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All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg

E138: Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in conversation with the Besties

Fri Jul 21 2023
Window EncounterCompanies and Social MissionsPurpose and MeaningPopulismMerit-Based ImmigrationDealing with PutinRecognizing GrievancesBanking CrisisCampaign StrategiesGender IdentityNational SecurityFree SpeechClandestine AgreementsMedia BiasGoing Viral on Social MediaFundamental IssuesBank Crisis and PopulismMars Photos


This episode covers a wide range of topics including playful window encounters, companies and social missions, filling the void of purpose and meaning, populism and immigration, merit-based immigration and American exceptionalism, dealing with Putin and defending Taiwan, recognizing grievances and election controversies, Vivek's campaign and the banking crisis, RFK Jr., campaign strategies, gender identity and populism, national security and Ukraine, free speech and lockdowns, clandestine agreements and media bias, Vivek's campaign and going viral on social media, RFK Jr. and fundamental issues, Vivek's social media campaign and the bank crisis, bank crisis and populism, and Mars photos.


Young people are hungry for purpose and meaning

The decay in religious affiliation and two-parent families has created a void in social norms for young people. Short-lived causes can lead to an escalation of the need for more, which is dangerous for society. An affirmative vision based on individual, family, nation, and God can counterbalance race, gender, sexuality, and climate as prescriptions for the void.

Populism is driven by unhappiness and recognition of grievances

Unhappiness at home often leads to a desire for external conflict. Economic stagnation and lack of wage growth contribute to populism. Recognition of legitimate grievances and truth is necessary for healing and moving forward as one nation.

Vivek's campaign has gained traction despite initial low polling numbers

Vivek's poll numbers have risen from under 1% to above 5%. He inserts himself into debates on various issues regularly. His approach is to speak honestly and in real time, even if it means changing his mind occasionally.

Banking crisis raises questions about government intervention

There was a disagreement about whether Vivek caused a banking crisis with a tweet. Vivek believes government intervention in the banking crisis was unnecessary. Stopping a bank run is crucial to prevent contagion.

Recognizing psychological struggles instead of affirming confusion in children who identify as transgender

There is a difference between kids and adults when discussing gender identity. The speaker argues for recognizing psychological struggles instead of affirming confusion in children who identify as transgender. Waiting until adulthood for surgical or hormonal interventions is supported.

Vivek's social media campaign is effective in going viral

Vivek is running an effective social media campaign, addressing issues as they come up and being nimble in responding to viral topics. Going viral on social media is key to gaining traction and reaching a wider audience.

Clandestine agreements and money in politics raise concerns

There may be a clandestine agreement between Vivek and Trump through a back channel. Candidates like Vivek, RFK Jr., and Trump are bucking the trends of lifelong politicians and excessive money in politics. The current system of career politicians and money in politics contributes to government spending and lack of accountability.

The media should provide unedited interviews to shape the narrative

Biden's interviews are often edited and scripted, raising questions about his ability to handle unscripted conversations. The media should not put the fix in for Biden by editing his interviews to shape the narrative. Free speech and open debate are crucial, especially during emergencies like the pandemic.

Vivek's campaign addresses fundamental issues and goes viral on social media

RFK Jr. didn't fully own some fundamental issues like deconstructing the military industrial complex and the Department of Education. Vivek's social media campaign is effective in going viral, addressing issues as they come up, and engaging in full discourse without speaking notes or an agenda.

Bank crisis raises concerns about contagion

Stopping a bank run is crucial to prevent contagion. There is division within the Republican Party regarding prioritizing Ukraine over domestic issues. Many GOP elites prioritize Ukraine, while the base focuses on domestic concerns.

Photos taken on Mars are cool and incredible

Photos taken on Mars are cool and incredible.


