The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness Podcast aims to deepen and improve every area of a man's life, from fitness and philosophy, to relationships and productivity. Engaging and edifying interviews with some of the world's most interesting doers and thinkers drop the fluff and filler to glean guests' very best, potentially life-changing, insights.

The Art of Manliness

Wed Jul 24 2024

How to Know When It's Time to Break Up With Your Job

job dissatisfactioncareer changedaily stressorscareer advancementunderappreciated stars

This episode explores the various forms of job dissatisfaction and their underlying causes. It delves into the five common profiles of job dissatisfaction, the impact of daily stressors, influences on high career identity centrality, strategies for exploring career dissatisfaction, industry changes and feeling stretched too thin, struggles with career advancement, improving status and considering a career change, and the challenges faced by underappreciated stars in the workplace and the impact of AI.

The Art of Manliness

Mon Jul 22 2024

The Essential Habits for Becoming an Agile, Vital, and Durable Human Being

mobilitypain managementbreathing techniquesshoulder healthrange of motion

The episode discusses the importance of mobility, pain management, breathing techniques, shoulder health, range of motion, balance exercises, non-exercise activity, nutrition, and daily habits for overall health and well-being. It emphasizes the significance of foundational practices and offers practical tips to prevent potential long-term health issues. The episode highlights the interconnectedness of various body systems and provides insights into improving mobility and reducing pain through simple daily habits. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining shoulder health and incorporating balance exercises into daily routines. Additionally, it discusses the benefits of movement, proper nutrition, and the impact of sedentary lifestyle on overall health. The episode concludes by encouraging listeners to visit the website for more information and leaving reviews on podcast platforms.

The Art of Manliness

Wed Jul 17 2024

The 5 Mountains of Personal Development

personal developmentphysical healthmental trainingemotional patternsintuition

Mark Devine discusses the concept of personal development and the importance of integrating physical, mental, emotional, intuitional, and spiritual aspects. Obstacles such as fear, lack of patience, and time/money constraints are addressed. Physical development is highlighted as foundational for overall well-being and brain health. Mental training techniques like box breathing and visualization are explored. Releasing emotional patterns and developing intuition are essential for personal growth. Climbing the intuition and spiritual mountains involves meditative practices, purpose alignment, and living a life in service. The episode concludes with the importance of skills for personal growth.

The Art of Manliness

Mon Jul 15 2024

Stop Drowning in Tedious Tasks by Taming Your Life Admin

life adminorganizationtime managementrelationshipspaperwork

Life admin includes tasks like scheduling, booking, shopping, paperwork, and planning. Technology and choice contribute to the increase in life admin. Life admin can be categorized into everyday tasks and life event tasks. Growing responsibilities and lack of systems for managing life admin can lead to feeling overwhelmed. Shadow work is when companies shift tasks to consumers, increasing the burden of life admin.

The Art of Manliness

Wed Jul 10 2024

A Surprising Solution for Disordered Masculinity

college fraternitiesmasculinityanxietiesuncertaintiesheroic masculinity

The podcast explores the idea of revitalizing college fraternities as a solution to the challenges faced by men in modern society. It discusses the difference between heroic and disordered masculinity, the impact of anxieties and uncertainties on men, and the potential of fraternities to cultivate heroic masculinity. The history, reputation, challenges, and culture of fraternities are also examined, along with insights into hazing and the importance of building heroic fraternities. Listeners can learn more about Heroic Fraternities through Dr. Anthony Bradley's work.

The Art of Manliness

Mon Jul 08 2024

The Sunscreen Debate — Are We Blocking Our Way to Better Health?

sun exposurevitamin Dhealth benefitsinflammationblood pressure

This episode explores the health benefits and risks of sun exposure. It discusses how sun exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, triggers various processes in the body beyond vitamin D production, reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and contributes to immune system function. The episode also covers the impact of sunlight on mental health, the relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer, the ongoing debate on sunscreen use, and strategies for optimizing sun exposure.

The Art of Manliness

Wed Jul 03 2024

Optimize Your Testosterone

male hormonestestosteronehormone optimizationlow testosteronetestosterone replacement therapy

This episode explores the optimization of male hormones, including the importance of balancing various hormones, diagnosing low testosterone, causes and influences on testosterone levels, factors affecting testosterone levels, optimizing male hormones and associated risks, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and lifestyle strategies for hormone optimization.

The Art of Manliness

Mon Jul 01 2024

Books, Routines, and Habits: The Founders Guide to Self-Improvement

Founding FathersSelf-ImprovementHappinessVirtueEnlightenment

The episode explores how the Founding Fathers pursued happiness through self-improvement. They believed in the connection between personal self-government and political self-government. Influenced by classical philosophers like Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Cicero, they practiced self-examination, developed virtues, and maintained strict schedules. The founders recognized their flaws and sought collaboration for personal growth. Personal challenges shaped their journeys, including John Quincy Adams' battle with depression. The pursuit of happiness involved continuous learning and contributing to a flourishing society.

The Art of Manliness

Wed Jun 26 2024

The Fascinating Differences Between Male and Female Friendships

friendshipsmale-female friendshipsfemale friendshipsfriendship dynamicsaggression in friendships

This episode explores the dynamics, characteristics, challenges, and benefits of friendships between men and women. It delves into the differences in forming and managing friendships, the intensity and openness of female friendships, paradoxes and challenges faced by women in their friendships, preferences and roles in male and female friendships, the benefits and dynamics of male-female friendships, aggression and jealousy in female friendships, as well as friendship jealousy and friend guarding behaviors. The episode concludes with additional information about Dr. Jamie Krims' research on friendship.

The Art of Manliness

Mon Jun 24 2024

Systems and Tools for Stealing Back Hours of Productivity

business efficiencycommunicationplanningresource managementteamwork

Business efficiency expert Nick Sonnenberg shares his CPR Business Efficiency Framework, focusing on improving communication, planning, and resource management to increase productivity. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose of tools like Slack and Trello in running high-performing teams and helping individuals save time in both professional and personal life. The episode covers topics such as avoiding inefficiencies in teamwork, organizing information for efficiency, efficient workflow management, optimizing meetings and knowledge management, improving workflow efficiency, applying efficiency principles to personal life, and maximizing productivity with tools and automation.

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