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Transform Your Workplace

BONUS EPISODE Nicole Blevins on Mentorship

Fri Jun 16 2023
mentorshipfinding a mentorbenefits of mentorshipeffective communicationinfluence


The episode discusses the importance of mentorship in both formal and organic ways. It provides insights on finding a mentor, the benefits of mentorship, and effective communication and influence in the workplace.


Mentorship can happen in various ways

Mentorships can be formal or organic, and leaders within an organization can act as mentors without realizing it.

Taking initiative is key to finding a mentor

To find a mentor, one should take the initiative, make them feel valued, and clarify what they're looking for in a mentor before reaching out to someone.

Different mentorship relationships offer different benefits

Structured mentor programs provide guidance and help with leading conversations, while some mentors provide autonomy and direction for mentees to figure things out on their own. Each mentorship relationship is unique.

Effective communication and influence are important

Being a positive influence and mentor in the workplace is important. How one shows up at work, uses words carefully, actively listens, and displays appropriate body language can impact others' lives.


  1. Finding a Mentor
  2. Benefits of Mentorship
  3. Effective Communication and Influence

Finding a Mentor

00:22 - 13:18

  • Mentorships can happen in formal or organic ways
  • To find a mentor, take the initiative and make them feel valued
  • Look up to people in your life who already act as mentors
  • Structured mentor programs can provide guidance and help with leading conversations
  • Different mentorship relationships can offer different benefits
  • Formal mentorship can involve reading books and discussing them with the mentor
  • Some mentors provide autonomy and direction for mentees to figure things out on their own
  • Coaching relationships involve role-playing and talking through situations
  • Finding a mentor can be challenging but it's worth asking for their time and energy
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to mentoring, each relationship is unique
  • Clarify what you're looking for in a mentor before reaching out to someone

Benefits of Mentorship

00:22 - 13:18

  • Leaders within an organization can also act as mentors without realizing it
  • Being prepared with questions and asking for follow-up meetings or resources can lead to a successful mentorship
  • Mentees should take initiative and make the most of their mentors' time
  • Organizations can show up as role models by influencing and inspiring others
  • Being a positive influence in others' lives is important

Effective Communication and Influence

12:54 - 16:49

  • Being a positive influence and mentor is important in the workplace.
  • People often look up to others who are authentic and passionate.
  • How you show up at work matters and can impact others' lives.
  • Using words carefully, active listening, and body language are important tools for effective communication.
  • Leaders and mentors have a significant influence on others' behaviors.