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Eye On A.I.

#130 Mathew Lodge: The Future of Large Language Models in AI

Wed Jul 19 2023
Code GenerationReinforcement LearningLarge Language ModelsUnit Testing


Reinforcement learning and large language models play significant roles in code generation. While reinforcement learning focuses on accuracy and finding the best possible answer, large language models prioritize generality over accuracy. Both approaches have been used in various applications, including game playing, optimizing algorithms, and generating alternative programs based on specifications. Concerns exist regarding the potential for misinformation and lack of understanding in large language models. However, there is room for systems that can generate more accurate but less general code. The future of code generation may involve combining reinforcement learning with large language models and exploring low-code solutions. Prompt engineering and precise intent specification are important factors in improving the output of large language models. Ultimately, programming is a systematic problem-solving process, and high-level languages may dominate in the future.


Reinforcement learning is a powerful tool for code generation

Reinforcement learning has been used in various applications, including game playing, optimizing algorithms, and generating alternative programs based on specifications.

Large language models prioritize generality over accuracy

While large language models can generate syntactically correct code, they often struggle with semantics and may produce incorrect results without proper validation.

Concerns exist regarding large language models

Large language models pose concerns due to their potential for misinformation and lack of understanding. Claims of emergent behavior in these models have not been convincingly demonstrated or explained scientifically.

The future of code generation involves combining approaches

The future may involve combining reinforcement learning with large language models and exploring low-code solutions. Prompt engineering and precise intent specification are important factors in improving the output of large language models.

Programming is a systematic problem-solving process

Programming is a systematic way of thinking and problem-solving, with typing code being incidental to the process. The productivity benefit of high-level languages may lead to a transition away from lower-level languages like assembly.


  1. Reinforcement Learning and Code Generation
  2. Large Language Models and Code Generation
  3. Unit Testing and Accuracy
  4. Concerns with Large Language Models
  5. Reinforcement Learning and Large Language Models
  6. Code Generation and the Future

Reinforcement Learning and Code Generation

00:00 - 23:10

  • Reinforcement learning is a powerful tool for code generation and is behind much of generative AI.
  • Different strategies are needed when dealing with large solution spaces like in game playing or code generation.
  • AlphaGo used reinforcement learning to identify areas of the solution space where the best moves were likely to be found.
  • Google's AlphaDef applied reinforcement learning to optimize common computer science algorithms like sorting and hashing.
  • Reinforcement learning has been used in open source projects like EvoSuite since 2012 to find unit tests.

Large Language Models and Code Generation

07:27 - 30:11

  • Large language models prioritize generality over accuracy.
  • The code generated by large language models is usually syntactically correct but may have semantic errors.
  • Large language models, like auto-complete, can guess what comes next in text patterns.
  • AlphaDev is a research project by DeepMind that uses large language models to generate alternative programs based on specifications.
  • AlphaCode is another example of using large language models to win programming competitions by generating different versions of the program.
  • Using large language models without validation can lead to incorrect results.
  • Google has focused on products like Copilot and Code Whisperer for code generation.
  • There are now three copilot-style products available: Copilot, Code Whisperer from Amazon AWS, and a version of Bar.

Unit Testing and Accuracy

00:00 - 07:38

  • In reinforcement learning, the goal is accuracy and finding the best possible answer.
  • Unit testing aims for 100% coverage.
  • DiffBlue's product searches for unit tests and predicts what a good unit test would look like for a particular piece of code.
  • Unit tests are used to find regressions or changes in behavior in software.
  • Reinforcement learning focuses on accuracy, while unit testing aims for close to 100% coverage.

Concerns with Large Language Models

14:41 - 23:10

  • Large language models pose concerns due to their potential for misinformation and lack of understanding.
  • Large language models generate syntactically correct code but struggle with semantics.
  • There is room for systems that can generate code that is more accurate but less general.
  • The debate about whether large language models exhibit intelligence is ongoing, with different opinions on the matter.
  • Claims of emergent behavior in large language models have not been convincingly demonstrated or explained scientifically.

Reinforcement Learning and Large Language Models

00:00 - 23:10

  • Reinforcement learning is a powerful tool for code generation and is behind much of generative AI.
  • Different strategies are needed when dealing with large solution spaces like in game playing or code generation.
  • AlphaGo used reinforcement learning to identify areas of the solution space where the best moves were likely to be found.
  • Google's AlphaDef applied reinforcement learning to optimize common computer science algorithms like sorting and hashing.
  • Reinforcement learning has been used in open source projects like EvoSuite since 2012 to find unit tests.

Code Generation and the Future

30:00 - 49:38

  • Low-code products could benefit from code generation systems.
  • The combination of no-code and low-code approaches could lead to even lower code solutions.
  • The interviewee's organization does not use copilot due to confidentiality concerns with customer code.
  • Prompt engineering in large language models involves providing as much context as possible to improve the model's output.
  • Reinforcement learning models can write correct code if the intent is specified precisely.
  • The skill of writing specifically in natural language could be valuable in the future, potentially leading to an orchestration layer that determines the appropriate programming language.
  • Programming is a systematic way of thinking and problem-solving, with typing code being incidental to the process.
  • The productivity benefit of high-level languages may lead to a transition away from lower-level languages like assembly.