Renegade Marketers Unite

Renegade Marketers Unite

Renegade Marketers Unite focuses on marketing innovators, uncovering the how, what and why behind their on-going success. Award-winning marketer, author, and entrepreneur Drew Neisser keeps these conversations interesting and inspiring, wrapping up each episode with on-the-spot analysis and insights for big marketers and those that want to be. For more information visit

Renegade Marketers Unite

Tue Jul 11 2023

Tuesday Tips: Building Your SMB Tech Stack

Tech StackSales OperationsMarketing AutomationSales Tracking

The episode covers the importance of choosing the right tech stack, starting with data and implementing tools that cover all bases. It emphasizes careful automation and involving the right teams. The impact on sales operations is discussed, highlighting HubSpot for marketing automation and Salesforce for sales tracking. The need for dedicated people to maximize technology benefits is also mentioned.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Fri Jul 07 2023

A CMO’s Guide to Adopting Account-Based Marketing

Account-Based MarketingMarketing StrategyB2B Sales

ABM (account-based marketing) is a strategy where marketers target a specific subset of prospects that fit certain criteria. The goal is to engage and track these prospects throughout their buying journey. CMO Huddles has a live show featuring CMOs discussing ABM. The episode features Charles Groom of Biz to Credit, Chip Rogers of Workspan, and Grant Johnson of Bill Trust. Charles Groom explains how ABM fits into the marketing mix at Biz to Credit's SaaS product, Biz2X. Biz2X targets banks and financial institutions for enterprise sales with long sales cycles. They are in the early stages of implementing ABM technology for tracking and engaging their target accounts.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Wed Jul 05 2023

Tuesday Tips: Delivering Memorable In-Person Events

brandingevent planningconferencesmeetings

The episode provides insights on how to elevate your brand through engaging personal experiences at events, maximize the impact of conferences and meetings, and strategies for successful event participation. Learn how to project your brand's personality, involve sales in event promotion, set up valuable meetings with prospects, create effective event planning checklists, leverage technology partners for wider reach, pre-qualify and budget for events, create multiple touch points, and define success criteria.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Fri Jun 30 2023

So You Want to Lead a Brand Refresh

RebrandingBrand RefreshBrand StoryPipeline BuildingCEO Support

This episode covers various aspects of rebranding and brand refresh. It includes discussions on the importance of brand story and narrative for building pipeline, evaluation of brand positioning, strategy discussions, board involvement, client needs in a brand refresh, community support for branding topics, strategic alignment, evaluation of brand refresh, collaboration between teams, internal buy-in, external metrics for measuring success, and challenges in evaluating the impact of a brand refresh. The episode emphasizes the need for consensus among stakeholders, consistency in messaging, and the CEO's support for successful rebranding.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Tue Jun 27 2023

Tuesday Tips: Developing a Great Customer Marketing Program

customer marketinguser communicationteam developmentresource commitment

The episode discusses the importance of not forgetting about users in customer marketing programs. It emphasizes the value of customers as assets and highlights the need for convenient and helpful communication. The development of the customer marketing team is also addressed, along with strategies for convincing customers to commit resources. The chapter concludes by emphasizing the importance of being helpful and advancing customers' lives.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Fri Jun 23 2023

Trust is Human-Led & 11 Other Forrester B2B Summit Takeaways

B2B MarketingWebsitesBrandingCustomer CentricityTrust Building

The episode covers topics such as building unbeatable B2B brands, the future of websites and branding, the power of personal stories in business, understanding customer value and experience, improving marketing metrics and customer focus, and data-driven decisions and marketing strategies.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Fri May 19 2023

Coaching ChatGPT: Pragmatic AI for B2B Marketers

  • Ranked the number one new B2B audiobook by B2B Authority...