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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

374. What This CEO Learned from Running With The Hadza Tribe | Eric Edmeades

Mon Jul 10 2023
Personal DevelopmentEntrepreneurshipFamily RelationshipsAlcoholismAdolescenceConfronting FearsSales and CommunicationHealth and NutritionPassion and BusinessObesity and Diabetes


The episode covers the personal journey of Eric Edmeeds, a serial entrepreneur and public speaker, who discusses his early experiences with homelessness, the challenges of his father's alcoholism and illness, and the importance of personal growth. The conversation also delves into topics such as family relationships, adolescence, confronting fears, sales and communication, health and nutrition, passion and business, and the impact of nutrition on obesity and diabetes. Throughout the episode, Eric shares personal insights and experiences that have shaped his life.


Restructuring physiological responses leads to personal growth

Eric emphasizes the importance of restructuring physiological responses, especially to fear, in order to achieve personal growth.

Embracing the unknown is key to personal development

Eric highlights the importance of embracing the unknown and pursuing what calls to you for personal development.

Early experiences can shape one's affinity for technology

Eric's experience in an arcade as a child helped him become comfortable with computers and technology.

Family background influences career choices

Eric's family moved to Canada from South Africa due to their opposition to racism. His father's pursuit of sciences influenced Eric's interest in health and nutrition.

Alcohol has various effects on individuals

Alcohol can reduce anxiety, enhance social communication, produce a psychomotor high, and is associated with negative consequences such as murders, domestic abuse, and date rape.

Starting drinking at a young age can have social implications

Starting drinking at a young age can lead to relying on alcohol for social interactions and may be influenced by social anxiety.

Confronting fears can lead to empowerment

The speaker shares personal experiences of confronting fears and how it changed their experience of being bullied. Confronting fears can lead to changes in facial expression, posture, and reaction.

Sales is about effective communication and trust-building

Sales requires effective communication, trust-building, belief in the product or service being sold, and finding solutions to the other person's problems.

Passion combined with purpose is powerful

Differentiating true passion from false passion is not easy. Passion combined with purpose can be powerful.

Nutrition plays a significant role in health and well-being

The speaker's journey in nutrition highlights the importance of understanding the impact of food on health, reversing type two diabetes through lifestyle changes, and the exploitation of the evolution gap by the food industry.


  1. Early Experiences and Personal Growth
  2. Arcade Experience and Family Background
  3. Evolutionary History and Family Relationships
  4. Alcoholism and Personal Transformation
  5. Adolescence and Socialization
  6. Confronting Fears and Empowerment
  7. Sales and Communication
  8. Insights on Selling and Personal Development
  9. Health, Nutrition, and Personal Transformation
  10. Passion, Business, and Personal Journey
  11. Nutrition, Health, and Behavioral Change
  12. Sales and Marketing Success
  13. Nutrition, Obesity, and Clinical Trials
  14. Recognition and Impact

Early Experiences and Personal Growth

00:02 - 06:35

  • Eric Edmeeds, a serial entrepreneur and public speaker, discusses his early experiences with homelessness and the challenges of his father's alcoholism and illness.
  • He emphasizes the importance of restructuring physiological responses, especially to fear, in order to achieve personal growth.
  • Embracing the unknown and pursuing what calls to you is key to personal development.

Arcade Experience and Family Background

06:06 - 12:30

  • The speaker's experience in an arcade as a child helped him become comfortable with computers and technology.
  • He had a natural affinity for video games and computers, which later benefited him in life.
  • His family moved to Canada from South Africa because they opposed the racism prevalent in their home country.
  • The speaker's father initially studied law but eventually pursued his passion for sciences and wrote a book on megafauna extinction.

