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The Jordan Harbinger Show

862: Targeted Ads | Skeptical Sunday

Sun Jul 16 2023
Personalized AdsPrivacyData CollectionTargeted AdvertisingPolitical InfluenceVoice-Activated DevicesSmart DevicesInvasive AdsPrivacy ProtectionSleep


This episode explores the world of personalized ads and the concerns surrounding privacy. It discusses how advertisers use algorithms and data to create targeted ads, the impact of personalized ads on politics, the future of personalized ads, privacy risks with voice-activated devices and smart devices, invasive personalized ads, and privacy protection. The episode also provides insights on protecting privacy in the digital age and highlights the importance of sleep for health and wellness.


Personalized ads can be useful but raise concerns about privacy

Advertisers use algorithms and data to create user profiles for targeted ads, which can be convenient but also raise ethical questions about privacy.

Political influence through personalized ads

Personalized ads have shaped politics globally, as seen in the 2016 US presidential election and Brexit, raising concerns about the use of personal data for political purposes.

Privacy risks with voice-activated devices

Voice-activated devices like Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri can record and share private conversations without consent, highlighting privacy concerns.

Invasive personalized ads and privacy protection

Highly personalized ads are perceived as invasive, and it is important for tech companies to prioritize privacy in their product design and for advertisers to act ethically in their use of personal data.

Protecting privacy in the digital age

Users should take proactive steps to guard their privacy using privacy-enhancing tools and advocate for stronger privacy protections as consumers and citizens.

The impact of sleep on health and wellness

Sleep is a non-negotiable biological necessity with significant effects on academic performance, behavior, and overall health and wellness.


  1. Personalized Ads and Privacy
  2. Political Influence and Privacy
  3. Future of Personalized Ads and Privacy
  4. Privacy Concerns with Personalized Ads
  5. Privacy Risks with Smart Devices
  6. Invasive Personalized Ads and Privacy Protection
  7. Protecting Privacy in the Digital Age
  8. The Impact of Sleep on Health and Wellness

Personalized Ads and Privacy

00:00 - 12:38

  • Personalized ads are tailored to individual users based on their online behavior, interests, and demographic information.
  • Advertisers use algorithms and data collected from browsing history, social media activity, and online purchases to create user profiles for targeted ads.
  • The concerns around personalized ads include the increasing advancement of AI and technology, which has made people more accustomed to being listened to.
  • Historically, humans didn't have privacy, with families sharing rooms and overhearing intimate conversations.
  • Jack London was a writer who ventured into London's poverty-stricken East End in the early 1900s.
  • The East End has gradually become gentrified over the years.
  • Privacy has become a luxury compared to the past, but now we are being tracked and listened to without our knowledge.
  • Personalized ads have become common on the internet, using cookies, pixels, and IP address tracking.
  • Personalized ads can be useful for showing relevant products and services, but they also raise concerns about privacy and manipulation.
  • Target used data analysis to identify pregnant customers based on their shopping habits and sent them targeted ads for baby products.
  • The incident with Target raised ethical questions about data collection and personalized advertising.

Political Influence and Privacy

12:15 - 18:52

  • Target used personalized advertising by adding more products around those in brochures aimed at pregnant women to make the related stuff seem random and coincidental, resulting in increased sales.
  • Personalized ads have shaped politics on a global scale, as seen in the 2016 US presidential election and Brexit.
  • Cambridge Analytica used Facebook data without consent to create detailed profiles of users and influence voter behavior through targeted political ads.
  • The use of personal data for political purposes undermined the democratic process and heavily influenced the 2016 presidential election and Brexit.
  • Regulators can implement stronger privacy laws and guidelines to protect personal data, but education about the risks associated with personalized ads is also necessary.
  • Privacy enhancing tools such as ad blockers, VPNs, and privacy-oriented search engines can help protect personal data.
  • Tech companies should adopt more privacy-respecting practices, but there are concerns that absolute power corrupts and monetary rewards drive spying.
  • The future of personalized ads raises concerns about the unstoppable targeting capabilities of advanced AI like Chad GPT-4.