  1. Chapter 1: Saxi and Zach's Window Encounter
  2. Chapter 2: Companies and Social Missions
  3. Chapter 3: Filling the Void of Purpose and Meaning
  4. Chapter 4: Populism, Inequality, and Immigration
  5. Chapter 5: Merit-Based Immigration and American Exceptionalism
  6. Chapter 6: A Deal with Putin and Defending Taiwan
  7. Chapter 7: Populism, Unhappiness, and Recognition of Grievances
  8. Chapter 8: Vivek's Campaign and Bank Crisis
  9. Chapter 9: Judging Leaders and Election Controversies
  10. Chapter 10: Banking Crisis, Hush Money, and Election Results
  11. Chapter 11: RFK Jr., Vivek, and Campaign Strategies
  12. Chapter 12: Social Media Campaigns and School Choice
  13. Chapter 13: Gender Identity, Psychological Struggles, and Populism
  14. Chapter 14: National Security, Ukraine, and Populism
  15. Chapter 15: Free Speech, Lockdowns, and Bank Crisis
  16. Chapter 16: Vivek's Campaign and Going Viral on Social Media
  17. Chapter 17: Clandestine Agreements, Money in Politics, and Media Bias
  18. Chapter 18: Vivek's Campaign, RFK Jr., and Going Viral on Social Media
  19. Chapter 19: Vivek's Social Media Campaign and Bank Crisis
  20. Chapter 20: Bank Crisis, Populism, and Mars Photos

Chapter 1: Saxi and Zach's Window Encounter

00:00 - 07:35

  • Saxi asks Zach to come outside his window and wave at him
  • Zach's butlers hold him up on their shoulders
  • David confirms that he is wearing blue shorts
  • Saxi and Zach have a playful interaction
  • They plan to meet up later

Chapter 2: Companies and Social Missions

07:08 - 13:49

  • Three advisors resigned after making offensive arguments
  • The speaker stepped down to speak freely
  • Companies should focus on products and services, not social missions
  • A new company called Strive competes against BlackRock and State Street
  • Young people are hungry for purpose and meaning

Chapter 3: Filling the Void of Purpose and Meaning

13:21 - 20:21

  • CEOs should recognize their role in providing direction and purpose
  • Decay in religious affiliation and two-parent families has created a void
  • Short-lived causes can lead to a dangerous escalation of needs
  • An affirmative vision based on individual, family, nation, and God can counterbalance prescriptions for the void
  • Increasing disparity between haves and have-nots has driven populism

Chapter 4: Populism, Inequality, and Immigration

19:52 - 26:42

  • Inequality and perception of inequality drive populism
  • Government spending has increased due to public demands
  • Unlocking American energy and embracing nuclear power stimulate growth
  • Paying people more to stay at home hinders job and GDP growth
  • Merit-based immigration and work requirements for entitlements are discussed

Chapter 5: Merit-Based Immigration and American Exceptionalism

26:13 - 32:53

  • Skills matching job openings and civic commitments should be criteria for merit-based immigration
  • A stronger stance on illegal immigration is advocated
  • Civics test should be required for high school students and immigrants
  • American exceptionalism is about setting an example, not imposing values on other countries

Chapter 6: A Deal with Putin and Defending Taiwan

32:40 - 39:21

  • A deal with Putin is proposed to end the Ukraine war
  • Reopening economic relations with Russia could incentivize Putin to dissolve his relationship with China
  • Ending the Russia-China partnership would deter Xi Jinping from going after Taiwan
  • Defending Taiwan is strategically necessary until the US achieves semiconductor independence

Chapter 7: Populism, Unhappiness, and Recognition of Grievances

38:58 - 45:51

  • Unhappiness at home leads to a desire for external conflict
  • Economic stagnation and lack of wage growth contribute to populism
  • Recognition of legitimate grievances and truth is necessary for healing and moving forward as one nation
  • Vivekramaswami's campaign has gained traction despite initial low polling numbers

Chapter 8: Vivek's Campaign and Bank Crisis

45:24 - 51:35

  • Vivek's poll numbers have risen from under 1% to above 5%
  • Vivek inserts himself into debates on various issues regularly
  • Vivek's approach is to speak honestly and in real time
  • There was a disagreement about whether Vivek caused a banking crisis with a tweet
  • Vivek believes government intervention in the banking crisis was unnecessary

Chapter 9: Judging Leaders and Election Controversies

51:13 - 57:42

  • Leaders are ultimately judged by their results
  • The election was stolen through the Hunter Biden laptop story and suppression of information
  • Criminalizing bad judgments during a presidential election is an awful judgment
  • Donald Trump did not incite violence with his speech before the Capitol attack
  • There is hard evidence that people would have elected a different president if they had access to certain information

Chapter 10: Banking Crisis, Hush Money, and Election Results

57:13 - 1:03:52

  • There is a stronger case for using hush money than not counting it as a federal campaign finance law violation
  • The indictment charges Trump according to one of the most un-American laws in US history
  • Facts and law matter, and if Trump was the best guy for the job, I wouldn't be running
  • Donald Trump Jr.'s involvement with a Ukrainian energy company is a scandal
  • The voters ultimately matter more than the establishment in influencing election results

