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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

425. Negotiating a Raise — and a Better Life | Chris Voss

Thu Feb 22 2024
negotiationjob interviewscommunicationsales techniquesbuilding relationshipsconflict resolutionnegotiation techniques


This episode covers various aspects of negotiation, job interviews, effective communication, sales techniques, building productive relationships, conflict resolution, and negotiation techniques. It provides insights on how to approach negotiations, make successful job interviews, communicate effectively, excel in sales, build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and employ negotiation strategies. The episode emphasizes the importance of listening, understanding others' needs, prioritizing goals, maintaining integrity, and aiming for mutually beneficial outcomes. It also highlights the significance of preparation, empathy, active listening, and collaborative problem-solving in negotiations and relationships.


Key Insight 1

Negotiation should aim for a productive long-term collaboration involving mutual desires and understanding.

Key Insight 2

Listening is crucial in negotiation as it helps uncover people's needs and wants.

Key Insight 3

Successful negotiation involves collaborating to find better outcomes rather than working against each other.

Key Insight 4

It's important to have an open mind in negotiations as new information can lead to better solutions.

Key Insight 5

Preparing for negotiations includes being ready to say no, knowing one's market value, and making a compelling case for advancement or raise.

Key Insight 6

Employees should ensure their boss understands their value and contributions to the organization.

Key Insight 7

When seeking additional opportunities, employees should make a case for how it benefits both them and their boss.

Key Insight 8

Negotiating without feeling constrained by alternatives can lead to better outcomes in job negotiations.

Key Insight 9

Asking calibrated questions during negotiations can help highlight one's value to the company.

Key Insight 10

Prioritizing needs and wants during job negotiations can lead to mutually beneficial agreements.


  1. Negotiation Strategies
  2. Job Interviews
  3. Effective Communication
  4. Sales Techniques
  5. Building Productive Relationships
  6. Conflict Resolution
  7. Negotiation Techniques

Negotiation Strategies

00:03 - 15:19

  • Negotiation should aim for a productive long-term collaboration involving mutual desires and understanding.
  • Listening is crucial in negotiation as it helps uncover people's needs and wants.
  • Successful negotiation involves collaborating to find better outcomes rather than working against each other.
  • It's important to have an open mind in negotiations as new information can lead to better solutions.
  • Preparing for negotiations includes being ready to say no, knowing one's market value, and making a compelling case for advancement or raise.
  • Employees should ensure their boss understands their value and contributions to the organization.
  • When seeking additional opportunities, employees should make a case for how it benefits both them and their boss.
  • Negotiating without feeling constrained by alternatives can lead to better outcomes in job negotiations.
  • Asking calibrated questions during negotiations can help highlight one's value to the company.
  • Prioritizing needs and wants during job negotiations can lead to mutually beneficial agreements.

Job Interviews

14:51 - 22:16

  • Negotiating optimal motivation in job interviews is crucial to ensure a good fit and mutual success.
  • Asking strategic questions like 'How can I be guaranteed to be involved in critical projects?' can change the outcome of conversations and demonstrate commitment.
  • Hope and opportunity are tied to having clear goals and pathways for advancement within a company.
  • Engaging in meaningful collaboration with employers requires taking on responsibility and demonstrating a deep understanding of the company's vision.
  • Negotiations should be seen as collaborations, and adversarial relationships with bosses may indicate the need for change.

Effective Communication

21:49 - 35:36

  • Emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving success
  • Encouraging individuals to have a clear vision for their life and career goals
  • Highlighting the significance of preparation and self-awareness in job interviews
  • Stressing the importance of first impressions and thorough preparation for interviews
  • Being prepared for an interview is crucial to leave a positive impression and be successful in negotiations.
  • Active listening is essential in communication to understand others' needs and reach durable agreements.
  • Listening involves not just hearing words but also paying attention to tone, body language, and alignment for effective communication.
  • Negotiating voluntary agreements based on understanding the other party's needs leads to more sustainable outcomes than coercive tactics.

Sales Techniques

42:29 - 49:40

  • Successful sales involve proactive listening, emotional intelligence, and establishing genuine relationships.
  • Efficient sales processes involve gathering information and building relationships simultaneously rather than separately.
  • Understanding the customer's perspective and problems is more important than focusing on common ground or small talk.
  • Being attentive to nonverbal cues, putting oneself in the other person's position, and avoiding manipulative tactics are crucial in effective communication and sales.
  • Building a better product involves constant dialogue with the market and modifying based on feedback.

Building Productive Relationships

49:19 - 1:03:13

  • It's important to find a person with whom your core values align for a productive and prosperous collaboration.
  • If someone's core values don't match yours, it's better to move on to find a better match in relationships, whether at work or personally.
  • Trying to fix a bad employer or employee is often not fruitful, and focusing on productive relationships yields better results.
  • Severing a bad relationship can be beneficial for both parties, even though it may be difficult.
  • Bad relationships are detrimental to both parties, and it's important to sever them for mutual benefit.
  • Proactive listening involves skills like verbal observation, mirroring, paraphrasing, and calibrated questions.
  • Avoiding conflict can lead to prolonged pain and issues in relationships.
  • Empathy can be a double-edged sword, as overly empathetic individuals may suffer more when witnessing others' pain.

Conflict Resolution

1:03:04 - 1:18:01

  • Addressing conflicts directly and negotiating solutions is crucial to avoiding long-term problems in relationships.
  • Encouraging individuals to focus on the fear of consequences of inaction can be a powerful motivator.
  • Using open-ended questions like 'What do you love about what you do for a living?' can lead to deeper and more satisfying conversations.
  • Understanding and addressing fears and obstacles in conversations can help clear the way for progress and resolution.
  • Active listening skills, including mirroring and summarizing, are essential in showing respect and understanding during conversations.
  • Active listening and making the other party feel heard can deactivate adversarial responses in negotiations.
  • Describing negativity rather than denying it can diminish negative emotions and move closer to a resolution.
  • Confronting situations directly and collaboratively can build trust and lead to positive outcomes, as seen in a bank robbery negotiation example shared by the speaker.

Negotiation Techniques

1:17:34 - 1:32:15

  • In a hostage negotiation situation, the negotiator maintained control by letting hostages go to buy more time and reduce the chances of assault.
  • Deception is viewed as a bad idea in negotiations, as it can lead to loss of credibility and trust.
  • Maintaining integrity and truthfulness is emphasized in negotiations, even in high-stakes situations.
  • The importance of honesty and integrity was instilled as a core value by the negotiator's parents during upbringing.
  • Sticking to your integrity will always be less costly than compromising it.
  • Negotiating with honesty and aiming for mutually beneficial outcomes leads to long-term relationships.
  • Having a goal in negotiations can limit opportunities, so it's better to focus on exceeding goals.
  • Establishing relationships based on mutual goals allows for expanding visions and indefinite growth.
  • Learning negotiation skills involves prioritizing the other person's interests while maintaining integrity in offerings.