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Startups For the Rest of Us

Episode 670 | Relying on Luck, Avoiding Burnout, and Bad Player vs. Bad Instrument (A Rob Solo Adventure)

Tue Jul 18 2023
successluckhard workSugar CultSeptember 11thburnoutrecognizing burnoutcoping with burnoutmarketing tacticshiring expertsinstrument qualityuncertaintyregret2023 expectations


The episode discusses the importance of relying on hard work and skill rather than luck for success. It explores the challenges faced by the band Sugar Cult and how their career didn't take off as expected. The episode also delves into the topic of burnout, providing strategies to recognize and cope with it. Effective marketing tactics and the benefits of hiring experts are discussed, along with insights on the impact of instrument quality on sound production. The episode concludes with a mention of the speaker's regret for not following advice on hiring experts in their own startups.


Relying on luck is not a great path for success

The episode emphasizes that success is a combination of hard work, luck, and skill, but relying solely on luck is not advisable.

Sugar Cult faced bad luck with their single release

The band Sugar Cult had put in the time and work, but they faced bad luck when their single was scheduled to release around September 11th. The negative connotations associated with the song's lyrics after the September 11th attacks affected its reception.

Recognizing signs of burnout and taking preventive measures

The episode highlights the importance of recognizing signs of burnout, such as feeling disinterested in learning more about startups or business. Strategies to cope with burnout include batching content creation, taking breaks from work, and engaging in non-work activities.

The impact of burnout on mental well-being

Burnout can happen even in a job you love. Taking time off, unplugging digitally, and giving oneself permission to rest are crucial for mental well-being and preventing burnout.

Effective marketing tactics and the role of experts

The episode discusses the importance of hiring experts with proven track records in specific marketing tactics to increase the chances of success. It advises considering hiring productized companies for various marketing tactics and highlights the benefits of expert advice.

The impact of instrument quality on sound production

Drawing a parallel between instrument quality and marketing approach effectiveness, the episode emphasizes that the quality of an instrument affects the sound produced, just as the fit of a marketing approach for a company at a given time impacts its effectiveness.

The uncertainty in evaluating marketing approach failure

Determining whether a marketing approach failed due to poor execution or unsuitability for the company's needs can be challenging, leading to uncertainty.

The regret of not following advice on hiring experts

The speaker expresses regret for not following advice on hiring experts in their own startups and wasting time on ineffective marketing approaches.

Expectations for 2023

The episode mentions that 2023 is expected to be an interesting year with recovery from 2022 and increased money flow through the system.


  1. Relying on luck and the challenges faced by Sugar Cult
  2. Recognizing and coping with burnout
  3. Effective marketing tactics and hiring experts

Relying on luck and the challenges faced by Sugar Cult

00:00 - 12:48

  • Relying on luck is not a great path for success
  • The podcast experienced technical difficulties with the RSS feed and had to switch to a new system hosted by Castos
  • Two exclusive episodes are available for download by entering your email address at
  • Success is a combination of hard work, luck, and skill
  • The band Sugar Cult had put in the time and work but faced bad luck when their single was scheduled to release around September 11th
  • After the September 11th attacks, there was a patriotic push in America
  • The band Sugar Cult released their single 'Stuck in America' around the same time
  • The song had a line about blowing up the neighborhood, which took on a negative meaning after September 11th
  • Despite getting radio play, Sugar Cult's career didn't take off as expected

Recognizing and coping with burnout

06:01 - 24:19

  • Luck is unpredictable, so it's better to rely on hard work and skill in entrepreneurship
  • Burnout can happen even in a job you love
  • To avoid burnout, it's important to recognize the signs and take steps to prevent it
  • Feeling disinterested in learning more about startups or business is a sign of burnout
  • Strategies to cope with burnout include batching content creation, taking breaks from work, and working from new locations
  • Taking time off and unplugging digitally can help recharge
  • Avoiding burnout is easier than recovering from it
  • Filling free time with non-work activities helps prevent constant thinking about work
  • Background processing can lead to productive problem-solving moments, but it can also cause burnout
  • Engaging in activities like tabletop gaming and playing the guitar can help break patterns and prevent burnout
  • Being mindful of tasks and determining if they need to be done or if someone else can do them can alleviate stress
  • Giving oneself permission to rest and take a break from grinding is important for mental well-being
  • Taking on fun work projects that are not urgent but have been on the to-do list can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment
  • Identifying burnout early is crucial for overcoming it more quickly

Effective marketing tactics and hiring experts

18:16 - 26:13

  • The quality of an instrument affects the sound produced, just as the effectiveness of a marketing approach depends on its fit for a company at a given time
  • Uncertainty arises when trying to determine if a marketing approach failed due to poor execution or because it was not suitable for the company's needs
  • Hiring experts with proven track records in specific marketing tactics can increase the chances of success
  • When it comes to marketing tactics, it's advisable to hire someone with a proven track record in the specific area you need help with
  • If you have the budget, consider hiring productized companies for cold outreach, SEO, pay-per-click ads, Facebook ads, AdWords, and other marketing tactics
  • Eliminate the possibility of doing it wrong by getting expert advice or hiring someone who is good at it
  • Even though there is still a chance of hiring someone who does it wrong, it's much lower than trying to figure it out yourself
  • The speaker regrets not following this advice in their own startups and wasting time on ineffective marketing approaches
  • 2023 is expected to be an interesting year with recovery from 2022 and more money moving through the system