Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Conversations with the best investors and business leaders in the world. We explore their ideas, methods, and stories to help you better invest your time and money. Hear stock market and boardroom insights you can't find anywhere else. If you're a professional investor, CEO, entrepreneur, or business strategist, this is for you. Explore all our episodes and learn more at

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jul 23 2024

Jeremy Giffon - Special Situations in Private Markets

investingprivate marketsbusinesspassionleadership

This episode covers a wide range of topics including insights from legends, market strategies for better investing, esoteric opportunities in private markets, perfect businesses and investments, understanding buyer perspectives, finding true passion, transitioning leadership in businesses, negotiation tactics, resilience in investing, monetization of podcasts, seeking alternative assets, making difficult calls in business, mentorship and learning from successful individuals, laborism versus capitalism, and the importance of individuality for societal progress.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jul 16 2024

David Senra - Passion & Pain


This episode explores the impact of early life experiences on motivations and behaviors, the significance of obsession in driving success, the role of dedication and market in achieving remarkable results, the importance of balancing work and personal life, recruiting top talent and managing ego, ruthless business tactics and ambition, lessons from past successes, creating great products and company culture, authenticity in podcasting and endurance in entrepreneurship, continuous learning and decision-making, the journey of building something meaningful, and enduring hardship while serving others.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jul 09 2024

Martin Casado - Entering Uncharted AI Territory

AIContent CreationRoboticsOpen SourceData Pipelines

This episode covers a wide range of topics related to AI, including the Tegas transcript library, insights from the Invest Like The Best podcast, challenges in training AI models on real-world data, economics and investment in robotics and AI models, LLMs vs APIs, the impact of fear-based regulations on AI innovation, open source contributions and market annealing, data pipelines and hardware infrastructure for AI, sensible valuations and human involvement in coding, AI's impact on coding and the future of innovation, and auto-generated virtual worlds and simulation theory.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jul 02 2024

Modest Proposal - AI Commoditization and Capital Dynamics

InvestingAIAGITechnologyUS Tech Dominance

The episode covers insights from various podcasts including Teagas, The Founders, Best Like the Best, and more. Topics include advancements in AI and AGI technology, software products and US tech dominance, public market vs private market returns, COVID-19 impacts on markets, smartphones and venture capital, investment options and market structure, selling stocks and macro factors, and the future of AI models.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jun 25 2024