Chapter 11: RFK Jr., Vivek, and Campaign Strategies

1:03:36 - 1:10:10

  • RFK Jr. and Vivek are similar outsider candidates who speak their minds
  • Trump's lasting impact is on the Republican party, moving it towards anti-war and strong borders
  • RFK Jr.'s campaign strategy appeals to the truck audience and promises to fix the system
  • Biden lacks accountability and discipline in spending
  • Vivek may not appeal to the masses due to his intelligence and articulation

Chapter 12: Social Media Campaigns and School Choice

1:09:42 - 1:16:10

  • Vivek is running an effective social media campaign
  • DeSantis is campaigning on making America Florida
  • Vivek addresses issues as they come up
  • Being nimble and addressing viral issues is key to going viral on social media
  • States with school choice programs should prevent teachers from joining unions

Chapter 13: Gender Identity, Psychological Struggles, and Populism

1:16:03 - 1:22:38

  • There is a difference between kids and adults when discussing gender identity
  • Gender dysphoria is a symptom of a deeper void in society
  • Young people are searching for something bigger than themselves
  • Abortion should be a state's issue, not legislated by the federal government
  • The pro-life movement should focus on promoting contraception and adoption

Chapter 14: National Security, Ukraine, and Populism

1:22:17 - 1:29:18

  • There is division within the Republican Party regarding prioritizing Ukraine over domestic issues
  • Many GOP elites prioritize Ukraine, while the base focuses on domestic concerns
  • 95% of attendees at a Turning Point conference were opposed to US involvement in Ukraine
  • The speaker is skeptical of the national security establishment and the Iraq war
  • The speaker believes prisoners in Guantanamo Bay should have constitutional due process rights

Chapter 15: Free Speech, Lockdowns, and Bank Crisis

1:35:24 - 1:41:49

  • Free speech and open debate are crucial, especially during emergencies like the pandemic
  • Lockdowns for children and the origin of the pandemic should have been openly debated
  • Anthony Fauci betrays science by substituting it with authority
  • The speaker is vaccinated but wouldn't have chosen to if he knew what he knows now
  • Our country is founded on free speech and open debate

Chapter 16: Vivek's Campaign and Going Viral on Social Media

1:41:24 - 1:48:28

  • Vivek is running an effective social media campaign
  • DeSantis is campaigning on making America Florida
  • Vivek addresses issues as they come up
  • Being nimble and addressing viral issues is key to going viral on social media
  • There are speculations about a clandestine agreement between Vivek and Trump

Chapter 17: Clandestine Agreements, Money in Politics, and Media Bias

1:48:12 - 1:54:51

  • There may be a clandestine agreement between Trump and a surrogate candidate
  • Earned media is more valuable than paid media in politics
  • Candidates like Vivek, RFK Jr., and Trump are bucking the trends of lifelong politicians and excessive money in politics
  • The current system of career politicians and money in politics contributes to government spending and lack of accountability
  • Biden's interviews are often edited and scripted, raising questions about his ability to handle unscripted conversations

Chapter 18: Vivek's Campaign, RFK Jr., and Going Viral on Social Media

1:54:28 - 2:00:41

  • RFK Jr. didn't fully own some fundamental issues like deconstructing the military industrial complex and the Department of Education
  • The pro-life pro-choice issue is complicated with arbitrary definitions of personhood
  • The decay of American society due to lack of religious institutions and family is tearing the country apart
  • RFK Jr. shines when discussing the military industrial complex and regulatory capture
  • Defending Taiwan for the next five years is vital due to America's dependency on semiconductor chips

Chapter 19: Vivek's Social Media Campaign and Bank Crisis

2:00:23 - 2:06:47

  • Vivek is running an effective social media campaign
  • DeSantis is campaigning on making America Florida
  • Vivek addresses issues as they come up
  • Being nimble and addressing viral issues is key to going viral on social media
  • There is a bank run underway that needs to be stopped

Chapter 20: Bank Crisis, Populism, and Mars Photos

2:06:21 - 2:10:03

  • Stopping a bank run is crucial to prevent contagion
  • There is division within the Republican Party regarding prioritizing Ukraine over domestic issues
  • Many GOP elites prioritize Ukraine, while the base focuses on domestic concerns
  • Photos taken on Mars are cool and incredible