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Stay Free with Russell Brand

Bear Grylls (Navigating Survival and Leadership)

Mon Jul 17 2023
AdventureSurvival SkillsNature ConnectionResourcefulnessMental Resilience'Running Wild'Inclusivity


The episode features an interview with Bear Grills, a world-renowned adventurer and survivor. They discuss Bear's show 'Running Wild', the importance of stepping out of comfort zones, survival skills in modern times, enduring friendships on the show, nature connection, resourcefulness, mental resilience, connection with nature, vulnerability in 'Running Wild', and inclusivity. The conversation highlights the value of being vulnerable, teaching survival skills, and inspiring good values. The episode offers insights into the power of nature, the impact of disconnection from nature, and the need for practical skills in today's technology-dependent world.


Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

The episode emphasizes the importance of stepping out of comfort zones for personal growth and development. Bear Grills' show 'Running Wild' takes people out of their comfort zones and helps them discover their true potential.

Survival Skills in Modern Times

Bear Grills discusses the importance of survival skills in modern times. He believes that blending modern technology with traditional survival skills is essential for smart living.

Nature Connection and Resourcefulness

The episode highlights the correlation between disconnection from nature and spiritual disconnection. It emphasizes the need for resourcefulness in today's convenience-driven world.

Mental Resilience and Leading by Example

The episode emphasizes the importance of mental resilience and leading by example. It encourages a 'never give up' mentality and highlights the power of nature in healing and personal growth.

Vulnerability and Inclusivity in 'Running Wild'

'Running Wild' promotes vulnerability and inclusivity. The show features celebrities arriving vulnerable and out of their comfort zones, and Bear Grills admires vulnerability in others, including big action stars.


  1. Introduction and Guest
  2. Running Wild and Stepping Out of Comfort Zones
  3. Survival Skills and Nature Connection
  4. Friendships and Scary Moments on the Show
  5. Nature Connection and Resourcefulness
  6. Importance of Resourcefulness and Mental Resilience
  7. Connection with Nature and Leading by Example
  8. Vulnerability and Inclusivity in 'Running Wild'

Introduction and Guest

00:00 - 06:49

  • Russell Brand introduces the podcast and mentions the switch to Rumble for free speech.
  • The guest for this episode is Bear Grills, a world-renowned adventurer and survivor.

Running Wild and Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

00:00 - 06:49

  • They discuss Bear's show 'Running Wild' and how he takes people out of their comfort zones.
  • Bear talks about the vulnerability and honesty that comes with being a rookie in the wilderness.
  • Russell expresses his admiration for Bear's ability to be independent and survive in nature.
  • Russell shares his personal experience of learning climbing after struggling on Bear's show.

Survival Skills and Nature Connection

06:20 - 12:50

  • Bear shares a story about a dangerous expedition in the Arctic Ocean.
  • The speaker reflects on the bond created during scary situations in nature.
  • The speaker discusses the detachment from nature and our own power.
  • Bear values working with ex-service people for their trust and camaraderie.
  • Skills can be taught, but qualities like loyalty and selflessness are harder to teach.
  • Bear Grylls discusses the importance of survival skills in modern times.
  • There is a disconnect between rapid societal change and our innate need for survival skills.
  • Grylls believes smart people blend modern technology with traditional survival skills.
  • Many people seek basic survival knowledge for practical purposes, such as tying knots or navigating without a phone.

Friendships and Scary Moments on the Show

12:32 - 19:33

  • The TV show started with the host's best buddies who he had served with in the military.
  • The crew faces different challenges now, like dodging animals instead of bullets.
  • The same spirit of hard work and trust remains despite the changing terrain.
  • The host values the enduring friendships on the show and the ability to laugh at themselves.
  • The host has respect for those who serve in the military and put their lives on the line.
  • Scotty, a member of the crew, has a background in the military and police force and brings humor to the team.
  • Safety is important, but it comes down to competence, experience, trust, and familiarity working together.
  • There were moments during filming where the host felt genuinely scared.

Nature Connection and Resourcefulness

19:07 - 26:16

  • Russell Brand reflects on his experience with Bear Grylls on an inner Hebridean isle
  • Brand was scared during the adventure and struggled to trust the system
  • Despite his fear, Brand feels more confident surviving in the wild after the experience
  • There is a correlation between disconnection from nature and spiritual disconnection.
  • In today's technology-dependent world, lacking essential skills can make people feel disempowered and anxious.
  • Teaching survival skills can have a positive impact on mental health and addiction recovery.
  • Nature is seen as a healing force that offers adventure and interesting experiences in challenging situations.
  • Resourcefulness is an important skill to develop in life, as it allows individuals to think creatively and problem-solve.
  • Convenience has made people reliant on others, but being resourceful is like exercising a muscle that needs training.

Importance of Resourcefulness and Mental Resilience

32:17 - 39:11

  • Lack of resourcefulness is a result of everything being done for us
  • Resourcefulness is a muscle that needs to be trained through practice
  • Survival Academy focuses on practical skills and empowerment
  • Modern life often disempowers individuals unintentionally
  • Being mentally resilient and spiritually smart is important in life
  • Leadership should focus on building others up rather than self-promotion
  • 'Never give up' mentality is crucial for survival and conquering challenges

Connection with Nature and Leading by Example

38:54 - 45:35

  • The key to resilience and conquering challenges is a never give out spirit
  • Nature has the power to heal if we allow it
  • Spending time outside, getting fresh air and sun on the face, and being barefoot can contribute to overall health
  • Physical activity like lifting weights and doing pull-ups is important for maintaining strength as we age
  • Small habits like starting the day with movement and avoiding phone use in bed can lead to a strong and healthy life
  • Leading by example is a powerful way to teach values, especially in parenting
  • Connection with nature transcends gender roles and allows for different ways of being human
  • Leadership should be about inspiring good values rather than vanity

Vulnerability and Inclusivity in 'Running Wild'

45:14 - 50:45

  • The podcast discusses the importance of vulnerability and being honest.
  • Running Wild stars arrive vulnerable and out of their comfort zone.
  • Successful people often sit inside their comfort zone and avoid vulnerability.
  • Bear Grills admires vulnerability in others, including big action stars.
  • Bear Grills shares his failures and mistakes to connect with young people.
  • The conversation highlights the inclusive offering Bear Grills provides.
  • Bear Grills is a living embodiment of the values from institutions like the scouts and military.
  • 'Running Wild' episodes featuring various celebrities are mentioned, including Celine Dion, Bradley Cooper, and Benedict Cumberbatch.
  • The host mentions his own episode airing on August 6th on the Disney channel as part of National Geographic.