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Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

Dr Alex George: How To Strengthen Your Mind & Build Mental Fitness

Thu Jul 13 2023
Mental HealthTherapyEarly InterventionCoping MechanismsPersonal DevelopmentImposter SyndromeSetting BoundariesFinding BalanceLonelinessLossAdvocacyEmbracing Discomfort


The episode covers a wide range of topics related to mental health, including the importance of therapy, early intervention, coping mechanisms, personal development, overcoming imposter syndrome, setting boundaries, and finding balance. The interview with Dr. Alex George provides insights into mental health stigma and personal experiences. The episode also discusses the impact of loneliness, loss, and advocating for mental health awareness. Practical tips for maintaining mental fitness and pursuing personal growth are shared, along with insights on imposter syndrome and living fully. The episode concludes with a focus on embracing discomfort and seeking help.


Therapy is essential for personal growth and improved relationships.

Therapy can be challenging but beneficial for everyone, regardless of severity of issues. It is important to find a therapist who works for you.

Early intervention and prevention are key in mental health.

Seeking help early can prevent problems from escalating. Therapeutic techniques can be beneficial for learning how to process life and deal with challenges.

Loneliness can have a severe impact on mental and physical health.

Making small changes in daily routines, such as exercise and socializing, can have a positive impact on mental well-being.

Overcoming imposter syndrome allows individuals to live their lives fully without regrets.

Imposter syndrome is common and can prevent people from pursuing their goals. Applying perspective and evaluating feedback can help overcome imposter feelings.

Setting boundaries is crucial for mental fitness and reclaiming one's life.

Creating space, saying no to non-essential commitments, and taking time before making important decisions are important for valuing your time and well-being.

Finding balance and peace is more important than constant happiness.

Happiness is not the ultimate goal; contentment and purpose in each day lead to a good life. Embracing a range of emotions is normal and necessary.

Discomfort in life is a signal that something needs attention.

Struggling will pass, and it's important to ask for help and focus on your own thoughts rather than the opinions of others.


  1. Introduction
  2. Interview with Dr. Alex George
  3. The Importance of Therapy
  4. Benefits of Therapy and Early Intervention
  5. Huel and Trading 212
  6. Anxiety, Depression, and Seeking Help
  7. Loneliness, Coping Mechanisms, and Personal Development
  8. Dealing with Loss and Advocating for Mental Health
  9. Building Resilience and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
  10. Practical Tips for Mental Fitness and Personal Growth
  11. Perspective, Boundaries, and Taking Control of Your Path
  12. Creating Breathing Space and Setting Boundaries
  13. The Power of Saying No and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
  14. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Pursuing Personal Growth
  15. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Living Fully
  16. Finding Balance and Taking Control of Your Path
  17. Embracing Discomfort and Seeking Help


00:00 - 05:47

  • Just a very quick thing before we get started, if you have not yet subscribed to the podcast either on YouTube or your favourite podcast app of choice, then please do, it really helps us out a lot.

Interview with Dr. Alex George

05:20 - 11:14

  • Today's episode is an interview between me and Dr. Alex George, a TV doctor, best-selling author, and youth mental health ambassador to the government.
  • Dr. Alex was first featured on Love Island about five years ago and became famous.
  • His first book called Live Well every day was released in 2021 and became a Sunday Times bestseller.
  • He recently released his second book, The Mind Manual for everyone.
  • We talk about mental health stigma and Dr. Alex's personal experiences with anxiety and his brother's suicide.

The Importance of Therapy

10:53 - 16:51

  • Mental health and well-being require discipline and hard work.
  • Motivation is important, but discipline is what sustains progress.
  • Selling the idea that mental health should always be easy can lead to feelings of failure.
  • Therapy can be challenging but is essential for personal growth and improved relationships.
  • Understanding oneself and natural reactions can lead to better adaptation and less conflict in relationships.
  • Everyone can benefit from therapy, regardless of severity of issues.

Benefits of Therapy and Early Intervention

16:28 - 22:27

  • Therapy can benefit everyone, just like how athletes continuously master their techniques.
  • Feeling 10% happier is worth it in your day.
  • If you don't connect with your therapist, find another one who works for you.
  • Therapy is like having a personal trainer to improve your mental health.
  • The traditional model of therapy was designed for severe mental illness, but now there is a shift towards early intervention and prevention.
  • Therapeutic techniques can be beneficial for learning how to process life and deal with challenges.
  • The average time between first mental health symptom and diagnosis is around 10 years, so it's better to seek help early rather than suffer for a long time.
  • There should be no shame in seeking therapy or treatment if needed.