Future of Personalized Ads and Privacy

18:24 - 24:44

  • Concerns and speculations about the future of personalized ads and privacy in the digital age
  • Increasing sophistication of ads targeting technologies
  • Algorithms and data collection methods becoming more advanced
  • Personalized ads could become even more intrusive and pervasive
  • Devices like smartphones and wearables creating a larger pool of information about individuals
  • Enhanced AI, data mining, and machine learning better understanding our habits
  • Augmented reality, virtual reality, and ads that can read emotional state as potential future developments
  • Positive aspects of personalized ads include convenience and tailored experiences
  • Improved system could differentiate between users who love or hate certain cults, celebrities, or products

Privacy Concerns with Personalized Ads

24:19 - 30:33

  • Personalization algorithms on the internet are becoming more advanced, tailoring content to individual users based on their preferences and data.
  • This can lead to a further erosion of privacy and potential manipulation.
  • There is a concern about a privacy divide, where those who are less informed or able to protect their data may become targets for invasive advertising practices.
  • Voice-activated devices like Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri employ passive listening to wake up when triggered by specific words.
  • There have been instances where voice-activated devices have recorded and shared private conversations without consent.
  • Examples include an Amazon employee's Echo spitting out personal information and an Amazon customer receiving audio files from another customer's Echo.
  • Privacy leaks can occur due to technology getting out of control or human error in handling data.

Privacy Risks with Smart Devices

30:04 - 36:16

  • The speaker discovered a bug in a device that allowed them to view a live feed of someone's office
  • The person whose office was being viewed worked for the government and was unaware of the bug
  • The speaker became concerned about their own privacy as the bug was in their kitchen
  • There have been instances where devices like Google Nest had hidden microphones that were not disclosed to users
  • The number of people using these devices increases the likelihood of bugs and privacy breaches
  • Society has become more accepting of limited privacy due to convenience
  • The speaker feels that their actions and thoughts may be recorded even when they are alone
  • Gizmodo writer Matt Novak warns against having voice assistants like Alexa in one's home
  • Many people have multiple devices with cameras and microphones, raising concerns about invasion of privacy and data security

Invasive Personalized Ads and Privacy Protection

35:49 - 42:26

  • Personal devices like Alexa and sex toys have been found to record audio without consent, raising questions of privacy and consent.
  • Tesla's self-driving cameras have recorded footage that could potentially invade people's privacy.
  • Highly personalized ads are perceived as more invasive by users.
  • Personalized ads have the potential to perpetuate existing inequality by targeting specific demographics.
  • Tech companies should prioritize privacy in their product design and provide clear information about data collection and usage.
  • Advertisers should act ethically in their use of personal data, being transparent about data collection practices and avoiding discrimination or exploitation of vulnerable groups.
  • Regulators need to create laws and guidelines that protect user privacy and prevent abuse.

Protecting Privacy in the Digital Age

41:58 - 48:51

  • Advertisers have a responsibility to act ethically in their use of personal data
  • Regulators need to create laws and guidelines that protect user privacy
  • Staying up to date with technological advancements is challenging
  • Users should protect their own privacy and advocate for stronger protections
  • Public opinion and consumer power can influence tech companies and advertisers
  • Recent privacy scandals have forced companies to make changes
  • Apple has introduced new privacy features in its operating systems
  • Consumers can choose products and services that prioritize privacy
  • Privacy tools like DuckDuckGo and ad blockers are growing in popularity
  • Engage in ongoing discussions about the ethical implications of personalized advertising
  • Educate yourself about the risks associated with personalized ads and data collection practices
  • Take proactive steps to guard your privacy using privacy-enhancing tools and adjusting settings
  • Advocate for stronger privacy protections as a consumer and citizen

The Impact of Sleep on Health and Wellness

48:26 - 52:33

  • Personalized ads and the potential for more personalized ads about personal ads
  • Switching from the Stitcher app to other podcast apps
  • The Jordan Harbinger show is created in association with podcast one
  • Sleep is a non-negotiable biological necessity with significant impact on health and wellness
  • Delaying school start times has positive effects on academic performance, behavior, and life expectancy of students
  • Lack of sleep increases the risk of death by 65%
  • Quality sleep improves problem-solving abilities and insights into complex problems