

A podcast about health, science, nutrition, aging, and fitness.


Mon Jul 01 2024

#092 The Truth About Alcohol: Risks, Benefits, and Everything In-Between | Dr. Rhonda Patrick


The episode delves into the science of alcohol, discussing its impact on health and controversies surrounding safe alcohol consumption. Various topics covered include mitigating hangover symptoms, safe alcohol doses, effects on cancer risk, fertility, brain health, and longevity. The podcast also explores how alcohol affects cognition and offers a free Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint guide. Listeners are encouraged to become premium members to access exclusive content and support the dissemination of scientific information.


Wed Jun 12 2024

#091 Andrew Huberman, PhD: How to Improve Motivation & Focus By Leveraging Dopamine


Dr. Andrew Huberman, a distinguished neuroscientist and podcast host, shares valuable insights on the brain's dopamine system and how it affects motivation, focus, attention, mood, and cognition. The episode delves into various topics such as understanding dopamine as a wave pool for motivation, caution against relying on stimulants for motivation, and the importance of attaching reward to effort for learning. Practical tips are provided on boosting motivation, replenishing dopamine levels through non-sleep deep rest, overcoming procrastination by doing uncomfortable tasks, and utilizing deliberate cold exposure. Recommendations are given on managing light exposure for circadian rhythm regulation, combating extended screen time with long-distance viewing, limiting alcohol consumption, cultivating a healthy relationship with social media, following diet and supplement routines, and maintaining workout intensity.


Tue May 28 2024

#090 How Exercise Prevents & Reverses Heart Aging | Benjamin Levine, M.D.

exerciseheart agingbed restcardiopulmonary symptomscardiovascular health

This episode explores the impact of exercise on heart aging, the effects of bed rest on physical ability, cardiopulmonary symptoms in athletes post-COVID, optimal exercise for cardiovascular health, combining exercise with advanced glycation end product inhibitor, exercise intensity and cardiovascular health, effective exercise strategies, cardiovascular benefits of exercise, cardiorespiratory fitness as a vital sign, individual response to exercise, training and heart size, endurance training and heart size, exercise and cardiovascular regulation, exercise and blood pressure, preventing overtraining and optimizing performance, heart rate zones and training indicators, gender differences in exercise and cardiovascular performance, exercise and calcium scores, atherosclerosis and exercise, exercise and atrial fibrillation. The episode provides key insights into these topics and emphasizes the importance of exercise for maintaining cardiovascular health.


Mon Apr 08 2024

#089 Why Exercise Intensity Matters for Longevity | CrossFit for Health 2024

CrossFitCardiovascular FitnessLactate ProductionExercise SnacksProtein Intake

This episode explores the importance of CrossFit programming for beginners, enhancing cardiovascular fitness through high-intensity exercise, lactate production and its brain benefits, exercise snacks and their impact on all-cause mortality, optimizing protein intake and resistance training for muscle health, deliberate heat exposure and its cardiovascular adaptations, sauna use and heat exposure optimization, as well as the risk reduction associated with sauna use.


Tue Mar 26 2024

#088 The Science of Optimizing Sleep - Special Preview

SleepOptimizing SleepAliquat

This episode of the Aliquat podcast provides a special preview of the science of optimizing sleep. It covers topics such as the amount of sleep needed, using light exposure to optimize sleep, the effects of air quality and bedroom temperature on sleep, the impact of diet composition, THC and caffeine on sleep quality, and the importance of adequate sleep for mitigating Alzheimer's disease risk. The episode also explores factors affecting slow wave deep sleep, energy expenditure, heating, growth hormone and prolactin, cognitive activity, and the relationship between diet and sleep.


Tue Mar 19 2024

#087 The Science of Magnesium and Its Role in Aging and Disease | Dr. Rhonda Patrick

magnesiumnutritionhealthbrain functioncognitive function

This episode explores the importance of magnesium in the body, its sources, deficiency risks, bioavailability, impact on brain function, cognitive function, stress response, sleep quality, brain health, chronic disease prevention, cancer risk reduction, bone health, blood pressure management, muscle cramps, and skin health. It emphasizes the need for personalized nutrition to optimize health outcomes.


Wed Mar 06 2024

#086 How Micronutrients & Exercise Ameliorate Aging | Dr. Rhonda Patrick

LongevityDisease PreventionVitamin DMagnesiumOmega-3

The podcast episode covers tactics to enhance longevity and prevent diseases through lifestyle modifications. Topics discussed include the importance of vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 intake for longevity. The benefits of vigorous exercise on longevity, VO2 max, heart health, brain function, and cancer prevention are highlighted. A free guide focusing on cognitive health and neuroprotection strategies is promoted throughout the episode.


Wed Dec 27 2023

#085 Dr. Peter Attia on Mastering Longevity – Insights on Cancer Prevention, Heart Disease, and Aging

preventative medicinecardiovascular diseasecholesterol managementexercisecancer screening

Dr. Peter Atia discusses preventative medicine, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol management, exercise, cancer screening, hormone replacement therapy, and personalized care. Key takeaways include the importance of Apo B as a predictor of cardiovascular disease, the benefits of lifestyle changes in managing lipid levels, the role of mitochondrial function in health and aging, and the misconceptions surrounding hormone replacement therapy. The episode provides valuable insights into optimizing health and longevity.


Tue Dec 05 2023

#084 The Longevity & Brain Benefits of Vigorous Exercise | Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Aerobic ExerciseHigh-Intensity Interval TrainingVO2 MaxEndurance TrainingGlucose Control

Vigorous aerobic exercise has transformative effects on physical health, brain function, aging, and cancer prevention. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) improves both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Optimizing training intensity for endurance athletes can lead to significant improvements in aerobic capacity. Vigorous exercise enhances glucose control, mitochondrial biogenesis, and brain health. It also has unique benefits such as anti-inflammatory effects and cancer prevention. Incorporating vigorous exercise into everyday life through exercise snacks can have numerous metabolic and cognitive benefits.


Thu Nov 09 2023

#83 How Vitamin D, Omega-3s, & Exercise May Increase Longevity | Dr. Rhonda Patrick

micronutrientsvitamin Dmagnesiumomega-3genetic variations

The podcast discusses low-hanging fruits that can reduce the risk of age-related diseases. Micronutrient inadequacies are a widespread problem in developed countries, and getting essential micronutrients from diet is important. Taking supplements for important micronutrients like vitamin D is an easy way to address deficiencies. About 70% of the US population has inadequate levels of vitamin D, which is associated with higher all-cause mortality. Factors like spending less time outside and wearing sunscreen contribute to widespread deficiency in vitamin D. Taking a daily supplement of 4,000 IU of vitamin D can help bring deficient individuals to sufficient levels.

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