Robert Greene - Optimizing Your Reality

TeagasFounders PodcastBest Like the BestPowerMasks in Society

Teagas offers a vast and rapidly growing transcript library with unique content and speed of expansion. Founders podcast by David Senra explores insights from legends to provide valuable tactics for work. In Best Like the Best podcast, Patrick O'Shaughnessy discusses markets, ideas, and strategies for better investing. Social interactions can be seen as a game of power where people make moves without clear rules or instructions. The concept of masks in society stems from the idea of having a social self, shaped by societal pressures and expectations. As individuals grow older, their social mask hardens and becomes more rigid, leading to a loss of connection with their true essence. Wearing a mask is necessary for navigating social situations, but it can hinder experiencing the sublime, which lies beyond societal conventions and norms. To access the sublime and deeper aspects of oneself, one must become aware of the mask they wear and seek to explore what lies beneath it. Sublime experiences go beyond linguistic symbols and conventions, touching a deeper core. The speaker's early book on power was inspired by his negative experiences in Hollywood and the desire to reveal the reality behind masks of power. Power is described as having a degree of control over events and circumstances in life, emphasizing self-control and managing appearances. Talleyrand is highlighted as an exemplar of great social power for his ability to manipulate situations and reinvent himself throughout history. Tally Ron was a master of adapting and reinventing himself, embodying the principles of power outlined in the 48 Laws of Power. Successful individuals who could recreate themselves effectively shared a common strategy of being aware that they are performers on a stage and not allowing themselves to be typecast. Examples like Julius Caesar, George Sand, Madonna, and Bob Dylan demonstrate the power of changing roles and personas to avoid being pigeonholed. Two intriguing laws of power discussed are 'always say less than necessary' for those in power to signal control and 'court attention at all costs' which is crucial in today's media era. Using bold and attention-grabbing tactics can be effective in gaining notoriety and attracting people's interest. In the age of social media, courting attention is crucial for becoming an influencer or gaining followers. The concept of 'crushing your enemy totally' is still relevant in modern business practices, especially in the tech industry. Playing a role and creating a persona can be more effective than trying to appear completely genuine in the social realm. Never isolating yourself and staying connected with what's happening around you is crucial for success, especially in today's interconnected world. Boldness in deception, like selling the Eiffel Tower, can be more effective than small lies. Human nature includes a dark side that many try to repress and hide from others. True virtue comes from being self-aware of one's dark and potentially evil side. Seduction relies heavily on nonverbal cues and gestures rather than words. AI may struggle with seduction as it lacks the ability to pick up on human nonverbal cues and emotions. Seduction involves getting out of your head and into your body to play a mating ritual that AI could never achieve. Mastery is defined as finding your life's task, which is a step above creativity and involves internalizing your field to the point where ideas come naturally without conscious effort. The brain has incredible powers that can be unlocked through following a process laid out in the book, leading to reaching levels of mastery and fulfillment. Each person's DNA and unique experiences make them one of a kind, and recognizing this uniqueness is key to finding one's life's task and achieving success. Adolescence is a critical time when individuals start to realize their uniqueness but societal influences can lead them away from their true life's task. Discovering your life's purpose is a process that involves introspection, exploring what you love and hate, and following activities that energize you. Jerry Seinfeld emphasizes the importance of mastering a skill through hard work and dedication, submitting to reality, and putting in tedious hours of practice. Becoming an expert in a field requires pushing past failures, dedicating thousands of hours to honing your craft, and reaching a point where routines come naturally. Reaching a high level of skill requires putting in many hours of practice to the point where it becomes second nature. Dealing with rejection and failure is crucial for personal growth and creativity. Historical writers like Jane Austen, George Elliot, and Marcel Proust excelled at understanding human nature due to their social environments. Observing human behavior without judgment is key for writers to depict characters realistically. Milton Erickson, a pioneer in hypnotherapy, mastered nonverbal communication through intense observation despite being paralyzed. Erickson's unique approach to therapy involved focusing on nonverbal cues and actions rather than verbal communication. Challenging people to be more observant and less self-absorbed is essential for personal growth. The challenge issued to listeners is to get outside of themselves and be more observant of the world around them. Observing others, animals, or nature is emphasized as a way to break free from self-absorption. The importance of observing powerful figures like 50 Cent for personal growth and learning about charisma and confidence is highlighted. The impact of a Dutchman named Joost offering support and encouragement in writing 'The 48 Laws of Power' is described as the kindest thing done for the speaker.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jun 18 2024

Pat Grady - Relentless Application of Force


This episode covers insights from legends' lives, Sequoia's work approach and values, lessons learned from mentors, investor approach at Sequoia, effective memos and investment decisions, criteria for evaluating growth stage investments, importance of value proposition and competitive advantage, clarity and understanding in investment decisions, advancements and future of AI, efficiency and value in AI development, Sequoia's platform strategy and investment approach, importance of engineering team and leadership, being a good teammate and focusing on quality, motivation and impactful entrepreneurship.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jun 11 2024

Frank Blake - Leading By Example

leadershipcommunicationinverted hierarchypersonal gesturesemotional storytelling

This episode covers various topics related to effective leadership, including the importance of communication, listening, and adopting an inverted pyramid approach. It also explores insights from leaders at GE, Delta Airlines, and Home Depot, highlighting the significance of personal gestures, emotional storytelling, and gratitude in leadership. The episode emphasizes the value of effective boards and shares personal stories that demonstrate the impact of leadership on employees' lives.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue Jun 04 2024

Adam Sandow - The Power of Print Media

TeagasFounders PodcastAdam SandauBest Like the Best Podcastentrepreneurial journey

This podcast episode covers various topics including Teagas and Founders Podcast, Adam Sandau's entrepreneurial journey, building a successful media company, Material Bank's impact on the design industry, logistics operation and media properties, building a brand in media, print media and advertisers, and building an ecosystem of businesses. The episode provides key insights into these areas.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue May 28 2024

Howie Liu - Building Airtable

TeagasColossus NetworkBest Like the BestMicrosoftAirtable

This episode covers insights from Teagas, Colossus Network, Best Like the Best, Microsoft, Airtable, AI in business processes, no-code approach, primitive functions, human interface layer, Airtable's approach, investment criteria, industries undergoing change, AI quality, Airtable's success, impact of COVID-19, customer demand, downsizing, future of AI, successful operators, and speaker's reflections.

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Tue May 21 2024

Mark Groden - The Future of Flying

aviationsafetytechnologyautomationgeneral aviation

This episode explores the importance of aviation safety and the potential for technology to enhance it. The speaker discusses the challenges faced by general aviation, the benefits of automation in commercial airliners, and the need for improved safety measures. They also highlight the role of technology in creating safer helicopters and airplanes, as well as the potential for a future with flying cars. The episode emphasizes the importance of human involvement in technology development and the goal of integrating air transportation into daily lives.

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