Art of Investing

Art of Investing

Art of Investing is a series of discussions with the world's best investors, company builders, academics, athletes, artists and human beings devoted to exploring the joys of compounding in all its forms.

Art of Investing

Mon Jul 08 2024

Acquired - From Obsession to Profession

RetreatEntrepreneurshipSide HustlesCompoundingContent Creation

The episode covers a retreat in Scotts Valley, California, the early years and influences of the hosts, entrepreneurship and personal experiences, the origin story and friendship behind the podcast, balancing side hustles and main careers, forced consistency and long-term value, building a successful business, creating the best content possible, mesmerizing storytelling and rigorous analysis, freedom and optimism in business, tough-minded optimism and authentic behavior, differentiation and treating people well, treating people well and concentrated portfolios, founder-led organizations and M&A strategies, Pixar acquisition and Acquired's moat.

Art of Investing

Mon Jun 10 2024

Ho Nam - Lessons in Venturing Differently

RetreatSuccessVenture CapitalEntrepreneurship

This episode covers a wide range of topics including an announcement about a retreat in California, the speaker's early life and education, the concept of 'da-da-da' and drive for success, college years and career path, early career and venture capital experiences, successes and lessons learned, founding Altos Ventures, Altos Ventures in the 1990s, investing experiences and lessons, Altos Ventures' approach and philosophy, the Hedgehog concept, challenges and personal growth, venture capital insights, building great companies, capital allocation and entrepreneurship, venture capital and impact.

Art of Investing

Mon May 20 2024

David Senra - Lessons from the Founder Historian

purposebiographiescontinuous learningperseverancecuriosity

This episode explores the importance of finding purpose, reading biographies, continuous learning, perseverance, curiosity, and balancing work and personal life. It highlights the value of studying successful individuals, the impact of dedication and hard work, and the power of podcasting as a tool for personal growth and learning. The episode also emphasizes the significance of integrating all aspects of life for a successful and fulfilling journey.

Art of Investing

Mon May 13 2024

Marcus Freeman: Choose Love, Choose Hard

relationshipscompoundingleadershippersonal growthcoaching

The episode features insights from a conference on relationships and compounding, leadership and personal growth, the transition from player to coach, building relationships in coaching, powerful connections and teamwork, continuous improvement and education, Notre Dame's approach to student-athletes, and choosing the hard path at Notre Dame. The speakers emphasize the importance of confidence, humility, authentic relationships, continuous learning, and embracing challenges. They also discuss the value of education for student-athletes and the unique experience offered by Notre Dame.

Art of Investing

Mon Apr 29 2024

Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding

Executive SearchContinuous ImprovementLong-Term ThinkingArt MuseumsDanaher

This episode features discussions on topics ranging from executive search firms to the importance of continuous improvement and long-term thinking in business. It also explores the journey of Danaher, a company that evolved from a tool manufacturer to a key player in life sciences. The episode delves into the influence of the speaker's father and the philanthropic endeavors of the speaker. It concludes with insights on long-term investing, supporting entrepreneurs, and the rebuilding efforts of the Washington Commanders NFL franchise.

Art of Investing

Mon Apr 15 2024

Drue Tranquill and Joe Schmidt: Finding Joy in Your Journey

health benefitsfootballventure capitalismovercoming adversityfinding purpose

The episode covers key insights on health benefits, successful careers in football and venture capitalism, overcoming adversity, finding purpose, exploring career paths, embracing change, resilience, growth, finding fulfillment, and leaving a positive impact. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one's purpose, enduring pain for excellence, maintaining balance, embracing uncommon approaches, and not fearing failure. The episode also discusses unexpected opportunities, personal growth, gratitude, managing time effectively, impactful coaching, personal fulfillment, and making a positive impact beyond oneself.

Art of Investing

Mon Apr 01 2024

Chris Hansen: The Long & Short of Investing

talent identificationempathy in investingshort sellingfraudulent companiesinvestment opportunities in India

This episode covers various topics including talent identification, empathy in investing, short selling, fraudulent companies, investment opportunities in India, long-term investing strategies, and Valiant Capital's culture. The speakers share insights on the importance of empathy, resilience, and independent thinking in investing. They discuss the challenges and opportunities in the Indian market, as well as Valiant's unique approach to owning great companies and shorting frauds. The episode also explores the impact of fraudulent activities by companies like Henergie Solar and Golden Financial, and the strategies employed by investors to protect ETF investors. Additionally, it highlights the significance of long-term perspective, intellectual honesty, and recognizing unique data points in successful investing.

Art of Investing

Mon Mar 18 2024

John Crowley: Biotech's Chief Evangelist


This episode covers the journey of John Crowley, a real-life Captain America who has built successful biotech companies while navigating challenges and rare diseases. It explores the importance of partnerships, education, research, funding, drug development, successes, setbacks, leadership, impactful stories, and the future of biotechnology.

Art of Investing

Mon Mar 04 2024

Arcadea Group: Permanent Capital Investing in Vertical SaaS

Constellation SoftwareVertical Market SoftwareBusiness GrowthInvestment Strategies

The episode discusses key insights from Constellation Software and the vertical market software opportunity. It explores the success factors behind Constellation Software, including leadership, culture, and attractive business characteristics. The importance of talent, continuous improvement, and questioning assumptions is highlighted. The episode also delves into personal experiences in finance, the value of diverse work experiences, and the transition from investing to operating roles. It covers the founding of Arcadia Group, emphasizing decentralization, autonomy, and incentives. The role of partnerships, shared values, and long-term vision in building successful businesses is discussed. The episode explores Arcadia's approach to investing in high-quality vertical software businesses and prioritizing long-term growth over short-term gains. It touches on challenges and rewards in growth-oriented vertical software businesses and the debate around the future of vertical software.

Art of Investing

Mon Feb 19 2024

Katie Koch: Be A Force Multiplier

Health BenefitsLeadershipNotre DameGoldman SachsInvesting

This episode features Katie Koch, president and CEO of the TCW Group, who shares insights on health benefits, leadership, her deep connection to Notre Dame, experiences at Goldman Sachs, diversity in investment firms, and inspiring the next generation. Key topics include positive mindset, risk management, enduring struggle, cultivating agency in children, building a strong culture, humility in investing, succession challenges, life metrics beyond professional success, women's investing initiatives, continuous learning, family balance, and future impact.

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