In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

In Growth We Trust is a growth marketing podcast hosted by Yoann Pavy and Jake Mayell. Weekly guest interviews, plus shorter deep-dive episodes about online distribution, viral loops, network effects, content, and startup growth. Jake & Yoann started working together 10+ years ago doing Facebook Ads at first. Now they’re doing a podcast together. They love startups, growth, and marketing, so why not? Available everywhere, even on YouTube, like/comment/subscribe 🎧

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Wed Jul 17 2024

🔮 The Power of Long-Form Content Marketing in Fintech with Araminta Robertson - Founder at Mint Studios & The Fintech Marketing Hub

content marketingfintech industrypodcastingLinkedInAI in content creation

The podcast episode featured discussions on content marketing in the fintech industry, podcasting challenges and benefits, using LinkedIn for content distribution, unique selling points of a company, insights on AI in content creation, different content formats and writing techniques, effective content strategies for lead generation, building trust with readers, leveraging Reddit and LinkedIn Pulse for SEO benefits, and the content creation process and keyword research.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Fri Jul 12 2024

🔮 Revealing the Secrets of E-commerce Marketing with Taylor Holiday - CEO, Common Thread Collective

e-commercegrowth strategiescustomer retentionadvertising effectivenessviral growth

The episode featured Taylor Holiday from Common Threads Collective, discussing various e-commerce topics. Taylor Holiday is the CEO and founder of Common Thread Collective, an e-commerce growth agency. Common Thread Collective focuses on helping consumer product brands grow predictably and profitably by connecting marketing tactics with financial outcomes. Their demand creation strategy relies heavily on content creation and audience engagement rather than outbound sales efforts. They prioritize depth of content over audience size, aiming to engage the right people who can make a significant impact on their business.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Tue Jun 25 2024

🔮 How to do Flexible Working Right? with Beth Carter - Director of Growth at Flexa

Future of WorkFlexible WorkingMarketingWebinarsInclusive Environments

The episode features discussions on the future of work and flexible working, marketing efforts on LinkedIn, growth marketing strategies at FlexR, webinars as a top-of-funnel strategy, importance of flexible working and inclusive environments, determining true flexibility in companies, marketing strategies and platform features, and insights into the HR and tech industries.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Tue Jun 18 2024

🔮 How To Test 100 Paid Ads Weekly With Cedric Yarish - User Aquisition Lead at Photoroom | ex NextDoor, MVF

paid acquisitionad testingscalingoptimizationcreative testing

This episode covers various aspects of paid acquisition, ad testing, scaling, and optimization. It explores strategies for creative testing, technical skills for marketers, automation, attribution, and content creation. The importance of deploying a high volume of creative ads, analyzing metrics, and refreshing ads regularly is emphasized. The episode also discusses the correlation between CPM and CTR, the use of major advertising channels, and the role of influencers in localized content creation. Insights on attribution tools, challenges, and the value of remixing winning ad content are shared. The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity and plans for future episodes.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Tue Jun 11 2024

🔮 Live episode from Money 20/20 in Amsterdam with Irina Chuchkina, CMO at

B2B MarketingConferencesBrand AwarenessSocial MediaInfluencer Strategies

This episode covers various strategies and techniques for successful B2B marketing. It explores maximizing opportunities at conferences, building brand awareness and credibility, leveraging LinkedIn and social media, influencer strategies in B2B marketing, effective marketing channels and strategies, harnessing AI and data analytics in marketing, and creative marketing techniques.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Thu May 30 2024

🔮 Roasting Marketing Job Descriptions, Navigating Unrealistic Job Expectations | IGWT Mini Episode About Marketing, Growth, Startups

job descriptionsmarketinggrowthwork landscapechallenges

This episode explores the challenges and evolving nature of job descriptions in the marketing and growth industry. It discusses unrealistic expectations, workload, and responsibilities placed on individuals. The changing work landscape and the combination of multiple specializations into one role are also examined. The hosts analyze specific job descriptions and highlight the challenges they present. They also discuss market dynamics and the impact on job seekers.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Thu May 23 2024

🔮 New Paid Social Tactics, Offline Channels and Customer Interviews | Josh Lachkovic, Founder of Ballpoint (Thriva, Pact Coffee, The Wine List, SYSTM)

startupsgrowth marketingnetworkingcustomer insightstalking to customers

This episode covers various topics related to startups, growth marketing, networking, customer insights, and the importance of talking to customers. It explores the experiences of Josh, who has a background in startups and growth marketing. The episode discusses challenges faced in 2021, strategies for generating income during challenging times, and the importance of networking. It also delves into creative strategies, editing content, marketing attribution, offline and online marketing integration, and the significance of customer engagement for growth.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Thu May 16 2024

🔮 OpenAI Released ChatGpt-4o | IGWT Mini Episode About Marketing, Growth, Startups

OpenAIAI technologyuser experiencejob rolesethical implications

OpenAI has announced a new chat GPT called omni-modo, which can text, watch through the camera, and talk back with almost no latency. Advancements in AI technology are enabling real-time language translation and various educational purposes. AI's impact on user experience includes recognizing language preferences, dynamic website optimization, and customer support. The future of AI and job roles raises debates about job displacement and content generation. Ethical implications and user experiences involve natural language interactions, AI companions, and integration into everyday devices. AI consultancy and adoption are growing, but there is still minimal understanding in the working world.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Wed May 08 2024

🔮 Is UGC Content Dead? | Nathan Hudson, Founder of Perceptycs

user acquisitioncustomer researchoptimizationattribution setupcreative testing

The episode covers topics like user acquisition, customer research, optimization, attribution setup, creative testing, and the relevance of user-generated content (UGC). It also discusses challenges faced by app developers, the importance of LTV to CAC ratio, transitioning from web to app, and the significance of customer research. The episode explores creative testing, influencer marketing, and the impact of AI on advertising. It emphasizes the need for a structured approach in tough times and the balance between structure and flexibility in creative testing. The episode concludes with insights on consumer behavior towards ads and product placements.

In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

Tue Apr 30 2024

🔮 Crowdfunding as a Marketing Channel, Everything You Need To Know! | John Hills, VP of Marketing at Crowdcube

equity crowdfundingmarketingfundraisingregulatory environmentcustomer engagement

The podcast episode features an interview with John Ailes, who leads marketing at CrowdCube, Europe's largest equity crowdfunding platform. CrowdCube connects companies seeking funding with potential investors and operates as a funding marketplace split into B2B and B2C segments. The conversation touches on topics like crowdfunding in the current economic context, fundraising campaigns, and the regulatory environment.

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