Evolutionary History and Family Relationships

12:00 - 18:25

  • Humans evolved innovative capacity in Africa, leading to fear avoidance of elephants by animals
  • The speaker's interest in health and nutrition stemmed from their father's fascination with human history
  • The speaker and their father slowly rebuilt their relationship after a period of discord
  • The relationship was forged through canoe trips and wilderness adventures

Alcoholism and Personal Transformation

17:58 - 24:20

  • Alcohol is a pernicious drug with various effects on individuals.
  • Alcohol can reduce anxiety, enhance social communication, and produce a psychomotor high.
  • 5% of green monkeys have a biological predisposition to alcoholism.
  • Alcohol is associated with many negative consequences such as murders, domestic abuse, and date rape.
  • Experiments show that alcohol makes people more aggressive even when they are conscious of their aggression.
  • The speaker quit drinking at the age of 27 due to personal and professional reasons.
  • Observing people drinking now makes the speaker realize how it impairs judgment and makes people act foolishly.
  • Drinking may provide an illusion of confidence but often leads to regrettable actions or words.
  • Starting drinking at a young age may be influenced by social anxiety.

Adolescence and Socialization

30:07 - 36:26

  • Starting drinking at a young age can lead to relying on alcohol for social interactions
  • Learning how to be in social groups without alcohol is important for personal growth and responsibility
  • Having a father figure during puberty can be crucial for boys' development
  • The wisdom of elders is important for healthy socialization, even in the animal kingdom
  • The speaker lived with their dad for half a year during grade seven before attending boarding school for grade eight.
  • At age thirteen, rebellion against divorce and alcoholism made it difficult to get along with the father.
  • The speaker's friends at thirteen were rough working-class kids who engaged in misbehavior like drinking and shoplifting.
  • Fitting in with peers becomes a priority during adolescence, leading to tension between parental expectations and independence-seeking.
  • Moving from Halifax to Edmonton exposed the speaker to more opportunities for trouble.
  • A significant growing up moment occurred when the speaker transitioned from being bullied to no longer being bullied.

Confronting Fears and Empowerment

36:06 - 42:27

  • The speaker shares a personal experience of encountering a man engaging in inappropriate behavior while walking home late at night.
  • The speaker reflects on the decision to defend themselves physically if necessary and how it changed their experience of being bullied.
  • The discussion shifts to the idea that integrating one's shadow or confronting fears can lead to changes in facial expression, posture, and reaction.
  • An article about two women who were sexually assaulted is mentioned, highlighting their different responses to the possibility of future attacks.
  • One woman becomes more fearful and victimized, while the other takes self-defense classes and changes her behavior to display confidence.
  • The second woman starts a self-defense clinic and empowers others through her experiences.

Sales and Communication

47:31 - 53:52

  • People who didn't go to university often have unique and original perspectives on the world.
  • Having multiple areas of expertise can lead to greater success.
  • The Matthew principle states that those who have more will receive even more, while those with nothing will lose everything.
  • Developing pockets of expertise and combining them can lead to multiplicative effects on success.
  • Door-to-door sales taught skills such as rapport building and quick thinking in speech.
  • Strong defense mechanisms against sales can indicate an easier sell once inside.
  • Humor can be a powerful tool in breaking down barriers and making a sale.
  • Selling requires effective communication and trust-building.
  • It is important to believe in the product or service being sold.
  • People should not be afraid of rejection when selling, as they may be resolving a person's pain or providing a valuable service.
  • Sales is about forming relationships and establishing mutual benefit.
  • It is crucial to establish fit and not push for a sale if there isn't one.
  • Mistakes made in dating are often made in selling, such as going for the sale too quickly.

Insights on Selling and Personal Development

58:44 - 1:04:31

  • Many people make the mistake of going for the sale too quickly in dating and selling.
  • Pushing too hard in a conversation can cause the other person to lose interest.
  • To be successful in selling, it's important to focus on the other person and their problems.
  • Facts and statistics alone rarely convince people to make a decision.
  • Finding out what problems the other person is facing and offering a solution is key to making a sale.
  • Sharing interesting facts and statistics that are relevant to the other person can be effective in certain situations.

Health, Nutrition, and Personal Transformation

1:04:11 - 1:10:20

  • Foot strike in running sends shock through the skeletal system, which can lead to knee, hip, and neck problems.
  • After presenting facts about heel strikes and barefoot running shoes, the percentage of people considering buying new running shoes increased from 3% to 70%.
  • Joe Rogan's success is attributed to his focus on having interesting conversations rather than selling his podcast.
  • Selling should be about offering genuine solutions to people's problems, not manipulation.
  • Salespeople and politicians may attract narcissists due to their public life and need for persuasion.
  • The evolution gap between human evolution and innovation has allowed narcissism to become advantageous in larger communities.
  • Online platforms have a higher prevalence of criminal activity with little punishment compared to physical environments.
  • Narcissistic behavior can be influenced by temperamental proclivity and societal encouragement.
  • Fear was a dominant emotion throughout most of human history, but it has diminished in modern society.