Huel and Trading 212

22:03 - 27:52

  • Huel is a convenient meal replacement powder that can be mixed with water or milk.
  • The Huel Black Edition is a high-protein, low-calorie option that is vegan, gluten-free, and lactose-free.
  • It is available in nine flavors and provides 400 calories and 40 grams of protein per serving.
  • Using Huel as a meal replacement can save time and money compared to other protein shakes on the market.
  • Trading 212 is an investment app that allows users to practice investing with fake money before depositing real funds.
  • The app offers features like daily interest on uninvested cash and auto-investing a percentage of your paycheck.
  • UK residents can also sign up for an individual savings account (ISA) on Trading 212 for tax-free investing.
  • Listeners can use the coupon code '' to receive a free share worth up to £100 when signing up for Trading 212.
  • Joe discusses his experience with ADHD and anxiety, noting how he was diagnosed later in life but now understands how it has affected him throughout his life choices.
  • He shares how conforming to neurotypical expectations caused anxiety and sensitivity, especially in academic settings.
  • Joe also mentions the impact of losing his brother to suicide and working as a doctor during the pandemic, which took a toll on his mental health.
  • Medication has helped Joe manage his anxiety and depression symptoms.

Anxiety, Depression, and Seeking Help

27:26 - 33:22

  • Anxiety and depression are often intertwined, with severe anxiety affecting mood and vice versa.
  • The speaker reached a point where they questioned whether their condition was still anxiety or had turned into depression.
  • They sought help from their GP and started on medication.
  • The first eight weeks of medication were difficult, but reading testimonies of others who had experienced improvement gave them hope.
  • After eight to ten weeks, the cloud lifted and life became more colorful again.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing that dark days don't last forever and having perspective in life.
  • 'Sonda' is a word that means being aware of other people's struggles without knowing the specifics.
  • Sharing one's own struggles can provide relief and a sense of unloading.

Loneliness, Coping Mechanisms, and Personal Development

33:01 - 38:56

  • Loneliness can have a severe impact on mental and physical health, even more so than smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
  • Isolation can lead to a negative spiral of poor habits and worsening mental health.
  • The medical profession still carries a stigma around mental illness, making it difficult for individuals to seek help.
  • Making small changes in daily routines, such as exercise and socializing, can have a positive impact on mental well-being.
  • Mental health issues can affect anyone at any time, even when life seems to be going well.
  • It is important to have coping mechanisms and an emergency toolkit in place for dealing with challenging situations.
  • Working on self-care and personal development can improve overall happiness and success in life.
  • Receiving unexpected news or experiencing loss can be incredibly shocking and life-changing.

Dealing with Loss and Advocating for Mental Health

38:27 - 44:29

  • The speaker reflects on the moment they received a phone call about their brother's suicide and the disbelief they felt.
  • They express frustration that their brother didn't reach out for help before making the irreversible decision to take his own life.
  • The speaker regrets not being able to help their brother and emphasizes the importance of reaching out to others when struggling with mental health.
  • They share their own experiences with advocating for mental health awareness and encouraging open communication.
  • The speaker urges anyone who is struggling to seek help early and not wait until it becomes unbearable.
  • They highlight the need for legislation and frameworks around mental health in universities to prevent student suicides.
  • There is a discussion about the stigma surrounding mental health and how it can prevent people from seeking help or feeling worthy of support.
  • The speaker emphasizes that surviving difficult times is an accomplishment and encourages self-empowerment.

Building Resilience and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

44:11 - 49:56

  • Surviving difficult times makes a person stronger and more resilient.
  • It is important to be honest about experiencing difficult times.
  • Leaders should be more honest about their failures and struggles.
  • Failure is a necessary part of the learning process.
  • Taking care of mental and physical health is crucial in building a meaningful environment.
  • Having open communication within teams can prevent issues from escalating.
  • Using a system like Red Amber Green can help identify and address emotional well-being.

