HBR IdeaCast

HBR IdeaCast

A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Sep 05 2023

If You Want Culture Change, Create New Stories

culture changeorganizational culturestorytellingleadershipstrategy

The episode explores the challenges and strategies of culture change in organizations. It highlights the importance of aligning strategy with culture, using storytelling as a tool for change, and featuring leaders in culture change stories. Real-life examples demonstrate successful culture change through actions that break with the old culture. The episode also discusses the role of remote work in culture communication and the ongoing investment required for maintaining a strong culture.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Aug 08 2023

The VC Fund Closing Equity Gaps — and Making Money

impact investingsocial changeequityfoundersbusiness models

This episode explores the concept of impact investing and how it can create positive change while generating financial returns. The founders of Kapoor Capital, Frida Kapoor Klein and Mitch Kapoor, share their journey and insights into investing in companies that address social and environmental challenges. They emphasize the importance of aligning values with business models and supporting founders who have overcome significant hurdles. The episode also discusses the need for the investment community to rethink traditional assumptions and prioritize impact alongside financial returns.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Aug 01 2023

How Companies Can Adapt to More Government Intervention

industrial policygovernment-business relationshipglobal trendssubsidiescompetition among countries

The episode discusses the shifting relationship between government and business, the rise of industrial policy globally, and the impact on businesses and consumers. It explores examples of industrial policies, recognition of imbalances, competitive responses among countries, and the impact on industries like auto and energy. The episode also highlights the importance of understanding supply-side and demand-side subsidies, engaging in the game of industrial policy, and collaborating for successful government intervention. Navigating complexity, uncertainty, and better communication between public and private sectors are key takeaways.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jul 25 2023

How One F-35 Fighter Pilot Makes Decisions Under Pressure

decision-makingproblem assessmentdebriefingexpected valueexecution

Clear thinking and decision-making are crucial skills that can be improved by assessing problems, debriefing, understanding decision-making processes, and considering expected value. Quick decision-making, iteration, and execution are also important. Decision-making can be taught and improved.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jul 18 2023

In Defense of Middle Management

middle managementmanagerial practicesorganizational strategyemployee developmentGen Z employees

The episode discusses the importance of middle management in organizations and the need to reimagine their role for the new world of work. It emphasizes the value of developing manager capabilities, empowering managers to create value, and addressing employee well-being. The episode also explores effective managerial practices, diverse career paths, and the qualities of great people leaders. Additionally, it highlights the alignment of middle management with organizational strategy, the role of managers in team collaboration and value creation, and their power to recruit and inspire employees. Lastly, it touches on connecting with Gen Z employees, the recruitment process, and employee development approaches.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jul 11 2023

What the Best Leaders Know — and What Skills They Develop

leadershipmindset shiftself-awarenesschallengesstrategies

The episode discusses the transition to leadership, the importance of clarity and self-awareness, mastering leadership challenges, and effective leadership strategies. It emphasizes the mindset shift required for successful leadership, the need for personal values and self-reflection, and the challenges faced by leaders. The episode also highlights the importance of being predictable and consistent as a leader, providing context for decision-making, and seeking diverse perspectives. Young professionals aspiring to leadership roles are encouraged to reflect on their motivations and gain insight from senior leaders.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jul 04 2023

Best of IdeaCast: Escape Your Comfort Zone

businesscomfort zoneanti-expertiseimposter syndromecustomization

The episode discusses the challenges of building a business and the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone. It explores the concept of anti-expertise and provides examples of activities that require stepping outside one's comfort zone. The episode also highlights the common experience of feeling like an imposter and suggests customizing behavior as a strategy to overcome this. It delves into techniques for managing anxiety and finding motivation to step outside one's comfort zone. Lastly, it offers insights on supporting others in their journey of stepping outside their comfort zone.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jun 27 2023

Why Entrepreneurs Don't Need Venture Capital to Scale

entrepreneurshipventure capitalprofitabilitysustainable businessButcherBox

Building a business without venture capital is possible, as demonstrated by ButcherBox. The company started with a small amount of capital and has never taken money from venture capitalists. They focused on profitability from the beginning and utilized strategies like Kickstarter campaigns and influencer partnerships. By prioritizing profitability and staying true to their values, ButcherBox has grown into a multi-hundred million dollar business without outside funding. This approach challenges the traditional reliance on venture capital and highlights the importance of building profitable businesses.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jun 20 2023

NBA Star Chris Paul on Mentorship and Taking a Stand

Chris PaulBasketballNBALeadershipActivism

The episode covers Chris Paul's journey from building a business to becoming a basketball star, his transition to the NBA, leadership development, his role as the president of the Players Association, activism and social justice efforts, and his AAU program and work ethic.

HBR IdeaCast

Tue Jun 13 2023

When Small Stresses Lead to Big Problems

micro-stresseswell-beingresiliencework-life balance

Micro-stresses are small annoyances that can snowball into big problems, affecting performance, productivity, and health. They happen so quickly and briefly in routine interactions that our brains rarely recognize them. Common causes of micro-stresses are interactions in our personal and professional lives. Micro-stresses drain our capacity, affect us emotionally, and challenge our identity. Studies show that micro-stresses can have concrete impacts such as increased calorie consumption and higher blood pressure. High performers who rely on others for help often suffer from micro-stresses due to continually overcoming challenges. The accumulation of micro-stresses can have a profound effect on the trajectory of people's lives.

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