The Sales Feed Show

The Sales Feed Show

A bi-weekly podcast full of actionable sales tips and laughable sales humor. Tyler Lessard and Rajiv 'RajNATION' Nathan, dive in to a variety of B2B sales topics with the help of special guests and memorable segments.

The Sales Feed Show

Wed Jul 05 2023

A New Discovery Framework with Hannah Ajikawo

salesdiscoverybuyer journeyconsultative salescommunication

This episode covers various aspects of effective discovery in sales, including aligning with the buyer's journey, conducting research before client calls, being consultative, understanding buyers' needs, improving sales performance, analyzing sales performance, mapping discovery to the buyer journey, and effective communication in sales.

The Sales Feed Show

Wed Jun 21 2023

Do More with your Sales Tech Stack

sales tech stackssales industryprospectingdeal managementsales enablement

The episode discusses the importance of sales tech stacks in today's market, the evolution of sales tech stacks, adapting sales tech stacks to different deal cycles, the rise of buyer enablement, pricing and consolidation in sales tech, the impact of tech stack consolidation on sales, and optimizing sales tech stacks for success.

The Sales Feed Show

Wed Jun 07 2023

Sales Rep vs. Manager with Kayla Cytron-Thaler and Sachin Sharma

SalesSDRManager RelationshipProspectingOutreach

The episode covers various aspects of the SDR and manager relationship, lead prioritization strategies, personalization in outreach, metrics and performance tracking, cold call battles and compensation, getting to know each other, effective communication with managers, building a comfortable relationship with managers, and the passion and efficiency at Drought. The discussions highlight the importance of authenticity, learning, trust-building, multi-touch approaches, meaningful conversations, tracking metrics, avoiding micromanagement, pushing each other for success, compensating SDRs fairly, open communication with managers, and celebrating wins. The episode also showcases the passion and efficiency of the Drought team.

The Sales Feed Show

Wed May 24 2023

How to Sell Like You with Jeff Bajorek

salessellingauthenticityvulnerabilitysales leadership

This episode explores the importance of selling like yourself, trusting your instincts, playing to your strengths, embracing vulnerability, and creating a supportive environment in sales. It highlights the value of video in the sales process, the strengths of introverted salespeople, and the role of sales leadership in fostering experimentation and learning. The episode also emphasizes the significance of understanding customer needs and having vulnerable conversations with them to strengthen relationships and improve sales performance.

The Sales Feed Show

Wed May 10 2023

Can ChatGPT really be your Sales Sidekick? with Jesse Ariss

  • AI terms and tools like GPT, OpenAI, and Crayon are becoming popular in the sales world.
  • Jesse Harris believes that AI is a powerful tool that can give a competitive edge to salespeople.
  • There is a preconceived notion that AI will replace human workers, but Jesse argues that it is not the case.
  • Understanding what AI is and how it works can help overcome the fear of using it.
  • Chat GPT is a program that understands human behavior and can answer questions, chat w...