

How do empires rise? Why do they fall? And how have they shaped the world around us today? William Dalrymple and Anita Anand explore the stories, personalities and events of empire over the course of history.


Wed Jul 24 2024

171. The Bengal Famine: Chaos in Calcutta

Bengal FamineWorld War IIIndian Independence

This episode explores the dire situation during the Bengal famine of 1943, Churchill's callous attitude, censorship, relief efforts, Viscount Wavell's actions, and the impact of the famine on Indian independence. It also highlights the importance of documenting and remembering the tragedy.


Mon Jul 22 2024

170. The Bengal Famine: A Disaster on the Horizon

Bengal FamineColonial RuleDenial PoliciesSocietal ChangesWitness Accounts

The episode explores the forgotten history of the Bengal famine during colonial rule. It discusses the causes and impact of the famine, highlighting the contrasting experiences of different classes and regions. The podcast sheds light on the denial policies, economic factors, and societal changes that worsened the famine. Witnesses' accounts reveal the desperate conditions faced by famine victims, while Churchill's prioritization of UK's import program over aid to Bengal is examined. The lack of coordinated response and traditional relief systems are also discussed.


Wed Jul 17 2024

169. Freedom Fighters Betrayed: Colonising the Philippines

United States historyPhilippine-American WarImperialism

The episode explores the history of the United States' acquisition and control of the Philippines, highlighting racial attitudes, war tactics, and the long-lasting impact of imperialism. It discusses the book 'How to Hide an Empire' by Daniel Imhovar, offering insights into U.S. history and imperialism.


Mon Jul 15 2024

168. Teddy Roosevelt Takes on the Old World

Spanish-US WarAmerican ImperialismTheodore RooseveltTreaty of Paris

The episode explores the Spanish-US war, a forgotten conflict in US history. It delves into the motivations behind American imperialism and the role of key figures like Theodore Roosevelt. The war culminates in the Treaty of Paris, which has lasting consequences for Spain and the United States. The episode also examines the complex views on race during this period.


Wed Jul 10 2024

167. Paradise Lost: The Taking of Hawaii

HawaiiQueen LiliuokalaniColonizationAnnexationHistory

This episode explores the tragic story of Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of Hawaii, and the impacts of colonization on the Hawaiian islands. It delves into Hawaii's history, including ancient Polynesian colonization, encounters with European explorers, violent clashes between Europeans and indigenous people, and the cultural changes brought by Christian missionaries. The episode also covers the transition from a ruling dynasty to American capitalism through sugar and pineapple plantations, tensions and arming conflicts in Hawaii, and the eventual annexation of Hawaii by the United States.


Mon Jul 08 2024

166. How To Hide An Empire

United StatesEmpireWoodrow WilsonNative AmericansGuano

The episode explores the history of the United States as an empire, discussing territories, nicknames, Woodrow Wilson's impact on segregation and Native Americans, and the role of guano in American expansionism.


Wed Jul 03 2024

165. A Massacre at Dawn

Camp Grant MassacreApacheArizona TerritoryViolenceIndigenous People

The episode discusses the Camp Grant Massacre that took place in Arizona Territory on April 30th, 1871. The attack on the Apache camp resulted in the killing of sleeping women and children, with many being captured or killed within a short period of time. Lieutenant Royal Whitman, the camp commander during the massacre, was a Civil War veteran from Maine who arrived at Camp Grant in November 1870.


Mon Jul 01 2024

164. How the West was Won: The Truth Behind the Westerns (Ep 1)

Native American tribesApacheUnited States expansionViolence against indigenous peopleCultural genocide

This episode explores the final stages of the settlement of the American continent and its impact on Native American tribes. It covers topics such as territorial disputes, interactions between Americans and Apaches, United States expansion, violent campaigns, violence and genocide against Apaches, exterminationist policies, and cultural genocide. The episode also highlights key figures like Geronimo and Ulysses S. Grant, as well as the controversial Peace Policy.


Wed Jun 26 2024

163. The Tattooed Girl: From Mormon to Native American

Olive OatmanNative American tribescaptivityexploitationReverend Stratton

The episode explores the captivating story of Olive Oatman, a white-skinned teenager with blue chin tattoos who was taken captive by Native American tribes in the 19th century. From the Oatman family's perilous journey to Olive's assimilation into the Mojave tribe and her subsequent reunion with her brother, the narrative sheds light on the complexities of captivity and the exploitation of Olive's story by Reverend Stratton. It offers key insights into Native American history and challenges prevailing narratives.


Mon Jun 24 2024

162. The Oregon Trail & the Gold Rush

American WestWomen's HistoryFort LaramieGold RushNative Americans

The episode explores the importance of women in the American West, the role of Fort Laramie as a way station, mixed marriages between fur trappers and Native American women, racial harmony and environmental impact, conflicts between Native Americans and immigrants, the massacre at Fort Laramie, brutal massacres and resistance by Native Americans.

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