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ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Podcast

Brainstorming with ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing -- results will surprise you (they certainly surprised me!)

Sat Jun 03 2023
job searchAI modelsChat GPTBardBing


The episode discusses the host's mom's job search, the use of AI models for job suggestions, and a comparison of different AI models. The host shares his personal backstory and turns to Chat GPT for career suggestions. Despite refining the prompts, repetitive suggestions continue. Bing search provides sales-related job suggestions without considering certifications. Chat GPT yields the best results compared to other AI models. The episode also compares the performance of Chat GPT, Bard, and Bing, highlighting Chat GPT as the most effective for brainstorming and research.


Chat GPT is the most effective AI model for job suggestions

Among various AI models tested, Chat GPT consistently provided the best results for generating job suggestions.

Bard and Bing have limitations in job suggestion generation

Bard and Bing struggled to remember previous conversations and often provided irrelevant or sales-related job suggestions without considering certifications.

GPT-4 shows promise for brainstorming and research

Chat GPT, particularly GPT-4, demonstrated superior performance in brainstorming and research tasks compared to other AI models.


  1. The host's mom's job search
  2. AI models for job suggestions
  3. Comparison of AI models

The host's mom's job search

00:00 - 07:38

  • The host shares a personal backstory about his mom's injury and job search
  • He turns to Chat GPT for career suggestions for his mom
  • Chat GPT suggests various certifications and trainings, including life coach, real estate agent, virtual assistant, mediator, genealogist, and customer service
  • He tries narrowing down the suggestions but still gets irrelevant options
  • Finally, he manually extracts the job titles suggested so far and requests more ideas excluding those titles
  • This approach gives some relevant suggestions like master beekeeper

AI models for job suggestions

07:20 - 15:04

  • Using various AI models to generate job suggestions.
  • Master Bee Keeper was a fun suggestion but not relevant.
  • Continued to get repetitive suggestions despite refining the prompts.
  • God Mode and Bard AI models failed to provide helpful suggestions.
  • Bing search provided some sales-related job suggestions without considering certifications.
  • Chat GPT yielded the best results with a variety of job suggestions.
  • Surprisingly poor results from Bing and Bard compared to Chat GPT.

Comparison of AI models

14:37 - 17:09

  • Chat GPT, particularly GPT-4, provides the best results for brainstorming and research.
  • Bard and Bing have mediocre results and struggle to remember previous conversations.
  • Bard may be better for code generation, but it hasn't been tested yet.