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Lex Fridman Podcast

#389 – Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel, Palestine, Power, Corruption, Hate, and Peace

Wed Jul 12 2023
Benjamin NetanyahuIsraelAIEconomyMonopoliesMedia BiasPalestinian ConflictNegotiationsAlliances


Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, discusses his influence, controversial nature, and views on Israel's contributions to humanity. He addresses large-scale protests over proposed judicial reform, emphasizing Israel's vibrant democracy. The impact of AI on jobs, economic models, and wealth distribution is explored. Netanyahu also discusses monopolies, media bias, corruption cases against him, and the obstacles to peace with Palestinians. He highlights the importance of negotiations, promoting coexistence, and forging alliances for Israel's future.


Netanyahu's Influence

Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most influential and controversial men in the world, with broad support and respect from around the world.

Israel's Contributions

Israel plays a significant role as a benefactor to all of humanity, providing aid and assistance in times of crisis around the world.

AI and Economic Models

AI's development at a geometric rate raises concerns about its impact on jobs, wealth distribution, and economic models.

Monopolies and Media Bias

The growing power of big tech companies raises questions about economic and political control, while media bias against Netanyahu has not hindered his electoral success.

Obstacles to Peace

The persistent Palestinian refusal to recognize a Jewish state and previous withdrawals resulting in terror attacks are major obstacles to peace.

Negotiations and Alliances

Promoting coexistence requires focusing on the majority who desire peace, careful resolution of conflicts, and forging alliances with nations sharing common interests.

Ending Conflict and Pursuing Education

Ending the Arab-Israeli conflict could lead to an end of the Israeli-Islamic conflict, and a broad education is crucial for leadership.

Israel's Future and Global Alliances

Israel's robust democracy, shared values with the United States, and increasing importance as an ally in the information world highlight the need for global alliances.


  1. Benjamin Netanyahu: Influential and Controversial
  2. Netanyahu's Views and Israel's Contributions
  3. Judicial Reform and Israel's Economy
  4. The Impact of AI and Economic Models
  5. Competition, Monopolies, and Regulation
  6. Monopolies, Media Bias, and Corruption Cases
  7. Israel's Security and Peace with Palestinians
  8. Israeli Control and Peace Accords
  9. Promoting Coexistence and Negotiations
  10. Ending Conflict and Pursuing Education
  11. The Future of Israel and Global Alliances

Benjamin Netanyahu: Influential and Controversial

00:00 - 07:56

  • Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, is one of the most influential and controversial men in the world.
  • Large-scale protests are breaking out in Israel over the government's proposed judicial reform.
  • The interview with Netanyahu was shortened to one hour due to intense political battles in Israel.
  • Future interviews will include people who disagree with Netanyahu's views and experiences of war and loss.
  • The podcast host believes in the power of conversation to promote understanding and love in the world.
  • The host acknowledges being underqualified but is committed to learning and doing good.

Netanyahu's Views and Israel's Contributions

07:28 - 15:25

  • Benjamin Netanyahu disagrees with the premise that he is one of the most hated men in the world, citing broad support and respect from around the world.
  • Netanyahu believes that those who hate Israel are guided by ignorance and lack knowledge about Israel's contributions to humanity in various fields.
  • He emphasizes Israel's role as a benefactor to all of humanity, providing aid and assistance in times of crisis around the world.
  • Netanyahu draws lessons from history, emphasizing the importance of nipping bad things in the bud and taking threats seriously.
  • He does not distinguish between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, seeing them as intertwined forms of opposition to Jewish people's rights.
  • Critics' claims that proposed judicial reform in Israel would give too much power to the government are dismissed by Netanyahu as ridiculous, with him asserting that there is robust democracy in place.

Judicial Reform and Israel's Economy

15:01 - 22:55

  • Slogans can be fed into people's minds through social networks using big data and money.
  • Democracy is the will of the majority and the protection of individual rights.
  • A balance between the three branches of government ensures this balance.
  • The Israeli judicial court has gradually taken over powers from the parliament and executive, breaking the balance.
  • The reform aims to bring back the balance by removing sweeping override clauses and correcting the structure of choosing Supreme Court judges.
  • Israel is a vibrant democracy with a free market economy that attracts tech companies due to its innovation and talent pool.
  • Investments in high tech globally have declined, but Israel remains attractive due to its knowledge-based economy.
  • Israel is an innovation nation with cross-disciplinary talent in various fields.
  • Companies like NVIDIA and Intel have invested in Israel due to its talent pool and freedom.
  • There was a conversation about artificial intelligence with Sam Altman and Elon Musk.

The Impact of AI and Economic Models

22:32 - 30:36

  • AI is developing at a geometric rate, which people don't intuitively grasp.
  • There is no possibility of not entering AI with full force.
  • Regulation is needed for AI.
  • Global regulation is uncertain.
  • The end result of AI is unclear, including the potential for control over humans.
  • Universal regulation may only be possible if AI comes to control us.
  • Limited regulation within countries will likely occur without universal regulation.
  • Israel sees the need to invest in AI for security reasons and aims to become a leading AI power.
  • The impact of AI on jobs and long-term effects are unknown.
  • Previous revolutions may have consumed more jobs than they created, and the same could happen with AI.
  • The end of scarcity and increased productivity from AI raises questions about wealth distribution through taxation.
  • Solving the issue of income redistribution for those not involved in the AI economy poses challenges.
  • AI will force structural changes in economic models and politics.