Passion, Business, and Personal Journey

1:20:14 - 1:26:06

  • Differentiating true passion from false passion is not easy
  • Passion can be short-term and impulsive
  • Passion combined with purpose is powerful
  • The speaker had a great teacher in grade three who inspired him to become a teacher
  • Teachers are not respected enough economically or otherwise
  • The speaker didn't want to be treated poorly as a teacher, so he pursued business instead
  • The speaker had various health issues from the age of 12 to 21
  • Attending a Tony Robbins seminar led the speaker to make changes in his diet
  • Within 30 days of changing his diet, the speaker lost significant weight and improved his health
  • The speaker's physical transformation was so drastic that his own mother didn't recognize him

Nutrition, Health, and Behavioral Change

1:25:39 - 1:31:36

  • Realized that the word 'diet' has been hijacked and actually means way of life
  • Food science has been hijacked and adulterated, can't trust it
  • Discovered there is a human diet with less genetic variance than different species of elephants
  • Passionate about anthropological nutrition but people only interested in business success
  • Built hyper-realistic trauma simulation mannequins for US Army, too traumatic for medics
  • Invited to speak about business due to diverse successes in various industries
  • Received call from Tony Robbins after being recognized for marketing campaigns

Sales and Marketing Success

1:31:21 - 1:37:27

  • The speaker had been trained in sales and marketing by Chet Holmes, who used to work for Charlie Munger.
  • The speaker was asked to take Chet Holmes' spot at a conference in Fiji with Tony Robbins after Chet passed away.
  • Tony Robbins and the speaker hit it off immediately.
  • Tony's team initially told the speaker that Tony would only stay in the room for 15 minutes during his presentation.
  • Tony wanted to meet the speaker in the hallway before his presentation and asked how he was feeling about it.
  • The speaker confidently assured Tony that his presentation would be fantastic despite having limited preparation time.
  • Tony decided to introduce the speaker himself after meeting him and changed the translation of his bio, which resulted in a humorous introduction on stage.
  • Tony stayed in the room for three and a half hours during the speaker's presentation and booked him for a year.
  • Learning to communicate effectively through public speaking accelerated every opportunity for the speaker.
  • Clients started asking the speaker about his energy levels, leading him to teach them nutritional principles as well.

Nutrition, Obesity, and Clinical Trials

1:36:59 - 1:42:54

  • The concept of the evolution gap, which is the mismatch between our genetics and modern environment, has been exploited by the food industry resulting in issues like type two diabetes and obesity.
  • Press coverage on topics like gun crime is disproportionate compared to the prevalence of diabetes and obesity.
  • Personal rewilding is a concept that helps individuals navigate their stone-aged instincts in a modern world.
  • Developed behavioral change dynamics to help people make lasting changes in their eating and lifestyle habits.
  • The program runs for 90 days and combines neurological and nutritional changes at strategic intervals.
  • Initial participants experienced significant results, leading to more clients signing up through word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Over 100,000 people from around the world have completed the program with positive outcomes, including cases of reversing type two diabetes.
  • A book co-written with a doctor about reversing diabetes will be released soon.

Recognition and Impact

1:42:32 - 1:46:05

  • A Senate 150 medal was given to the speaker for unsung heroes.
  • The medal made the speaker feel responsible and motivated to live up to it.
  • The speaker's program on obesity and diabetes caught the attention of a minister from another country's parliament.
  • The special country without food or drug lobbyists allows clinical trials without interference.
  • The discussion will continue on the daily wire plus side, focusing on the speaker's experience in Africa.
  • Support for the daily wire plus platform is encouraged due to recent cancellations by YouTube.
  • Legacy media should address the issue of obesity and diabetes caused by unhealthy diets promoted by marketers and government agencies.
  • There may be a connection between these health issues and the pandemic.