Making Sense with Sam Harris

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Join neuroscientist, philosopher, and five-time New York Times best-selling author Sam Harris as he explores important and controversial questions about the mind, society, current events, moral philosophy, religion, and rationality—with an overarching focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live. Sam is also the creator of the Waking Up app. Combining Sam’s decades of mindfulness practice, profound wisdom from varied philosophical and contemplative traditions, and a commitment to a secular, scientific worldview, Waking Up is a resource for anyone interested in living a more examined, fulfilling life—and a new operating system for the mind. Waking Up offers free subscriptions to anyone who can’t afford one, and donates a minimum of 10% of profits to the most effective charities around the world. To learn more, please go to Sam Harris received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Fri Jul 26 2024

#377 — The Future of Psychedelic Medicine

psychedelic medicineMDMA therapyPTSDclinical trialssystems thinking

This episode explores the field of psychedelic medicine research, highlighting the expertise of Dr. Jennifer Mitchell and Dr. Sarah Betty. It discusses the challenges faced in promoting psychedelic medicine research and the promising outcomes of MDMA therapy for PTSD. The design of studies for MDMA therapy, challenges in conducting psychedelic trials, and the profound impact of psychedelic experiences are also explored. The episode delves into the holistic paradigm of psychedelic therapy, its impacts and challenges, as well as collaboration and access in psychedelic research. It addresses ethics and professionalization in psychedelic therapy and emphasizes the importance of training and future outlook in the field.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Fri Jul 19 2024

#376 — How Democracies Fail

AutocracyLiberal DemocracyCorruptionUkraineNational Identity

Anne Applebaum discusses modern autocracies' common interests in money and undermining liberal democracy. Autocracies use Western financial institutions to hide money and aim to undermine liberal democratic ideals. Opposition movements seek transparency, anti-corruption, basic rights, or a return to democracy. Leaders of certain countries aim to undermine liberal democracy by discrediting it through various means like social media campaigns and supporting far-right or far-left movements. Autocracies recognize the contagious power of ideas related to individual rights, transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. The instinctive reaction to dictatorship is a demand for rights. The idea that democracy poses a threat to dictatorships is not new and has historical roots. Autocratic states support each other to prevent the fall of dictators and maintain their own power. Western democracies have enabled modern autocracies and kleptocracies through financial systems and investments. Russian oligarchs became wealthy by stealing assets from the state rather than through legitimate means. The international financial system facilitated corruption in various countries, allowing leaders to become rich through illicit means.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Tue Jul 16 2024

#375 — On the Attempted Assassination of President Trump

Assassination AttemptTrumpBiden CampaignPolitical Violence

This episode discusses the attempted assassination of former President Trump and its implications for his political standing and the upcoming election. It explores the challenges faced by the Biden campaign and the difficulty of discussing Trump's responsibility for the current political climate. The episode also highlights the need to condemn political violence while recognizing its increased threat under Trump's influence.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Tue Jul 09 2024

#374 — Consciousness and the Physical World

consciousnessneural correlatesvisual consciousnessdream experiencesquantum mechanics

This episode explores the nature of consciousness, focusing on the neural correlates of consciousness, visual consciousness, dream experiences, quantum mechanics, and the implications of artificial intelligence. Neuroscientist Christoph Koch's collaboration with Francis Crick sheds light on the relationship between neural activity and conscious experiences. The research reveals that consciousness cannot be solely attributed to the number of neurons in the brain. Experiments on binocular rivalry and change blindness demonstrate how perception can vary even when looking at the same stimulus. The neural basis of visual consciousness is explored through techniques like optogenetics. Dream experiences during deep sleep raise questions about the emergence of feelings from matter and energy. Quantum mechanics challenges traditional definitions of physicalism and its impact on our understanding of consciousness is discussed. The potential implications of advanced artificial intelligence on society and nature are also examined.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Tue Jul 02 2024

#373 — Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism

anti-SemitismIsraeldemocraciesdouble standardsHolocaust

This episode covers a range of topics related to anti-Semitism, Israel, and the challenges faced by democracies. It discusses criticisms of Biden, double standards at the UN, the Holocaust, anti-Zionism, and the importance of combating extremism. The episode emphasizes the need for unity, critical examination of social constructs, and reclaiming principles.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Mon Jun 24 2024

#372 — Life & Work

George SaundersBuddhismKindnessPsychedelicsWriting Process

The episode features a conversation between Sam Harris and renowned author George Saunders. They discuss various topics including Buddhism, kindness, psychedelics, writing process, social media issues, fame in American culture, and more. Saunders emphasizes the impact of meditation on the mind's malleability and the ability to cultivate kindness. The importance of editing and revision in writing is highlighted, along with the challenges of subjective writing practices. The role of social media in shaping communication dynamics and societal divisions is explored.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Fri Jun 14 2024

#371 — What the Hell Is Happening?

Make Sense PodcastBill MaherpoliticsmediaUS election

The episode features key insights from the Make Sense Podcast with Sam Harris and a conversation with Bill Maher. They discuss various topics including politics, media, the future of the US election, and Maher's new book. The challenges of engaging with extreme political views, the influence of postmodernism in universities, and the complexities surrounding discussions about Israel and Hamas are also explored. Additionally, there are discussions on the treatment of women in Muslim-majority countries, the evolution and controversy around the term 'woke', and the diversity of the podcast's audience. The episode concludes with analysis of Gavin Newsom's political stance and debating abilities, as well as the impact of California's image on his popularity and the implications of the Capitol riot on democracy.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Thu Jun 06 2024

#370 — Gender Apartheid and the Future of Iran

Sam HarrisSubstackGender ApartheidIranWomen's Rights

Sam Harris discusses his new venture on Substack and the challenges of providing free content without relying on ads. The podcast then delves into the topic of gender apartheid in Iran, featuring guests Yasmin Muhammad and Masi Alinajad. They discuss the oppressive regime, the significance of hijab, and the lack of support from Western feminists. The conversation also touches on the failure of deterrence against Iran, the impact of sanctions, and the struggles faced by Iranian women. The episode concludes with a call to combat gender apartheid and expand the definition of apartheid to include more regimes.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Thu May 30 2024

#369 — Escaping Death

interviewwar reportingsurvivalhuman connectionnear-death experience

This episode features an interview with Sebastian Younger, a New York Times bestselling author and documentary filmmaker, who discusses his near-death experience from a ruptured aneurysm. The episode explores the meaning and consequences in war reporting, the importance of survival, human connection, and tribal bonding, as well as a personal account of a near-death experience and a spiritual encounter. It also touches on the visitation from a deceased father.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Tue May 21 2024

#368 — Freedom & Censorship

free speechviewpoint diversityoffensive speechconspiracy theoriescancel culture

The Make Sense Podcast explores the importance of free speech, viewpoint diversity, offensive speech, conspiracy theories, challenges with cancel culture and misinformation, and the role of social media in shaping public discourse.

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