Competition, Monopolies, and Regulation

30:08 - 37:35

  • AI has the potential to create more jobs than it takes, but the impact on jobs and cybersecurity is a concern.
  • The exponential growth of AI's capabilities makes it difficult to predict its future impact.
  • Focusing on what can be controlled and making the most with limited resources is key.
  • The speaker has a background in martial arts, including Taekwondo.
  • Competition is a part of life, but there is a need to put barriers to prevent monopolies.
  • Defining market segments and monopoly power in an interconnected world is challenging.
  • The growing power of big tech companies raises questions about economic and political control.
  • Regulation and competition are possible solutions to address growing monopolies.

Monopolies, Media Bias, and Corruption Cases

37:15 - 44:56

  • The solution of monopolies growing arbitrarily, unstoppably in power.
  • The power of competition can challenge big companies, especially in the AI space.
  • The market is the best regulator in economic activity and elections are the best regulator in political matters.
  • I believe in letting the masses decide through voting.
  • In economic matters, it may not always be possible for the little guy to overcome tech giants.
  • Human nature doesn't worry me as my mission is focused on the survival and thriving of the state of Israel.
  • My ability to achieve goals depends on the will of Israeli voters.
  • I have been able to win elections despite media bias against me.
  • There are corruption cases against me, but they are collapsing and proving to be nothing.
  • No politician has been more vilified than me, but truth is coming out in trial.

Israel's Security and Peace with Palestinians

44:32 - 52:11

  • Netanyahu describes the use of spyware and blackmail against his associates in the trial
  • People are more interested in what was done to Netanyahu rather than what he did
  • The persistent Palestinian refusal to recognize a Jewish state is the main obstacle to peace
  • Palestinian society opposes any jurisdiction and wants a state instead of Israel
  • Israel's previous withdrawals from territories resulted in terror attacks, not peace
  • Israel should have overall security responsibility while Palestinians govern themselves

Israeli Control and Peace Accords

51:52 - 58:51

  • Most Israelis agree that Israel should control the security of the entire region, including the expansion of settlements in the West Bank.
  • The urban blocks in Judea Samaria are recognized to be part of Israel in any future arrangement.
  • The argument against Jews living in disputed areas is not valid, as Arabs and Jews can coexist peacefully.
  • A solution involving Israeli security maintained for the entire territory by Israel and enclaves for Palestinians within sovereign Israel could work.
  • The focus has shifted from waiting for a Palestinian solution to forging peace accords with Arab countries directly.
  • There is mutual interest between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but discussions are being held privately.

Promoting Coexistence and Negotiations

58:25 - 1:06:28

  • Persuading the 2% of Palestinians who hope to vanquish Israel is more likely by focusing on the 98% who desire coexistence.
  • Realistic solutions of coexistence require compromise from both sides.
  • The conflict between Israel and the Arab world must be effectively solved for a realistic compromise to be struck.
  • Expanding the circle of peace requires secret talks between leaders of other nations.
  • Territorial designs on a territory by a country with nuclear weapons change the equation in conflicts like Ukraine.
  • Careful resolution is necessary to prevent conflicts from escalating and going off the rails.
  • Preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons is crucial due to their aggressive ideology and threats against Israel.
  • Entering a room for negotiations is complicated and requires both sides to believe it will lead to something useful.
  • Breaking the ice with top-level leadership in the Gulf States was possible due to common interests in countering Iran and economic cooperation.
  • Israel's technological advancements made them an attractive partner for economic cooperation.

Ending Conflict and Pursuing Education

1:06:02 - 1:14:01

  • Netanyahu gave a speech in the American Congress opposing the Iranian deal, which led to calls from Gulf states and ultimately resulted in the Abraham Accords.
  • He believes that ending the Arab-Israeli conflict could lead to an end of the Israeli-Islamic conflict and historic enmity between Islam and Judaism.
  • Netanyahu emphasizes the importance of identifying danger in time and mobilizing against global threats like Iran.
  • His father taught him that a broad and deep education is crucial for leadership, constantly learning and adding to intellectual capital.
  • Netanyahu recommends studying history as the fundamental discipline for political life.

The Future of Israel and Global Alliances

1:13:39 - 1:16:49

  • Reading history is important, and the speaker recommends it.
  • Contemplating mortality is a common human experience.
  • The speaker has devoted their life to assuring the future of the Jewish state and people.
  • Israel is a robust democracy and a strong ally of the United States.
  • Israel shares basic values of freedom and liberty with the United States.
  • The speaker hopes to have contributed to their purpose during their time in office.
  • The importance of Israel as an ally is growing due to increasing capacities in the information world.
  • Israel needs a coalition of like-minded smart nations.