Practical Tips for Mental Fitness and Personal Growth

49:38 - 55:40

  • Identify your color on the red amber green scale and explain why
  • Train your subconscious mind to think positively
  • Conduct a mental health audit using the wheel of life
  • Score different areas of your life to assess happiness and alignment
  • Create a toolkit for maintaining mental fitness and coping with bad days
  • Alcohol is not an effective coping mechanism for stress
  • The Wheel of Life exercise can help identify areas for improvement
  • Being open to new ways of thinking and introspection leads to success

Perspective, Boundaries, and Taking Control of Your Path

55:14 - 1:01:23

  • Being open to new ways of thinking and introspection leads to success
  • Schools should focus on building well-rounded, resilient children
  • Understanding the source of discomfort is important for personal growth
  • Lack of sleep can contribute to feeling rubbish
  • is a great resource for STEM-related learning
  • Setting boundaries is crucial for mental fitness and reclaiming one's life

Creating Breathing Space and Setting Boundaries

1:06:49 - 1:12:47

  • Creating space and setting boundaries allows for increased productivity and prevents wasting time.
  • Saying no to social events or activities that don't align with your goals or bring you joy is important.
  • Commit fully to the things you choose to do, giving your best effort.
  • Alcohol consumption can hinder productivity and overall well-being; stopping drinking can lead to positive outcomes in various areas of life.
  • Having an anchor phrase like 'I don't drink, but thank you' helps navigate social situations involving alcohol.
  • Setting boundaries around commitments and declining invitations without providing excuses is essential for valuing your time.
  • Taking time before making important decisions, especially after experiencing success or loss, allows for clearer thinking and better choices.

The Power of Saying No and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

1:12:23 - 1:18:17

  • Using the phrase 'I'm at capacity' is a polite way to decline requests without offending others.
  • Childhood experiences can contribute to people-pleasing tendencies and the fear of saying no.
  • Comparison culture extends beyond social media and affects productivity in the workspace.
  • It's important to understand why we post on social media and moderate who we follow.
  • Setting boundaries and being mindful of our reactions are crucial for mental well-being.
  • Imposter syndrome is common, as the human mind is negatively biased for self-protection.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Pursuing Personal Growth

1:17:49 - 1:24:18

  • The human mind is negatively biased as a protective mechanism.
  • Our brain retains memories to learn from the past and make decisions in the present.
  • Imposter syndrome is caused by the negatively biased mindset trying to protect us from negative outcomes.
  • Imposter syndrome can prevent people from taking action and pursuing their goals.
  • Having a perspective of being good but not perfect is important in dealing with imposter syndrome.
  • Applying perspective and asking 'what's the worst that can happen?' helps overcome imposter syndrome.
  • Most people experience imposter syndrome at certain times in their lives, even highly skilled individuals.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Living Fully

1:23:54 - 1:29:57

  • Imposter syndrome is common even among highly skilled professionals.
  • When imposter feelings arise, look for evidence to the contrary.
  • Imposter syndrome can be a result of feeling overwhelmed by new responsibilities.
  • Use imposter feelings as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and learning.
  • Many doctors hesitate to share their knowledge due to self-doubt and fear of judgment.
  • Doctors should feel empowered to share their expertise and help others.
  • Having hobbies and interests outside of medicine can enhance a doctor's understanding of health.
  • Don't be ashamed to step outside traditional medical hierarchies in pursuit of knowledge and enrichment.
  • Critically evaluate feedback received, considering both jealousy and truthfulness.
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome allows individuals to live their lives fully without regrets.

Finding Balance and Taking Control of Your Path

1:29:27 - 1:35:25

  • Don't let imposter syndrome prevent you from living your life.
  • The average human lifespan is 70-80 years, which is a blink of an eye compared to the Earth's existence.
  • In two generations, most of the things you worry about now will be forgotten.
  • If you want to pursue something new or make a change in your life, go for it.
  • Happiness is not the ultimate goal; finding balance and peace is more important.
  • Feeling a range of emotions, including sadness and grief, is normal and necessary.
  • Stop chasing constant happiness and focus on contentment and purpose in each day.
  • Define what a good life means to you and take steps towards achieving it.
  • Don't let yourself be carried along by external expectations; set boundaries and take control of your own path.

Embracing Discomfort and Seeking Help

1:35:04 - 1:37:26

  • Moving constantly without boundaries leads to following the direction of the river.
  • Discomfort in life is a signal that something needs attention.
  • Pain is necessary to know when something is wrong.
  • Struggling will pass, ask for help and never give up.
  • Focus on your own thoughts rather than the opinions of others.
  • Subscribe, leave a review, and check out related episodes.