The Sales Development Podcast

The Sales Development Podcast

Welcome to the Sales Development Podcast - your go-to resource for all things Pipeline and Revenue production in the tech sales world! Technology Marketing, Sales Development, Sales, and Revenue Operations have combined to create the go-to-market engine fueling the success of SaaS start-ups and established companies alike. Each week, the Sales Development Podcast dives deeply into the strategies, tactics, people, processes, and technology that fuels the revenue machine. The Sales Development Podcast is brought to you by Tenbound. Get more free resources, insights and intelligence today at and be sure to like and subscribe on YouTube!

The Sales Development Podcast

Tue Jul 11 2023

Leveraging Relationships and Referrals: The Future of Strategic Sales Ep 236 with Brendan Cassidy

SalesGo-to-Market StrategyRelationship CapitalReferralsTwo-Sided Marketplace

Brennan Cassidy has had a successful career in sales and has created numerous opportunities for people. CoSEL is a company focused on relationship capital and referrals in sales, moving away from brute force automation and mass emailing. Effective sales strategies involve articulating the problem in a simple way, leveraging personal networks, and utilizing advisors. The value of connecting people lies in recognizing influence and creating a network of premium connectors. Building a two-sided marketplace requires market desire, solving unsolved problems, and prioritizing user experience. Additional insights include the speaker's consulting work, studying their approach, and the belief in being on the leading edge of something significant.

The Sales Development Podcast

Mon Jul 03 2023

The Evolution of Sales Tech: From CRM to Revenue Intelligence

Sales TechnologyCRMRevenue IntelligenceSales AutomationPipeline Analysis

Revenue Grid is a sales technology company that aims to make CRM invisible for salespeople. They started by developing an Outlook plugin for Salesforce CRM that allowed offline synchronization of contacts, calendar, and emails. The plugin helped salespeople avoid duplicating data and manually entering it into CRM. Instead of selling directly to users of other CRMs, Revenue Grid started working with CRM vendors to license their technology. Their platform can connect to any kind of inbox and calendar and ensure that the relevant data is properly recorded in CRM. Many leading CRM systems use Revenue Grid's technology for email integration. Revenue Grid evolved from being an invisible vendor to becoming a successful company working with clients of all sizes. They realized they were sitting on a treasure trove of structured but incomplete data in CRM, as well as unstructured but complete data outside of CRM. They decided to capitalize on this data and leverage it to provide insights.

The Sales Development Podcast

Tue Jun 13 2023

Revolutionizing Sales Development: Leveraging Sales Technology for Success

Sales DevelopmentOnboardingTrainingAsynchronous CommunicationVirtual Sales Floors

The episode covers the journey into sales development, onboarding and training with Allego, asynchronous communication and virtual sales floors, coaching and collaboration with Allego, benefits of using Allego, and challenges of remote work and Allego's solutions.

The Sales Development Podcast

Mon Jun 05 2023

Solving the Marketing and Sales Alignment Problem in Product Launches

Product LaunchesSales EnablementGenerative AILaunch ManagementHybrid Model

The episode discusses the challenges in the launch process for tech sales teams and presents a more coordinated and proactive approach. It explores Ignition's methods of user interviews, customer research, competitive intelligence, and portfolio management. The use of generative AI for personalized messaging guides is introduced, along with the benefits of Ignition's platform and future plans. The hybrid model of Ignition, combining freemium and sales support, is highlighted as a potential success.

The Sales Development Podcast

Tue May 30 2023

Optimizing Sales Dev Performance: A Deep Dive into Novah's Revolutionary Solution

Sales PerformanceData AnalysisSales DevelopmentUser Experience

Nova is a tool developed by Joe Patruzi to optimize performance in sales development and go-to-market teams. It allows users to input data, compare it against benchmarks, and identify bottlenecks. The platform provides content on how to fix these issues and improve performance. Nova version 2 is being released as a brand new product, which will be completely free. The tool helps sales leaders and reps improve their performance by analyzing metrics and providing actionable insights. It gives real-time insights without the need for dashboards or multiple data points. Nova also simplifies the user experience by integrating with existing tools and providing meaningful data for decision-making. The free version of Nova will be available soon, while a team plan with more features will be launched later.

The Sales Development Podcast

Tue May 23 2023

ChatGPT Impact On Sales Development with Kronologic and Tenbound

  • The Sales Development Podcast discusses the use of AI in sales and marketing.
  • Chat GPT is a popular application that uses AI for copywriting.
  • There are three versions of Chat GPT being used and built into applications.
  • One use case for Chat GPT is to write marketing or sales emails about a specific solution from a company.
  • Data providers are starting to build pop-outs from Chrome extensions that give specific talking points ...