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The Jordan Harbinger Show

857: Forever on the Lam from a Blackmailing Scam? | Feedback Friday

Fri Jul 07 2023
Legal ConsequencesRelationship ChallengesToxic ParentsFinancial IndependenceFinancial Issues in a RelationshipOnline Abuse and DeceptionDangers of Conspiracy Theories


This episode covers a range of topics including legal consequences of online sex chat room incidents, relationship challenges, dealing with toxic parents, financial independence, navigating financial issues in a relationship, protecting against online abuse and deception, and the dangers of conspiracy theories. The episode provides insights and advice on these topics, emphasizing the importance of seeking truth, protecting oneself, and making informed decisions.


Legal Consequences

The likelihood of chatting with an underage girl in the US is very low. Most scammers involved in these types of scams are adults from overseas. Federal law enforcement may get involved if the exchange or solicitation occurred using a US company or over US servers. There is no statute of limitations for solicitation or exploitation charges at issue. The feds tend to move quickly and publicly in solid sex crime cases, especially when the defendant is in a friendly country with strong extradition agreements like Australia.

Relationship Challenges

Opening up about difficult experiences can bring couples closer together. Scammers can ruin lives and it's important to prioritize recovery. Concerns about dependence on family and lack of independence should be addressed. Therapy and self-care are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Compatibility issues regarding beliefs and values should be evaluated. Trusting each other's ability to make reasoned decisions independently is crucial.

Dealing with Toxic Parents

Recognize that a toxic parent's behavior is about them, not you. Separate yourself emotionally from the toxic parent as much as possible. Seek support from other family members and protect yourself emotionally. Expressing anger towards the toxic parent may provide relief but won't change their behavior. Find safe people outside of the family to talk to for support. Becoming financially independent is crucial for reducing exposure to the toxic parent's behavior.

Financial Independence

Being financially independent allows freedom to make choices and form new relationships. Channeling anger into school, career, and saving can be empowering. As you become older and independent, the toxic parent's ability to hurt you diminishes. Acknowledge and validate your emotions in response to a dysfunctional family dynamic. Leaning into supportive siblings and non-dysfunctional family members is beneficial. Retirement may provide an opportunity for distance from the toxic parent's influence.

Navigating Financial Issues in a Relationship

Merging bank accounts should be approached with caution, considering financial instability and money management skills. Address cash flow and values issues before merging finances. Open communication about financial responsibility is important. Evaluate the girlfriend's diligence in managing bills despite living paycheck to paycheck. Concerns about reliance on energy drinks and financial decisions should be discussed.

Protecting Against Online Abuse and Deception

Closed Facebook groups aimed at protecting women can potentially harm livelihoods and dating prospects. Regulation is needed to prevent abuse in these groups. Deception in relationships can have traumatic effects. Moderated communities are necessary to prevent misuse of tools. Protecting both victims and seeking the truth is crucial.

Dangers of Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories can be enticing but believing in false information harms the world. Debunking is important to focus on real issues. Making life decisions based on conspiracy theories is problematic. Embracing reality and making informed decisions is essential. Unchecked conspiracy theories can lead to dangerous divisions within society.


  1. Legal Consequences of Online Sex Chat Room Incident
  2. Impact on Relationship and Future Decisions
  3. Girlfriend's Dependence and Communication Issues
  4. Girlfriend's Independence and Compatibility Issues
  5. Dealing with a Toxic Parent
  6. Becoming Financially Independent and Healing
  7. Navigating Financial Issues in a Relationship
  8. Protecting Against Online Abuse and Deception
  9. Navigating Online Communities and Protecting Lives
  10. Dangers of Conspiracy Theories and Pursuit of Truth

Legal Consequences of Online Sex Chat Room Incident

00:00 - 06:52

  • The likelihood of chatting with an underage girl in the US is very low.
  • Most scammers involved in these types of scams are adults from overseas.
  • Federal law enforcement may get involved if the exchange or solicitation occurred using a US company or over US servers.
  • There is no statute of limitations for solicitation or exploitation charges at issue.
  • The feds tend to move quickly and publicly in solid sex crime cases, especially when the defendant is in a friendly country with strong extradition agreements like Australia.
  • It's unlikely that you're on anybody's radar after going 10 plus years without getting arrested.
  • The whole thing was probably a scam and not really involving an underage girl.
  • If the blackmailer reported to the FBI, they would also reveal their own involvement in blackmailing and committing a crime themselves.
  • The scam involves milking you for money until you stop paying, so it's unlikely they would want to draw attention to themselves by reporting to the FBI.
  • Booking a consultation with a licensed federal attorney experienced in these crimes is recommended for peace of mind and legal advice.

