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The Personal Finance Podcast

5 Ways to Buy Real Estate With Low to No Money Down!

Mon Jul 24 2023
Real Estate InvestingLow to No Money DownSubject-to DealsLease OptionsSeller FinancingPartnershipsCreative Financing TechniquesSweat Equity PartnershipsHouse Hacking


The episode covers various ways to buy real estate with low to no money down. It emphasizes the importance of running the numbers, finding properties, and actively managing investments. The strategies discussed include subject-to deals, lease options, seller financing, partnerships, creative financing techniques, sweat equity partnerships, and house hacking. The benefits of seller financing and finding private money lenders are highlighted. The episode concludes with a call to action to share the podcast and provide feedback.


Real estate investing can lead to financial independence

By utilizing strategies like subject-to deals, lease options, seller financing, partnerships, creative financing techniques, sweat equity partnerships, and house hacking, individuals can achieve financial freedom within 10 years or less.

Subject-to deals offer fast transactions and prevent sellers from taking a loss

Taking over someone's existing loan through subject-to deals can provide a quick solution for those who need to move quickly without equity in their property. It also allows sellers to avoid taking a loss compared to selling traditionally.

Seller financing provides retirement income and tax benefits

Seller financing is a powerful way for individuals with no retirement income to generate additional income. It offers tax benefits and a steady income stream over time.

Private money lenders offer flexibility and are beneficial for properties needing repairs

Finding private money lenders through networking or online platforms can provide flexible financing options, especially for properties in need of repairs.

Sweat equity partnerships and house hacking are effective low to no money down strategies

By partnering with individuals who have more money than time or utilizing FHA loans for house hacking, investors can enter the real estate market with minimal upfront investment.


  1. Introduction
  2. Buying Real Estate with Low to No Money Down
  3. Subject-to Deals and Lease Options
  4. Seller Financing and its Benefits
  5. Executing Seller Financing and Finding Private Money Lenders
  6. Sweat Equity Partnerships and House Hacking
  7. Conclusion and Call to Action


00:00 - 06:23

  • Real estate investing can lead to financial independence if done correctly
  • Running the numbers is crucial in real estate investing
  • Finding properties is a key skill in real estate investing
  • There are creative options in real estate that can help you achieve financial freedom within 10 years or less
  • Real estate is not a passive investment and requires active management

Buying Real Estate with Low to No Money Down

06:07 - 11:45

  • Subject-to deals involve taking over someone's existing loan
  • Look for motivated sellers who may be struggling with their payments to find subject-to deals
  • Structure subject-to deals creatively, such as offering a down payment in addition to taking over the payments
  • Lease options allow you to control a property without needing a large upfront investment
  • Seller financing allows you to bypass traditional lenders and negotiate favorable terms directly with the seller
  • Partnerships or joint ventures enable you to leverage other people's money and expertise while sharing the risks and rewards of the investment
  • Creative financing techniques like private lending or using retirement funds can be used for real estate investments

Subject-to Deals and Lease Options

11:15 - 17:50

  • Taking over payments and paying a down payment can be part of structuring deals
  • Helping others is the goal, not taking advantage of them
  • People may want to give over their payments to avoid foreclosure or financial stress
  • Lists of people in pre-foreclosure can be obtained from platforms like Crexie, Propstream, and Zillow
  • Assisting someone even if you don't acquire the property can lead to positive outcomes
  • Subject-to deals provide a fast transaction for those who need to move quickly with no equity in their property
  • Selling a property subject-to can prevent sellers from taking a loss compared to selling traditionally
  • Taking over repairs or negotiating repairs before closing can benefit both parties in subject-to deals
  • Finding subject-to properties involves specific searches on platforms like Propstream and Crexie
  • Negotiating the deal creatively and performing due diligence are important steps in subject-to transactions

Seller Financing and its Benefits

17:21 - 23:12

  • Perform due diligence by inspecting the property and negotiating any necessary repairs or price adjustments
  • Close the deal by working with a title company to transfer ownership and ensure proper payment transfer
  • Consider seller financing as an alternative to traditional bank loans, especially if you plan to acquire multiple properties
  • Seller financing benefits both parties, allowing the seller to earn interest on the sale and providing the buyer with more flexibility
  • Seller financing can be particularly advantageous for sellers who need retirement income or have properties in need of repairs

Executing Seller Financing and Finding Private Money Lenders

22:52 - 28:24

  • Seller financing is a powerful way for someone with no retirement income to generate retirement income
  • Payments made every month can provide additional income, allowing someone to retire without having to work anymore
  • Seller financing can be used when buying businesses as well, attracting more buyers and providing a higher selling price
  • If a buyer defaults on payments, the seller can foreclose on the property and regain ownership
  • Seller financing offers tax benefits and a steady income stream over time
  • To execute seller financing, negotiate terms with the motivated seller and draft a promissory note
  • Secure the loan with a mortgage or trust document, and complete the transaction through closing with a title company
  • Seller financing is a legal document that can be worked out with a lawyer specializing in seller financing
  • Closing can be done through title or by finding a title company
  • Finding private money lenders can be done through networking at real estate meetings, online platforms, or brokers
  • Private money lenders are flexible and creative when negotiating deals and are beneficial for properties needing repairs

Sweat Equity Partnerships and House Hacking

28:00 - 33:54

  • To find a sweat equity partner, showcase your skills and offer to do test runs on properties
  • Look for partners who have more money than time and want to invest in real estate without doing the work
  • Ask friends, family, or attend real estate meetups to find potential partners
  • Negotiate the partnership agreement, considering the percentage of ownership and profits
  • Create a formal agreement to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • House hacking with an FHA loan is a great option for low to no money down investing
  • Buy a duplex, triplex, or fourplex and live in one unit while renting out the others
  • Take advantage of favorable loan terms by living in the property
  • Repeat the process by moving out after a year or two and house hacking another property

Conclusion and Call to Action

33:30 - 34:07

  • Learned about buying properties with low to no money down
  • Questions can be directed to the speaker
  • Goal of the podcast is to provide value and help build generational wealth
  • Encouragement to share the podcast with family and friends
  • Request for five-star ratings and reviews on podcast platforms or likes on YouTube