Business Scholarship Podcast

Business Scholarship Podcast

Interdisciplinary conversations about new works in the broad world of business research.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Wed Jul 24 2024

Stelios Michalopoulos and Christopher Rauh on Movies

cultureeconomicsmoviesfolklorecultural values

This episode explores the influence of culture on economic outcomes through the lens of the movie industry. It discusses how movies reflect and shape cultural values, the impact of cultural lore on movie consumption patterns, and the quantification of folklore and movie plot summaries for understanding cultural consumption. The episode also delves into the correlation between ancestral values and movie preferences, the potential of leveraging cultural narratives for global audiences, and the role of movies in reflecting and potentially influencing cultural inertia.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Tue Jul 09 2024

George Werner on the Tobacco Trust

Tobacco AuctionsTobacco TrustDurham, North CarolinaMarket PowerSocial Norms

This episode explores the relationship between tobacco auctions and the emergence of the Tobacco Trust in Durham, North Carolina. It delves into the challenges faced by farmers, the role of warehousemen, and the impact of market power on social norms. The episode highlights the importance of understanding the economic history of the tobacco industry.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Tue Aug 08 2023

Helen Norton on Securities Regulation and Free Speech

Business Scholarship PodcastHelen NortonSecurities LawFree SpeechConstitutional Law

This episode of the Business Scholarship Podcast features a discussion with Helen Norton, Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Boulder. The conversation centers around Helen's article, 'What 21st Century Free Speech Law Means for Security's Regulation', which explores the intersection of free speech and securities law. The episode covers the regulation of speech in securities law, recent trends in constitutional law, and the constitutionality of securities law. Key takeaways include the importance of accurate securities information and potential risks if securities laws are held unconstitutional.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Tue Aug 01 2023

Rachel Landy on Exit Engineering

business lawstartup lawyerstransaction costsexit transactionsintellectual property

This episode of the Business Scholarship Podcast features an interview with Rachel Landy, visiting assistant professor at Cardozo's School of Law. The interview focuses on her forthcoming article "Exit Engineering" and explores the role of startup lawyers in optimizing the value of a company and the efficiency of future strategic transactions. Landy discusses how lawyers can add value by addressing issues in the ordinary course of business, minimizing transaction costs, and ensuring a smooth exit process. She also highlights the importance of considering long-term goals and managing costs throughout the startup lifecycle.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Fri Jul 28 2023

Timothy Pollock on Celebrity CEOs

celebrity CEOscorporate communicationscapital markets

The episode explores the concept of celebrity CEOs and their impact on corporate communications and capital markets. It discusses the media's role in creating celebrity CEOs and the different types of celebrity CEOs. The episode also focuses on the impact of being a celebrity CEO on language use during quarterly earnings calls. It analyzes the language attributes used by celebrity CEOs and their effects on firm outcomes. The findings highlight the importance of studying celebrity CEOs and their language use for understanding corporate governance and market dynamics.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Mon Jul 17 2023

Dana Brakman Reiser and Steven Dean on For-Profit Philanthropy

PhilanthropyElite PhilanthropyTax Reform Act of 1969Private FoundationsDonor Advised Funds

The episode explores the history of philanthropy, new developments in elite philanthropy, the debate on elite philanthropy, rethinking philanthropy, and the importance of philanthropy. It discusses the establishment of general purpose foundations, the Tax Reform Act of 1969, and the benefits and challenges of starting a private foundation. It also examines philanthropic limited liability companies, donor advised funds, and strategic corporate giving as new trends. The debate on elite philanthropy focuses on the fairness of wealthy individuals keeping their wealth instead of engaging in philanthropy. The episode proposes re-envisioning elite power and control in philanthropy and highlights the importance of philanthropy in discussions about elite power in society. It emphasizes the need to examine philanthropy based on its first principles and purpose.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Thu Jul 06 2023

Sneha Pandya on Creditor Violence

Corporate Debt FinanceCreditor-on-Creditor ViolenceDollar LoansLeveraged BuyoutsDebt Textualism

Corporate debt finance, creditor-on-creditor violence, tribalism in dollar loans, uncertainties in leveraged buyouts, unintended consequences of debt textualism, and potential reforms in debt markets are explored in this episode.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Tue Jun 20 2023

Joseph Borg on State Securities Regulation (Part II)

Investor ProtectionState Securities RegulatorsPIABAFunding MechanismsCooperation Between State and Federal Regulators

The episode covers Joseph Borg's multi-decade career as a state securities regulator, the importance of investor protection, the value of organizations like PIABA, funding mechanisms for state securities regulators, the role of state securities regulators and cooperation with federal agencies, cooperation between state and federal regulators, and supporting new entrepreneurs and sharing information. The topics discussed highlight the significance of investor education, the need for comprehensive systems like CRD and Broker Check, the impact of funding on regulatory effectiveness, and the importance of cooperation between state and federal agencies in ensuring market integrity.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Tue Jun 13 2023

Joseph Borg on State Securities Regulation (Part I)

securities regulationinvestor protectionAlabama Securities CommissionfraudPonzi schemes

This episode features Joseph Borg, former director of the Alabama Securities Commission, who shares insights on securities regulation and investor protection. Borg's multi-decade career as a state securities regulator is discussed, along with his background and the challenges faced by the Alabama Securities Commission. The episode covers topics such as building a strong securities commission, collaborating with regulators, uncovering fraud, exposing Ponzi schemes, and combating fraud in the crypto space. It also highlights the importance of protecting investors and the role of state and federal regulators in improving economic stability.

Business Scholarship Podcast

Tue Jun 06 2023

Abby Lemert on Facebook's Corporate-Law Paradox

FacebookSocial MediaContent ModerationRegulationMental Health

The episode covers Facebook's unique position as a speech distribution platform, its manipulation of users, ethical challenges faced by the company, difficulties in reforming content moderation, regulating Facebook's behavior and business models, and the growing recognition of mental health harms caused by social media platforms.

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