Impact on Relationship and Future Decisions

06:29 - 13:17

  • Opening up about the difficult chapter might bring you closer together
  • Scammers can ruin people's lives and they don't care
  • This experience may have been a wake-up call for you to get your life back on track
  • Keep up the great work in your recovery and find the answers you need
  • Rooting for you to visit your girlfriend's family in the States
  • Soliciting minors for sex is gross and should lead to prison, but this case is different
  • Therapy can help strike a balance in life and take care of yourself
  • Self-care is not a luxury, it's a lifeline
  • BetterHelp offers convenient online therapy services
  • Concerns about girlfriend's dependence on her family and lack of independence
  • Worries about how this might affect future decisions as a couple
  • The pregnancy scare revealed important information about the relationship

Girlfriend's Dependence and Communication Issues

12:48 - 19:47

  • The girlfriend's position on abortion is influenced by her family, which bothers the boyfriend.
  • The girlfriend may be deferring to her family's beliefs to avoid conflict with the boyfriend.
  • The girlfriend's reliance on her family and lack of personal opinions is a problem for the boyfriend.
  • The girlfriend's close relationship with her mother and financial dependency indicate a lack of independence.
  • The girlfriend's decision to show personal texts to her mom was unnecessary and predictable.
  • The girlfriend's conflicting behavior regarding privacy from her parents raises questions about her desires in the relationship.
  • The consequences of a possible pregnancy were not discussed by the couple, highlighting a communication issue.
  • Advice for the boyfriend is to address these concerns with his girlfriend in a respectful and patient manner.

Girlfriend's Independence and Compatibility Issues

19:24 - 25:33

  • The girlfriend's deference to her parents' position on decisions is a concern
  • Explore the girlfriend's fear of losing her parents' love and support
  • Consider how the living situation and financial dependence enable exposure to her parents' influence
  • The dynamic with her parents could shape major decisions in their life together
  • Differences in beliefs and values, not faith itself, are causing the rift
  • Personal experiences with religious girls highlight potential challenges in raising children together
  • Being spiritually independent can help avoid conflicts with specific denominations
  • Evaluate whether being in a relationship with such different views on having a child is wise
  • Consider if trust can be placed in the girlfriend's ability to arrive at reasoned positions independently
  • The immediate issue is whether the girlfriend will be pressured into having kids without considering her own beliefs
  • Outsourcing crucial parts of herself to people with power over her is concerning
  • Helping the girlfriend develop these parts of herself is important, but reevaluation may be necessary if values are fundamentally incompatible

Dealing with a Toxic Parent

25:07 - 31:39

  • The speaker's father has a second family and they live a luxurious life
  • The father has said hurtful things and told the speaker's disabled mom to be a street vendor
  • The speaker is financially dependent on their father but also emotionally hurt by his actions
  • The advice given is to recognize that the father's behavior is about him, not the speaker, and to separate oneself emotionally from him as much as possible
  • The speaker should stay close to their mom and siblings for support
  • It is suggested to keep distance from the father both physically and emotionally, using an emotional hazmat suit approach
  • Finding ways to protect oneself emotionally and prioritize self-care is important
  • Expressing anger towards the father may not change anything but can provide some relief
  • It is recommended for the speaker to find other safe people outside of the family to talk to for support
  • Becoming financially independent from the father is crucial for reducing exposure to his behavior

Becoming Financially Independent and Healing

37:23 - 43:44

  • Being financially independent from a toxic parent is crucial for protection.
  • Becoming financially independent allows freedom to make choices and form new relationships.
  • Channeling anger into school, career, and saving can be empowering.
  • As you become older and independent, the toxic parent's ability to hurt you diminishes.
  • It's important to acknowledge and validate your emotions in response to a dysfunctional family dynamic.
  • Leaning into supportive siblings and non-dysfunctional family members is beneficial.
  • The impact on the other family involved in the secret double life is significant.
  • Retirement may be an opportunity for distance from the toxic parent's influence.
  • SimplySafe offers innovative home security features like live guard protection and interactive alarm systems.
  • Airbnb provides unique travel experiences and opportunities for hosting guests.

Protecting Against Online Abuse and Deception

55:27 - 1:01:45

  • A listener shares a disturbing story about a closed Facebook group called 'guys not to date' where women post about their negative experiences with men, potentially harming their livelihood and dating prospects.
  • The listener expresses concern about the dehumanizing nature of the group and hopes for more regulation to prevent abuse.
  • Another listener shares an update on a previous story where her boyfriend didn't want to introduce her to his family due to racial bias. It is revealed that he had been living with another woman and lying to multiple women about his situation.
  • The elaborate lie involved pretending his elderly mom lived with him, which prevented him from introducing the women to his home.
  • The situation is described as horrific and traumatic for the listener who discovered the deception.

Dangers of Conspiracy Theories and Pursuit of Truth

1:07:23 - 1:10:04

  • Conspiracy theories can attract anyone who watches compelling YouTube videos.
  • People get sucked into these theories and start believing them.
  • Debunking is important to focus on real issues and not fake ones.
  • Making life decisions based on conspiracy theories is problematic.
  • Escaping the rabbit hole means embracing reality and making informed decisions.
  • Believing in false information harms the world and goes against science.
  • The goal is to increase truth, facts, and science in the world.
  • Unchecked conspiracy theories can lead to a dangerous division within society.