities and technological adoption, and the future of VR. The episode covers a wide range of topics including historical advancements, automation, globalization, AI advancements, privacy concerns, computational contracts, smart contracts, blockchain, the role of universities, teaching computational thinking, space exploration, technological accessibility, disparities in computational capabilities, technological adoption, and the future of VR.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 19 2024

Business, Innovation and Managing Life (February 21, 2024)

business ventureswriting projectsbloggingcomputational thinkingentrepreneurship

This episode covers various aspects of starting and managing business ventures, writing projects and blogging, computational thinking, entrepreneurship and tech startups, turning practical tasks into basic science, agility and communication in project management, success, automation, and product development, innovation and consulting, and the speaker's passion for learning and impactful work.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 19 2024

History of Science & Technology Q&A (February 14, 2024)

brainheartextrasensory perceptionlinguisticstranslation challenges

The episode explores the evolution of understanding the brain and heart, extrasensory perception, linguistics, translation challenges, language evolution, philosophical connections, and the intersection of science, philosophy, and religion. It delves into historical perspectives, scientific advancements, and cultural significance.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 12 2024

Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and others) [February 9, 2024]

Virtual RealityApple VR HeadsetEducationAIMolecular Biology

This episode explores Stephen Wolfram's experience with Apple's new VR headset, discussing its improvements in hardware and user experience. It also delves into the potential applications of virtual reality, its impact on education, social dynamics, and concerns with VR and AI. Additionally, it touches on using VR to explore molecular biology and alien perceptions, as well as understanding magnetic fields and future headset predictions.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 12 2024

Future of Science & Technology Q&A (February 2, 2024)

AILanguageCompressionNeural NetsAutomation

The episode explores topics such as neural nets and AI, communication and language, compression and perception, language and notations, neural nets and computation, complexity and automation, automation and future technology, unforeseen consequences and adaptation, future innovations and challenges, taste perception and artificial foods, randomness, AI, and life forms, and organization and taste. It discusses the potential of AI to learn and extrapolate information similar to humans, the limitations of human language compared to other forms of communication, the impact of compression on abstraction and generalization, the differences between biological and artificial neural nets, the challenges and benefits of automation, the complexity of predicting outcomes in computational systems, and the possibilities and challenges of future technology and food science.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 05 2024

Business, Innovation, and Managing Life (January 31, 2024)

VR technologyvirtual realityaugmented realityAIcreativity

This episode covers Stephen Wolfram's experience with VR technology, the potential of virtual reality and augmented reality, creativity and problem-solving with AI, inventing new fields and concepts, computational language and innovation, blockchain technology and distributed models, NFTs and generative AI, archiving famous stories and AI tutoring, computational language and problem-solving, computational thinking and education, and exploring computational thinking and psychology.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jul 05 2024

Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and others) [January 26, 2024]

dark mattergravityHiggs fieldspace structurethermodynamics

This episode explores the mysteries of dark matter, gravity, the Higgs field, and space structure. It delves into the concept of dark matter as a feature of space, the role of gravity in the universe, the interaction between the Higgs field and particles, and the structure of space itself. Additionally, it discusses thermodynamics and its relation to space structure.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jun 28 2024

History of Science & Technology Q&A (January 24, 2024)

Scientific RevolutionsHistoryBinary NumbersControl SystemsRobotics

This episode explores scientific revolutions, lessons from history, binary numbers, control systems, robotics, early computers, big companies vs. small companies, and human activities on the moon. It delves into the impact of new methodologies in science, the role of history in predicting future events, and the development of control theory and cybernetics. The episode also discusses the origins of robotics and early computers, the scaling of companies, and the possibilities of human activities on the moon.

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast

Fri Jun 28 2024

Future of Science & Technology Q&A (January 19, 2024)

sciencetechnologyAImachine learninglanguage processing

This episode explores the future of science and technology, advancements in AI and machine learning, language processing and neural networks, exploring the computational universe, training AI models and human standards, the impact of climate change and mathematics, axioms and theorems in mathematics, axioms, results, and space exploration, human exploration and alien intelligence, perceiving the universe and human longevity, aging, biological clocks, and human immortality, technological advancements and human purposes, and ruliology and computational possibilities.

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